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After Azerbaijan's Presidential Election: The Look Ahead (Part One)

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  • After Azerbaijan's Presidential Election: The Look Ahead (Part One)

    By Vladimir Socor

    The Jamestown Foundation
    Tuesday, October 28, 2008

    Azerbaijan's reelected president Ilham Aliyev was inaugurated on
    October 24 for a second five-year term (, October 24,
    25). As had been expected, voters gave Aliyev a strong mandate for
    continuing his policies.

    International observers noted clear improvements in the electoral
    process and practice on this occasion, compared with previous electoral
    cycles (see EDM, September 23, October 20).

    If it were situated in a less dangerous neighborhood, Azerbaijan
    would undoubtedly be firmly set on the road to success as a rapidly
    modernizing Muslim society. Political ingredients of success--internal
    stability and security, statesmanship at the top, a secular path of
    development, and external orientation toward the West as matters of
    national consensus--were already in place before the country's oil
    revenues started flowing in. With its oil-driven economic growth
    averaging a world-record of 30 percent annually in the last three
    years, some 700,000 jobs created, a rapidly growing oil fund open
    to international auditing, vast reserves of gas just barely tapped,
    a key location on intercontinental transit routes, and new investment
    priorities in non-oil sectors planned for Aliyev's second presidential
    term (, October 13, 25), Azerbaijan is rapidly moving from
    inherited structural poverty to modernization, while contributing to
    the West's energy security. The basis is also now in place for more
    effective institution-building during the second presidential term.

    Azerbaijan`s prospects for further advances, however, look suddenly
    fragile in the wake of Russia's aggressive resurgence and invasion of
    Georgia, the consequences of which are casting shadows on Azerbaijan
    at the start of Aliyev's second presidential term. That invasion
    exposed a vacuum of Western power and political presence in the
    South Caucasus generally. Few international observers had noticed and
    warned against that developing vacuum, and those who did were scarcely
    heeded. The United States essentially disengaged itself strategically
    from the region after 2005, with medium-level officials and rhetorical
    flourishes substituting for high-level strategic policy. The European
    Union never engaged seriously with Azerbaijan, nor could Brussels
    have done so in the absence of EU common policies on Caspian energy
    and the South Caucasus conflicts.

    However neglected, Western energy security policy remains a common
    agenda with Azerbaijan and Georgia, its prospects linked to these
    countries` national independence and security. Azerbaijan`s potential
    as a producer of gas-- the commodity more critical than any other to
    Euro-Atlantic energy security--is materializing slowly, however. The
    reasons behind this include the paralysis of the Nabucco pipeline
    project; lagging development of the Shah-Deniz offshore gas field
    (in turn delaying capacity expansion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum
    pipeline); and Turkey's ambitions to take a portion of Azerbaijani
    gas for possible resale at a profit to itself, instead of providing
    transit service for that Azerbaijani gas via Turkey to Europe.

    Exploiting this situation, Russia is offering to buy the entire volume
    of gas available for export from Azerbaijan at European netback
    prices. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the Gazprom monopoly
    have both made that attractive proposal to Baku. The government there,
    as well as the BP and Statoil companies, may soon find themselves
    facing the choice of either selling their gas export volumes to
    Gazprom or delaying a production ramp-up at Shah-Deniz while waiting
    for a non-Russian outlet to become available.

    Azerbaijan`s EU and U.S. partners must therefore try seriously to
    kick-start Nabucco and work politically with Turkey to remove its
    obstacles to the transit of Azerbaijani gas.

    Meanwhile, portraying Azerbaijan as capable of supplying Nabucco's
    first phase by itself is unconvincing to investors (in view of
    Azerbaijan`s other, already existing commitments), and it exposes
    Azerbaijan to Russian pressures, instead of sharing that burden among
    several potential supplier countries. For its part, Azerbaijan is
    actively engaged in political bridge-building with Turkmenistan,
    encouraged by Baku's Western partners. But only the formation
    of a Western consortium, with an attractive commercial offer to
    Turkmenistan, could open access to that country's gas supplies for
    the planned trans-Caspian pipeline that would connect with Nabucco
    through the Baku-Erzurum link.

    Continuing internal debates within the EU reflect an incipient
    understanding that Brussels needs to subsidize pipeline projects for
    supply diversification. At present, however, the EU has only limited
    tools available and even fewer resources earmarked for this. Unless
    it moves quickly, EU policy will miss an opportunity yet again to
    take full advantage of Azerbaijan's potential as a gas producer and
    transit country.

    Baku feels surprised and puzzled by the idea of replacing Georgia
    with Armenia as a transit route for Nabucco gas. Under this option,
    gas earmarked for Nabucco would be pumped from Azerbaijan to Turkey
    through a pipeline to be built via Armenia, instead of Georgia. This
    suggestion has recently emerged in the context of a possible package
    deal in the Karabakh conflict.

    The position of Azerbaijan's government, however--as summed up in
    Brussels by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Araz Azimov--is that it
    would make no sense to bypass the already existing Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum
    pipeline, the designated conduit for Caspian gas via Georgia and
    Turkey to Europe (EUobserver, October 8).