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Israel of the Caucasus

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  • Israel of the Caucasus ary_israel_of_the_caucasus/f5e1/

    Commentary: Israel of the Caucasus
    Published: September 02, 2008

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- NATO guarantees that an attack against
    one member country is an attack against all are no longer what they
    used to be. Had Georgia been inside NATO, a number of European
    countries would no longer be willing to consider it an attack against
    their own soil.

    For Russia, the geopolitical stars were in perfect alignment. The
    United States was badly overstretched and had no plausible way to talk
    tough without coming across as empty rhetoric. American resources have
    been drained by the Iraq and Afghan wars, and the war on terror. As
    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov put it, Washington must now
    choose between its "pet project" Georgia and a partnership with

    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili evidently thought the United
    States would come to his side militarily if Russian troops pushed him
    back into Georgia after ordering an attack last Aug. 8 on the
    breakaway province of South Ossetia. And when his forces were mauled
    by Russia's counterattack, bitter disappointment turned to anger.
    Along with Abkhazia, Georgia lost two provinces.

    Georgia also had a special relationship with Israel that was mostly
    under the radar. Georgian Defense Minister Davit Kezerashvili is a
    former Israeli who moved things along by facilitating Israeli arms
    sales with U.S. aid. "We are now in a fight against the great Russia,"
    he was quoted as saying, "and our hope is to receive assistance from
    the White House because Georgia cannot survive on its own."

    The Jerusalem Post on Aug. 12 reported, "Georgian Prime Minister
    Vladimir Gurgenidze made a special call to Israel Tuesday morning to
    receive a blessing from one of the Haredi community's most important
    rabbis and spiritual leaders, Rabbi Aaron Leib Steinman. 'I want him
    to pray for us and our state,'" he was quoted.

    Israel began selling arms to Georgia seven years ago. U.S. grants
    facilitated these purchases. From Israel came former minister and
    former Tel Aviv Mayor Roni Milo, representing Elbit Systems, and his
    brother Shlomo, former director general of Military Industries.
    Israeli UAV spy drones, made by Elbit Maarahot Systems, conducted
    recon flights over southern Russia, as well as into nearby Iran.

    In a secret agreement between Israel and Georgia, two military
    airfields in southern Georgia had been earmarked for the use of
    Israeli fighter-bombers in the event of pre-emptive attacks against
    Iranian nuclear installations. This would sharply reduce the distance
    Israeli fighter-bombers would have to fly to hit targets in Iran. And
    to reach Georgian airstrips, the Israeli air force would fly over

    The attack ordered by Saakashvili against South Ossetia the night of
    Aug. 7 provided the Russians the pretext for Moscow to order Special
    Forces to raid these Israeli facilities where some Israeli drones were
    reported captured.

    At a Moscow news conference, Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn, Russia's deputy
    chief of staff, said the extent of Israeli aid to Georgia included
    "eight types of military vehicles, explosives, landmines and special
    explosives for clearing minefields." Estimated numbers of Israeli
    trainers attached to the Georgian army range from 100 to 1,000. There
    were also 110 U.S. military personnel on training assignments in
    Georgia. Last July 2,000 U.S. troops were flown in for "Immediate
    Response 2008," a joint exercise with Georgian forces.

    Details of Israel's involvement were largely ignored by Israeli media
    lest they be interpreted as another blow to Israel's legendary
    military prowess, which took a bad hit in the Lebanese war against
    Hezbollah two years ago. Georgia's top diplomat in Tel Aviv complained
    about Israel's "lackluster" response to his country's military
    predicament and called for "diplomatic pressure on Moscow." According
    to the Jerusalem Post, the Georgian was told "the address for that
    type of pressure is Washington."

    Haaretz reported Georgian Minister Temur Yakobashvili -- who is
    Jewish, the newspaper said -- told Israeli army radio that "Israel
    should be proud of its military which trained Georgian soldiers"
    because he explained rather implausibly, "a small group of our
    soldiers were able to wipe out an entire Russian military division,
    thanks to Israeli training."

    The Tel Aviv-Tbilisi military axis was agreed at the highest levels
    with the approval of the Bush administration. The official liaison
    between the two entities was Reserve Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsch who
    commanded Israeli forces on the Lebanese border in July 2006. He
    resigned from the army after the Winograd Commission flayed Israel's
    conduct of its Second Lebanon War. Hirsch was also blamed for the
    seizure of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah.

    Israeli personnel, working for "private" companies with close ties to
    the Israel Defense Forces, also trained Georgian soldiers in
    house-to-house fighting.

    That Russia assessed these Israeli training missions as U.S.-approved
    is a given. The United States was also handicapped by a shortage of
    spy-in-the-sky satellite capability, already overextended by the Iraq
    and Afghan wars. Neither U.S. nor Georgian intelligence knew Russian
    forces were ready with an immediate and massive response to the
    Georgian attack Moscow knew was coming. Russian double agents
    ostensibly working for Georgia most probably egged on the military
    fantasies of the impetuous Saakashvili's "surprise attack" plans.

    Saakashvili was convinced that by sending 2,000 of his soldiers to
    serve in Iraq (who were immediately flown home by the United States
    when Russia launched a massive counterattack into Georgia), he would
    be rewarded for his loyalty. He could not believe President Bush, a
    personal friend, would leave him in the lurch. Georgia, as Saakashvili
    saw his country's role, was the "Israel of the Caucasus."

    The Tel Aviv-Tbilisi military axis appears to have been cemented at
    the highest levels, according to YNet, the Israeli electronic daily.
    But whether the IAF can still count on those air bases to launch
    bombing missions against Iran's nuke facilities is now in doubt.

    Iran comes out ahead in the wake of the Georgian crisis. Neither
    Russia nor China is willing to respond to a Western request for more
    and tougher sanctions against the mullahs. Iran's European trading
    partners are also loath to squeeze Iran. The Russian-built,
    1,000-megawatt Iranian reactor in Bushehr is scheduled to go online
    early next year.

    A combination of Putin and oil has put Russia back on the geopolitical
    map of the world. Moscow's oil and gas revenue this year is projected
    at $201 billion -- a 13-fold increase since Putin succeeded Boris
    Yeltsin eight years ago. Not shabby for a wannabe superpower on the
    comeback trail.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress