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Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia To Discuss Nagorny Karabakh

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  • Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia To Discuss Nagorny Karabakh


    RIA Novosti
    13:35 | 29/ 10/ 2008

    MOSCOW, October 29 (RIA Novosti) - The presidents of Azerbaijan,
    Armenia and Russia will meet in Moscow on Sunday to discuss the
    Nagorny Karabakh conflict, the Kremlin press service said on Wednesday.

    "Under an agreement, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan will meet in the presence of Russian President
    Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow on November 2 to discuss a settlement to
    the Nagorny Karabakh conflict," the statement reads.

    Medvedev announced plans to invite his Azerbaijani and Armenian
    counterparts to the negotiating table in Moscow while on a visit to
    Yerevan last Tuesday.

    He said Georgia's August attack on South Ossetia had underlined the
    need to settle complicated issues only on the basis of international
    principles and negotiation.

    In his inauguration speech on Friday, Aliyev said he categorically
    opposed independence for Nagorny Karabakh, a region in Azerbaijan with
    a largely Armenian population. The region declared its independence
    from Azerbaijan to join Armenia in 1988 and has been a source of
    conflict ever since.

    Alieyv, who was reelected for the second term on October 15, said
    however, that talks could lead to a fair settlement.

    Sargsyan said Armenia was ready to continue talks on the basis of
    the Madrid principles which allow for the recognition of Nagorny
    Karabakh's independence.

    Russia's Vremya Novostei daily said on Wednesday the meeting involving
    the three presidents, which have all been inaugurated this year,
    would be particularly interesting.

    "The five-day war between Russia and Georgia has moved this conflict
    from the frozen-conflict category to the more dangerous category of
    conflicts set to 'defrost' quickly or even 'reheat,'" the newspaper