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BAKU: CE Director General Urges Azerbaijan To Continue Application O

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  • BAKU: CE Director General Urges Azerbaijan To Continue Application O


    Trend News Agency
    Oct 29 2008

    France, Strasburg, 29 October /TrendNews corr. A.Gasimova / Exclusive
    interview of Trend News with the Council of Europe (CE) Director
    General for Political Affairs Jean-Louis Laurens:

    Question: What is your appraisal of the current level of cooperation
    between Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe?

    Answer: The cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe is
    developing at a high level and is based on mutual trust. Implementation
    of the election action plan within the CE-Azerbaijan cooperation is
    a bright example in this respect. This plan was an important element
    enabling to hold elections in the most democratic conditions. As you
    know, Ago Monitoring Group of the CE Ministerial Committee and PACE
    exercises control over implementation of the CE commitments. Certainly,
    there are still issues that must be solved, including freedom of
    assembly, press, the issues related to political prisoners. Those are
    questions pending their solution and the Government of Azerbaijan
    should strive to fulfil all obligations set for it while joining
    the organization.

    Question: What distinguishes the 15 October presidential election in
    Azerbaijan from the previous ones?

    Answer: I can refer only to joint official statements of the
    observation missions, that is, the PACE and the OSCE Office for
    Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. Their statements indicate
    the advancements in the elections and also emphasize that from
    now on efforts will be made in the abovementioned areas. I think
    the work carried out before the election in an effort to improve
    democratic practices in institutional and legislation fields,
    as well as elections, should be continued. This statement of the
    election observation mission was made with a purpose to hold the
    next elections - municipal elections in 2009, parliamentary - 2010,
    in a democratic manner.

    As to critical opinions related to the election, along with positive
    aspects the official statement of the observation mission also includes
    negative milestones. This is itself is an indication. Now I cannot
    say anything about what decision PACE will make during the discussion
    over the observation mission's report. The practice is that this
    report will be included in the agenda of the next plenary session of
    the organization in January, as soon as it is considered by the PACE
    Bureau. It would be premature to say whether there is criticism or
    not. On the other hand, the chairman of the Ministerial Committee,
    Swedish FM Carl Bildt spoke on the issue. I have nothing more to
    add. We discussed at the secretariat the control over elections, and
    there are ideas to continue the cooperation. The Azerbaijani delegation
    to the CE expressed its readiness to cooperate to ensure democratic
    manner of local and parliamentary elections. As to non-participation
    of the opposition parties in the election, I can say that boycotting
    has never been a correct and good policy. The "empty chair policy"
    was not a good one. I cannot put myself in the place of the political
    forces in Azerbaijan.

    Question: Does the Council of Europe have another action plan on

    Answer: Still there is no ready plan. Still it is early. Both the
    CE and the Government of Azerbaijan have the desire to continue
    co-operation in this regard. Besides, in democracy there is a
    pre-election stage and the post-election stage. We are always at the
    pre-election stage and the post-stage elections. The principle of
    democracy is to hold balanced and democratic elections at all levels -
    presidential, parliamentary, municipal elections. Therefore, assistance
    to the election and the desire to co-operate must be permanent. Indeed,
    we will continue this. On the other hand, the development of the plan
    with regards to the presidential election has not been completed yet.

    We will make assessment of this plan, and afterwards, will design
    proposals regarding next elections. Here the questions are the
    media coverage of the elections, participation of all political
    forces, legislation base because not all recommendations of the
    Venice Commission have been realized. I cannot be more precise. These
    questions will be discussed during the final report of the observation
    election mission. In addition, there will be considered a question,
    in what direction the discussions will take place with the Azerbaijani
    side to continue co-operation.

    Question: The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is an issue of concern for the
    CE. What are the recommendations of the organization to precipitate
    settlement of the conflict? At what level is the CE-European Union
    cooperation on South Caucasus issues?

    Answer: The OSCE Minsk Group is directly engaged in Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. If the CE applies for conducting the expertise in various
    fields so we will be prepared to answer. On the other hand, we jointly
    with the EU, realize majority of projects concerning the South Caucuses
    within the framework of a joint program. A meeting of CE Ministerial
    Committee group of rapporteurs discussed on 23 October the document
    'On priorities of EU-CE cooperation'. Cooperation on South Caucasus
    in this document takes the first place.

    Question: When will the CE Secretary General pay visit to region
    to survey the facts on destruction of cultural heritage in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh and other Azerbaijani regions attached to it? What
    is the main reason of the delay of this visit?

    Answer: This visit is on focus and on agenda, but the aspects of its
    realization are still to be solved. The Secretary General wishes to
    pay the visit to the region shortly. The cultural heritage implies
    culture and people. Should all the necessary conditions are fulfilled,
    the CE secretariat will be prepared to create conditions for group
    of experts to work.

