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Putrid Spots Taken For Injuries

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  • Putrid Spots Taken For Injuries

    Anna Amiryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    03 Sep 2008

    Interview with the Director of the Center of Expertise of Health
    Ministry Shota Vardanyan.

    "Mr. Vardanyan your clarifications given during the last session
    of the NA Temporary Committee Investigating March 1-2 developments
    gave grounds to various contradicting commentaries by different Mass
    Media. Particularly it was mentioned that the number of the injured
    given by you don't coincide with the data of the police."

    "Before speaking about the data possessed by the police I would like
    to touch upon the issue of the number of victims. We had 10 cases of
    victims, from which 8 died on March 1-2 and 2 died in the hospital
    40 days later.

    That is to say 8 people died on March 1-2 and passed the post mortem
    examination after two days and two of the victims - Tigran Abgaryan
    and Samvel Harutyunyan suffered for more than a month.

    Tigran Abgaryan -the second serviceman who became the victim of March
    1-2 developments (Hamlet Tadevosyan was the next one), died on April
    11 and 8.00 p.m. and next day passed the post mortem examination.

    As for civilian Samvel Harutyunyan, he also died on April 11 and passed
    post mortem examination on April 13. The photos clearly show that
    they have been injured by blunt tools. He was taken to the hospital
    on March 1, 10.10 p.m., in the state of unconsciousness. Which means
    we didn't see him immediately, he has been shifted to our center from
    the 3rd clinics.

    He suffered a very serious brain injury, which is clearly shown in the
    photo. By the way we have submitted all the photos to the temporary
    committee. But they have taken the putrid spots for injuries."

    "According to the member of the committee A. Shahbazyan S.

    Harutyunyan's parents' state that before death he has been beaten

    "There have been no signs of being beaten. It is a post-death process.

    When someone dies putrid spots appear. After the surgery our doctors
    managed to keep him alive for a long period of time."

    "There have been mutual accusations of using guns during March
    1-2 developments, what can you say in this regard? Do the injuries
    received by the policemen prove that the demonstrators have really
    used guns? Is it possible to clarify by examination what type of guns
    have been used?"

    "During the previous months the 87 policemen were under stationary
    medical care, and 111 policemen have been investigated, the total
    number of the investigated policemen made up 198, from which only 21
    have not been injured. You have got the exact day and time of their
    medical investigation.

    Some of them have been investigated when they were in the hospital,
    the other came later.

    We can also give20exact information about the citizens who passed
    forensic investigation in our center. 14 of those citizens were under
    investigation in ambulatory circumstances and 2 citizens were in normal
    health state. Six citizens received serious gun injuries. As regards
    the policemen who passed medical investigation - one of them received
    serious gun injuries the other 25 were injured by a blast. Only 7
    citizens received blast injuries of serious and average gravity."

    "Let's return to the type of the guns. Does the Scientific Medical
    center of forensic examination have the possibility to identify the
    type of the guns?"

    "We have taken the photos of the bullets and handed them over to the
    law enforcers. It is very difficult to say exactly what type of guns
    has been used. And we are not competent. We can only say that we have
    found a certain metallic bullet of this or that color and we give it
    for investigation.

    After all there are certain departments in the Ministry of Justice
    that can identify the type of the guns."

    "One clarification! Can you identify the injuries received by

    "Of course no. It is not possible to exactly say that this or that
    injury was received by "hedgehogs". But if there are speculations
    in this regard you can bring certain specialists who can prove 100%
    that some injuries were received by "he dgehogs." Though we have
    certain cases that clearly show that."

    To be continued
    From: Baghdasarian