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The Principal Tool Of Revealing The Truth

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  • The Principal Tool Of Revealing The Truth

    S. Haroutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    28 Oct 2008

    Whether the parliamentary opposition (represented by the 'Heritage'
    faction) and the pro-Levon public (represented by the 'congressmen')
    are making attempts to confess from the outset that they refuse to
    cooperate with the authorities in the frameworks of the fact-finding

    DAVID HAROUTYUNYAN, Head of the NA Committee on State and Legal
    Affairs and leader of the Armenian delegation in the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), presents his comments in
    response to the questions of "Hayots Ashkharh".

    "Making predictions is, in general, an ungrateful job. Especially
    with regard to the issue whether the parliamentary opposition and
    the leader of the extra-parliamentary opposition will send their
    representatives to work in the fact-finding group.

    Anyway, I think that the participation of the opposition will be very
    important. Moreover, it is very essential for them to realize the
    importance of their own participation in those activities. Especially
    considering the fact that the international community anticipates
    the opposition to send its representatives.

    The group that we now have was set up as a result of very active
    and intensive discussions in which we also involved international
    experts who are highly experienced in the activities of the formation
    of similar structures. And they all definitely hold the viewpoint
    that the independent fact-finding structure is the principal tool
    for revealing the truth.

    As to what results this structure will attain and what facts it will
    eventually submit to the committee depends on the process. Refusing
    to participate in the activities of the committee from now on is the
    same as to announce that they do not agree to its opinion from the
    outset, regardless the fact what that opinion will be. Such approach
    is ineffective. But as I already said, I do hope that the opposition
    will eventually have its participation in the activities of the group."

    "Should, nonetheless, the radical opposition again guide itself by
    the tactics of boycott, won't the activity of the fact-finding group
    become an end in itself?"

    "Be it as it may, the group has to be set up. It cannot be doomed to
    idleness from now on. I am very happy that the Human Rights Defender
    is also going to be involved in its activities. I consider this a
    very important factor.

    Regardless everything, I consider the establishment of the fact-finding
    group useful, and I am sure that its activities will be effective."