    Question: The Georgia-Ossetia conflict was the major topic of
    discussion at the latest session of PACE. What is your explanation of
    the war in Georgia? Did the CE make enough efforts to prevent the war?

    Answer: From this point of view, the CE did not stay aside. As a whole,
    the international community did not make sufficient efforts to prevent
    the war. If CE's two member-countries are at war between themselves,
    this is the failure of the international community. Both countries
    are members of the Council of Europe, and therefore, this problem
    is of our direct concern. It is possible to say that in reality the
    CE is not an organization regulating crises. This is not the primary
    task of the organization.

    The Council of Europe is an organization, which recommends the
    establishment of environment and context that provide possibilities
    to prevent conflicts. This is its task. Surely, we could not render
    sufficient assistance in this regard. We could not to necessarily
    assess the increase in the risk of danger and tension in the
    region. Therefore, the Council of Europe must make conclusions to
    solve other conflict situations existing in this geographical region.

    Question: May the recognition of the independence of Kosovo become
    a precedent for other "lingering" conflicts now after declaration of
    independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia?

    Answer: Some people say that Kosovo is a unique question and
    takes the character of "sui generis". This question cannot be
    precedent for other lingering conflicts. There are two kinds of
    thinking. It is important for each situation to have its sources
    and peculiarities. The CE is not an organization, which recognizes
    or does not recognize independence. Recognizing is the work, which
    is done by the member-countries. Whenever a decision on entrance of
    newly established countries to the international arena is made, then
    the Committee of Ministers will undertake a burden of decision making.

    Question: The war in Georgia has demonstrated how it is dangerous to
    unfreeze the frozen conflicts. What about establishment of a standing
    unit at CE so that to get more acquainted with other ongoing conflicts?

    Answer: I cannot say that there is a need to establish an organization,
    which will deal with it. It is clear that tremendous efforts must
    be made to establish mutual understanding, democratic and peaceful
    dialogue, including good neighbourhood relations. The Directorate,
    which I head, must render considerable assistance to this process. We
    could not do this sufficiently. It is not so easy to change mentality
    and culture. We can not change this within a short period. This is the
    work of generations. Why cannot the reconciliation, which was reached
    between France and Germany after three wars, be realized in other
    places? In this respect it is necessary to have such personalities
    as Adenauer and Charles de Goll.

    Question: What arrangements does the CE, particularly the CE
    Directorate, take to find ways out of the situation in Georgia?

    Answer: Proposals regarding Georgia are being developed by the
    Committee of Ministers and they cover three directions. Firstly, the
    urgent task is the repatriation of refugees and IDPs. The second is
    restoration of human rights. Work of CE Commissar for Human Rights
    Tomas Hammerberg is of great significance in this sphere and needs
    unconditional support in all zones to restore fundamental principles
    of democracy and human rights. The third is the EU's conduct of
    training about Human Rights. These are pressing questions. Purely
    political issues and those related to the control over fulfilment
    of obligations are under discussion. In fact, this crisis arose the
    question of fulfilment of obligations undertaken by both member states
    as well as peaceful settlement of the conflict and non-intervention
    into each-others affairs.

    It is also planned to take long-term actions, including establishment
    of confidence and dialogue between the sides. In addition, restoration
    of cultural heritage damaged during the war will enable people replaced
    from the homelands, to return to their native lands. The mission of
    the CE Secretariat has already completed visit to Georgia where it
    proposed to restore cultural heritage.

    Question: What is your appraisal to the political and democratic
    situation in Armenia in wake of the events of 1 March?

    Answer: PACE, Ago Group and Commissar for Human Rights are closely
    observing this issue. The deadline is January, as PACE resolution
    adopted in June indicates that the organization will re-examine
    Armenia's fulfilment of its commitments on the basis of future progress
    in the investigation into March events and case of dead and arrested
    during these events.

    New Committee of Experts was set up in accordance with the 23 October
    decree of the Armenian President as a supplement to Parliamentary
    Commission on investigation into March events. There is progress. It
    is necessary to wait for January session to see whether Armenia has
    complied with PACE recommendations.

    Question: What is your appraisal to the enhancement of cooperation
    between GUAM and CE after the consultations that took place in
    March 2008?

    Answer: In fact, it was first high-level consultation between
    the two organizations. GUAM is an organization uniting the CE
    member-countries. Hence, there are permanent relations between CE
    and GUAM member-countries. At present, the organizations do not
    plan institutional cooperation. Indeed, GUAM always expresses its
    attitude to issues of mutual interest. We have programs covering
    GUAM member-countries. We are prepared to cooperate with GUAM and
    countries taking part in this process.

    Question: What South Caucasus-related projects are expected to be
    carried out in future?

    Answer: Regional conference of three countries Rule of Law in the South
    Caucasus will be held in Tbilisi from 19 to 22 November. Moreover, we
    are working over the project on cooperation of political and scientific
    schools of South Caucasus, and it is financed by a German fund.