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Bruce Tasker: How Much Will Azerbaijan Pay The Kocharian / Sargsyan

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  • Bruce Tasker: How Much Will Azerbaijan Pay The Kocharian / Sargsyan

    11:36:14 - 27/10/2008

    Bruce Tasker who blows the whistle of the World Bank in Washington
    analyses the recent situation about the territories surrounding

    My analysis of the situation is that Sargsyan is in fact going ahead
    with the 'Sell-out' of Karabakh, which in principle should be the
    return of the surrounding territories, but taking into account recent
    reports, might even now include capitulation on Karabakh itself. This
    program has been planned by Robert Kocharian, under preparation for
    several years, and I argue supported by the World Bank (and the IMF).

    Following the South Ossetia conflict, Russia has been planning
    to isolate Georgia, and has required that Armenia cut off the
    electricity it supplies to Georgia's rail system, which would in turn
    have led to a new Georgian blockade of Armenia. For this reason,
    Serzh has been rushing to open the Turkish border, which has meant
    resolving three issues; Karabakh, Genocide, and the Armenian lands
    in eastern Turkey. That situation fundamentally changed when on the
    10th October Tigran Sarkissian met with Dick Cheney, which signaled
    closer cooperation between Armenia and the US, and which inevitably
    meant that Armenia would not act in a detrimental manner to America's
    close friend and ally Georgia.

    Seemingly, Armenia has acted against Russia's better interests, but
    it is also possible that Armenia and Russia had planned this move
    jointly to alleviate growing tensions between Russia and the US. In
    any event, the Georgian transit route was consequently to stay open
    and the pressure to open the Turkish border was therefore relieved.

    We are now back to square one, Armenia has to agree to a resolution
    on the Karabakh issue, the agreement Kocharian has been promising for
    several years. So the question is simple; how much will Azerbaijan
    pay the Kocharian / Sargsyan regime for a peaceful resolution to the
    problem. If the regime accepts the package, then the agreement will
    be signed. If not, Sargsyan will provoke Azerbaijan into the war they
    have been threatening.

    It is inevitable that this time Armenia will lose that war, but
    throughout the duration, which could be several months, Azerbaijan
    will pay the heavy cost of the war and lose it's two billion dollar
    monthly income from oil exports. Armenia will also pay a high price,
    but in the event of a war, Serzh will not suffer personally, but will
    come out a hero, rather than a traitor for capitulating on Karabakh,
    seemingly with nothing to show for Armenia.

    My estimation is the Kocharian / Sargsyan demand for a peaceful
    settlement at about $5 billion (maybe more), which could come in cash,
    materials, goods, or high-value projects. In any event the compensation
    package will eventually benefit the regime, not the peoples of Armenia
    and Karabakh to whom it rightly belongs.

    I have been regularly articulating these issues through 'khosq',
    and the program is proceeding exactly as I have anticipated, although
    with some delays resulting from the bloody 1st March events.

    Latest news: Turkey's President Gul announced the US in Ankara his
    dismay to Serzh's sudden change in position, after having asked him
    at the famous football match to discuss the Karabakh matter with
    Aliyev in Baku. Turkey is a close US ally and it is possible that
    Gul is in fact a US mouthpiece, in which case, if Serzh does not
    soon go ahead with the agreement to solve the Karabakh conflict,
    we might soon start to hear more from Gul.

    Every effort should be made to expose the "Karabakh Sell-out" which
    is in process, and Armenia MUST receive compensation for the return
    of the surrounding territories. Most important, the compensation
    package belongs to the people.

    Regards, Bruce Tasker Still Blowing the World Bank Whistle in