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Compared To Nancy Pelosi, Governor Palin A "Roads" Scholar!

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  • Compared To Nancy Pelosi, Governor Palin A "Roads" Scholar!

    By John Lillpop

    NewsBlaze 1028133542lill.nb/topstory.html
    Oct 28 2008

    Liberals and their humble servants in the mainstream media have waged
    all out war against Governor Palin by arguing that the governor does
    not possess the requisite intellect to be president should disaster
    befall her 72-year old boss, John McCain.

    Mind you, the angst on the left is not (they say) driven by the
    governor's conservative politics and or her Republican heritage. Rather
    it is a simple matter of wanting what is best for America, and
    questioning whether or not Sarah Palin has sufficient gray matter to
    take over the Oval Office should worse come to worse.

    As with most liberal arguments, this one is a hypocritical hoot,
    a real belly gusher in fact!

    Think about it. Nancy Pelosi, a liberal Democrat, is third in line
    for succession to the presidency!

    Has there ever been a more frightening prospect in U.S. history? Nancy
    Pelosi in the White House! She is the only living politician who
    would confuse "Roads" with Rhodes.

    We are talking about the diminished capacity Pelosi who claims to be
    unaware of the fact that abortion is a no-no in the Catholic Church.

    At sixty-six years of age and after a lifetime of being an active
    Catholic all of her life, this air head contends that the doctors of
    the Church have not yet decided whether or not killing an innocent
    fetus is a sin?

    That would also be the same Pelosi who favored a House resolution,
    the Armenian Genocide bill that would have condemned Turkey for acts
    that took place 90 years ago, from 1915 to 1917.

    Pelosi's mindless meddling in the Middle East threatened U.S. access
    to a military base in Turkey that was a crucial staging ground for
    supplies headed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

    That would also be the same Pelosi who actually said the following,
    in part, recently:

    "If the Democrats win, and have substantial majorities, Congress of
    the United States will be more bipartisan," said Pelosi

    That "logic" makes about as much sense as telling a smoker to light
    up more often, and inhale more deeply, to ward off lung cancer and
    heart disease.

    Or as intelligent as telling a morbidly obese person to triple his
    or her fat intake while eliminating all physical exercise in order
    to get rid of that protruding mid section and multiple chins. ews/politics&id=6473426

    Of course, Governor Palin has never done or said anything even remotely
    as stupid as Nancy Pelosi!

    To all those liberals who are worried about the White House falling
    into the hands of a complete moron: Vote against Nancy Pelosi!