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State - Church - Society: Issues Of Spiritual Security

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  • State - Church - Society: Issues Of Spiritual Security

    Gagik Terteryan cs&nid=1413
    27 October 2008

    As it is known the first and foremost task of national security
    is preservation of national system of values, and, first of all,
    its spiritual component. At the same time, real spiritual values are
    universal, and, accordingly, much significant than the national ones,
    that's why their preservation is the matter of national security. While
    considering the issue from this standpoint, it is worth taking
    into consideration that spiritual security of Armenia is not only
    conditioned by mere "Armenian" motives. The considerable part of
    our spiritual values has a character common to all mankind and,
    in that way, makes a part of the world civilization system. In its
    turn, it means that spiritual values of Armeniancy are subjects of
    global civilization. This circumstance is extremely important in the
    plane of world outlook, but, at the same time, is not a guarantor of
    security of our system of values.

    The spiritual sphere today is politicized as ever. Making unsteady
    and disorganizing a nation-competitor's system of values has become
    one of the main objectives of up-to-date information warfare waged in
    the context of civilization conflicts. The tendencies of present day
    developments have come to prove that overall and especially Christian
    systems of values are subject to serious threats. Thus, one should in
    particular come to the conclusion that the issue of overall spiritual
    system protection of Armeniancy has it share of rights and obligations.

    How serious the threats directed against humanity are has come to
    be proved by the fact that some analysts already consider up-to-date
    political developments from post-historical, so called eschatological
    (apocalyptical) standpoint. Such a standpoint is of methodological
    significance as in that way an attempt is made to unify material
    and spiritual in the political sphere, or theoretically get rid of
    such an assertion that politics and morality are incompatible. On
    this occasion let's mention that today as well, according to some
    classics of the strategy, "a big strategy" is to enclose "morality,"
    otherwise it will not be effective.

    Ensuring of our spiritual security requires involvement of all the
    potential of Church, State and Society. At that, it is known that
    semantic correlation of these subjects (except for separate examples)
    is still up to the mark.

    In the past there were known cases when State and Church signed
    agreements - a concordat which was called to regulate relations between
    spiritual and secular authorities and ensure harmony. However, on
    the present stage the agreement reached between them is not enough:
    today it is difficult to imagine any kind of harmony without society
    with its moods and frames of mind. At that, spiritual and secular
    perceptions in today's Armenian society (especially in the absence
    of overall national ideology) are manifold and often contradicting,
    which makes the agreement formation atmosphere even more complicated.

    In addition to the above mentioned let's mention that in the society
    are introduced ideological regulations which don't coincide with
    formation of harmony between spiritual and secular components. In
    particular one of these concepts is "civil society". Welcoming
    manifestations of civil activity, self-organization and zeal
    ascribed to such a society, we are also anxious that such a form
    and content of a society organization supposes certain atomization
    of a society, aggravation of contradictions among its various
    segments. We suppose that some regulations of "civil" society also
    include elements of totalitarian ideology as they try to assert in
    peoples' minds inevitable antagonism in society-authorities relations,
    thus reminding Bolshevist class approaches. Certain issues are also
    raised in connection with absolutization of the term "human rights,"
    which also often make a ground for radical, formalized interpretations.

    However, it is obvious that confrontation to these foreign challenges
    and making use of opportunities flowing out of these challenges is
    realizable only in case of sufficient internal spiritual resources
    the deficiency of which is obvious today. One should only say that
    the world combination "spiritual power" is almost not used in our
    information plane. It is partially conditioned by passive position of
    Armenian Church to the society's actual problems. At the same time
    Armenian Statehood plays the most important role in the spiritual
    sphere and in this connection it is worth mentioning the theological
    concept "katekhon" interpreted as containment of permissiveness which
    is considered to be the holly responsibility of the State. Today it
    is necessary to restore this role of secular authority: the state must
    undertake the whole complex of secular functions of ensuring spiritual
    security. It is to be mentioned that Armenian Church, Armenian State
    and Armeniancy as a whole are endowed with such qualities which are
    necessary to form and preserve the society's spiritual core.

    In particular, Armenian Church is one of those exclusive churches
    for which it is alien both secularization (mortification) inherent
    to western churches (especially the protestant ones) and orthodox,
    extremely conservative approaches of eastern churches. In other words,
    our centuries-old spiritual-church culture is more than concordant
    with the challenges of up-to-date globalization. Displaying a striking
    example of original Armenian civilization our Church must play the
    main role in the future multi-civilization world order, and its
    mission is not only limited by Armenia and Armeniancy. In that way
    Armenian Church is for centuries engaged in the issues of organizing
    Armeniancy, according to the present day terminology, is competitive
    and, accordingly, is obliged to undertake the role of our society's
    spiritual leader.

    Mission of spiritual and secular authorities is to serve the
    society. In its turn the society's spiritual and intellectual substance
    is devaluated if it doesn't follow its national-spiritual essence and
    doesn't serve its nation. Armenian Church and Armenian State are to
    work out and carry out projects which will make spiritual atmosphere
    in the society and ensure ideological harmony.

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