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Horseman stabilized Celtics

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  • Horseman stabilized Celtics

    Horseman stabilized Celtics
    By Bob Ryan, Globe Columnist

    Boston Globe
    October 26, 2008

    Harry Mangurian was a big man with the ponies. I really had no idea
    just how big until he died last Sunday and the tributes came pouring

    I guess all you need to know is that he won the 2001 Eclipse Award of
    Merit for his lifetime contributions to the sport of thoroughbred
    racing. I learned how he was the leading North American breeder by
    earnings four consecutive years (1999-2002), that he was the leading
    breeder by individual stakes winners from 1999-2001, and that he was
    twice recognized as the national Breeder of the Year (1998, 2000) by
    the Thoroughbred Breeders and Owners Association.

    And all I knew was that he owned a horse farm in Florida.

    All of this is very interesting. To me, Harry Mangurian was the guy
    who saved the Boston Celtics from being turned into the Anchorage
    Iceboxes or Key West Keystone Kops by buying out John Y. Brown. If
    that guy had maintained any kind of influence with the team, Red
    Auerbach really would have gone to New York, Larry Bird would never
    have signed here, and there is a very real possibility the Boston
    Celtics would have ceased to exist.

    So, yes, say a prayer for the man, or whatever it is you do to honor
    the distinguished deceased. Harry T. Mangurian was a very important
    figure in the history of Boston sports.

    "That was a very dark and difficult time in the history of the
    franchise," asserts Jan Volk, then the Celtics' assistant general
    manager and later, of course, the successor to Auerbach as GM. "I
    think Harry Mangurian is underappreciated and under-recognized for who
    he was and what he did for the team at that particular point in
    time. Some of it was circumstantial, but he certainly provided a
    necessary alternative to John Y."

    "He was an owner at a very interesting time," said NBA commissioner
    David Stern. "He had a colorful and interesting partner, and he was a
    key component in holding that team together at a very difficult time."

    The Mangurian money had come from a family furniture store in
    Rochester, N.Y. Harry T. Mangurian Jr., born 1926, died 2008,
    parlayed the money he made from the store into a merger with the
    General Portland Cement Company. He had interests in banking, real
    estate, and construction. He founded Drexel Investments Inc., a Fort
    Lauderdale-based firm that constructed and sold 10,000 units in South

    He entered sports by buying into the Buffalo Braves, who were, for a
    brief time, an important part of the fabric of life in Western New
    York. He was John Y. Brown's partner in the great team swap of 1978,
    when Irv Levin bought the Braves from them and moved the franchise to
    San Diego, with the two Buffalo owners assuming control of the
    Celtics. The man who brokered that deal was a bright young league
    counsel named David Stern.

    John Y. Brown was the bombastic big mouth married to the Miss
    America/CBS-TV personality, Phyllis George. Harry Mangurian was the
    so-called "silent partner." (With John Y., there was no other
    kind). He wasn't exactly the loquacious type, but he had excellent
    powers of observation, and he must have recognized what his partner
    was doing to this historic franchise and knew only he could stop Brown
    from destroying it.

    Accordingly, he bought out Brown when the latter decided to run for
    governor of Kentucky and was in firm control of the team when it came
    time to sign the No. 1 draft pick from 1978 before a calendar year
    expired, or the Celtics would lose the rights to Indiana State star
    Larry Bird.

    There is a longstanding urban myth that Harry muscled aside his GM to
    take control of the Bird negotiations with agent Bob Woolf. Not quite,
    says Volk.

    "But he played a role, absolutely," Volk recalls. "He was the
    owner. He had to play a role. He didn't do any of the negotiations
    that I know of. But it was the biggest rookie contract in the history
    of the league and it had to be approved by the owner. He had to take
    the risk on it."

    "Horses," Bird says. "That's the first thing I think of with Harry
    Mangurian. I remember being in contract negotiations and he said he
    couldn't pay me that number because it was more than one of his horses
    was worth. It gave me a good laugh."

    Though Mangurian may have started out as John Y's "silent partner,"
    Volk quickly discovered after Mangurian took charge that he was now
    working for a demanding and inquisitive owner.

    "He was a very, very strong-minded guy," says Volk. "He was a
    hands-on, active owner. He wanted to know everything that was going
    on, and we would talk for hours every day, more than once."

    "He was a complete gentleman," remembers Stern. "He was protective of
    the Celtics and viewed them as under constant assault from the Lakers
    and the Knicks."

    Volk's first major experience with Mangurian came when John
    Y. personally traded three No. 1 picks that had been carefully
    collected by Auerbach to the Knicks for Bob McAdoo.

    "That deal was done without Red's input or approval, and, in fact,
    with Red's disapproval," Volk explains.

    That was bad enough. But when Mangurian discovered that as part of the
    deal the Celtics would be assuming a rather large financial obligation
    to McAdoo that carried over from the contract he had originally signed
    with Buffalo, he said no.

    "He said to me, 'I don't care how you get it done; that has to go
    away,' " Volk says. "He was decisive and he was smart."

    He was probably the most stable owner the Celtics had known since
    Walter Brown, and now we're going back to the mid '60s. He was the
    owner when the Celtics went from 29 victories in 1978-79 to 61 in
    1979-80 and then to a 14th championship the following year. He just
    wasn't in it for the long haul, selling the team to the triumvirate of
    Donald Gaston, Alan Cohen, and Paul Dupee for $18 million in 1983 and
    then heading down to Florida for good. That was more than 150 stakes
    winners ago.

    Messrs. Gaston, Cohen, and Dupee rode the NBA wave before selling to
    the current ownership for $360 million. No one ever heard Harry
    Mangurian complain. He liked his horses and he liked his life in
    Florida. But it is too bad people forgot about him, because every
    Celtics fan owes him thanks.

    "He was the right guy at the right moment for the Celtics franchise,"
    maintains Volk. "It's fortuitous that he was there."

    Save a little spot for him in your Winner's Circle of Boston sports,

    Bob Ryan is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at [email protected]. etball/celtics/articles/2008/10/26/horseman_stabil ized_celtics/