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Serge Sargsyan's Interview With H1 Channel

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  • Serge Sargsyan's Interview With H1 Channel

    16:19:42 - 27/10/2008

    Mr. President, the discourse of the settlement of the Karabakh issue
    has been revived recently, different evaluations and forecasts are
    made. What phase are we in now in reality?

    The reality is that after a lasting phase of passiveness the settlement
    of the Karabakh issue has stepped into an active phase. This is
    determined by at least two important circumstances: first, the
    presidential elections ended in both Armenia and Azerbaijan, and
    second, the famous events in the region once again showed to everyone
    that the military way of solution of the conflict is impossible.

    The settlement of the Karabakh conflict is possible if Azerbaijan
    recognizes the self-determination of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh,
    if Nagorno-Karabakh has a land border with the Republic of Armenia,
    and if the international organizations and leading countries guarantee
    the security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    I think activity is useful, public debates are useful, and I am
    deeply convinced that soon we will enter a more active phase of
    public debates.

    Discussions are always useful but only one interest should be
    underlying it, the interest of the Armenian people. We have contributed
    a lot to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict in order to shut an
    eye on or overlook the facts of manipulation.

    We are solving a cherished issue. We are solving an important
    historical problem, and it is not immoral to pursue other interests
    in the solution of this historical problem.

    Mr. President, judging by the recent developments, the other regional
    actors seem to become more active in the settlement of the Karabakh
    issue. In particular, I mean the Russian president Medvedev's
    initiative on the meeting of the three presidents, and the statement
    of the Turkish president Abdullah Gul that you seem to have been the
    first to ask him to give their assistance to the settlement. Would
    you comment on this?

    First, I should note that the framework of the settlement of the
    Karabakh issue is the OSCE Minsk Group, based on the principles
    of Madrid.

    It has been said for a number of times, and I now repeat that there
    are no other mediators, the only mediators are the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairs, and the fuss that is made about it is not helpful to us
    in any way. I repeat the only mediators are the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairs, Armenia has never asked any country to mediate. Russia is
    one of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, and Dmitry Medvedev's
    invitation and activity about this issue are quite regular.

    As to commenting on President Gul's statement, first I would like to
    note that you must have noticed that usually I do not comment on what
    other people say, especially that the media cite passages separated
    from the context.

    The reality is that the only mediators are the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairs, and we do not turn down any assistance. Yes, I am sure that
    Turkey may give assistance to the settlement of the Karabakh issue,
    and I think it now does give. The visit of President Gul to Yerevan,
    the continuation of the Armenian and Turkish negotiations is an
    excellent model of solution of complicated problems. I am sure if
    Turkey opened the borders and set up diplomatic relations, it would
    be a great assistance to the settlement of the Karabakh issue.

    Mr. President, what are your thoughts on the effectiveness of our army?

    Our army is effective. It is more effective then yesterday, and
    yesterday it was more effective than the day before.

    Army building is lasting, hard work taking a lot of effort, which
    is based on devotion, and the idea and mindset that something should
    add each day.

    Every year our army's arms and effectiveness, and most importantly
    morale increase. It is the most important weapon of our army.