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Reparations from Muslims?

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  • Reparations from Muslims?

    Reparations from Muslims?
    EuropeNews, Denmark - <NOBR>0

    In early September 2008, demands were made that France must make
    reparations for its colonial past in Algeria. The calls followed the
    signing between Italy and Libya of a 5 billion dollar investment
    agreement to resolve colonial-era disputes. The 25-year deal includes
    the construction of a highway running between Egypt and Tunisia and
    the return to Libya of a prized ancient marble statue taken to Rome in
    colonial times.

    The settlement was a "complete and moral acknowledgement of the damage
    inflicted on Libya by Italy during the colonial period," said Italy's
    Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. "Italy committed historic errors in
    Libya, and the Italian government's move to apologise is positive,"
    secretary of Algeria's National Liberation Front (FLN) party, Al-Said
    Abu Haja, told Algerian daily El-Khabar.

    The FLN led the war of independence from France between 1954 and
    1962. "We hope that the European Union will be able to put pressure on
    other former colonial powers such as France and get it to make amends
    for what it did in Algeria," Haja added. "Algeria asked for France to
    apologise long before Libya [asked Italy]. The French occupied us for
    130 years."

    I'm not an expert on French colonial history, but if I recall
    correctly, the French were at least partly motivated for establishing
    themselves in Algeria due to the Barbary pirates, who continued their
    evil activities well into the nineteenth century. The period of French
    colonial rule is the only period of civilization Algeria has
    experienced since the Romans.

    Muslims have been raiding Europe, especially the southern regions but
    sometimes even north of the Alps, continuously since the seventh
    century. In fact, the only period during more than 1300 years they
    haven't done this was during the time of European colonialism. That's
    what they are whining about now.

    This is compensation for lost jizya. Moreover, there are now more
    North Africans in France than there ever were Frenchmen in North
    Africa. If non-Europeans can resist colonization and expel intruders,
    why can't Europeans do the same thing? I'm not even going to mention
    the Spanish and the Portuguese, who were under colonial rule much
    longer than were the Algerians. As Ibn Warraq says in his book
    Defending the West "Where the French presence lasted fewer than four
    years before they were ignominiously expelled by the British and
    Turks, the Ottomans had been the masters of Egypt since 1517, a total
    of 280 years. Even if we count the later British and French
    protectorates, Egypt was under Western control for sixty-seven years,
    Syria for twenty-one years, and Iraq for only fifteen - and, of
    course, Saudi Arabia was never under Western control.

    Contrast this with southern Spain, which was under the Muslim yoke for
    781 years, Greece for 381 years, and the splendid new Christian
    capital that eclipsed Rome - Byzantium - which is still in Muslim
    hands.But no Spanish or Greek politics of victimhood apparently

    >From their strongholds in the Iberian Peninsula and elsewhere, Muslims
    raided the Mediterranean for centuries. Here is Timothy Gregory in A
    History of Byzantium "In 826/8 Crete was taken by Arab adventurers
    from Spain, and in 827/9 Spanish Arabs were able to establish
    footholds in Sicily. The Arab presenceon these two islands was to have
    serious repercussions for Byzantium. Crete became a base for Arab
    'pirates' who made the Aegean and its shorelines unsafe for the
    Byzantines and presumably also disrupted trade in the area.

    The Arab bases on Sicily were the beginning of a long contest between
    Byzantines and Arabs for control of southern Italy and Sicily that was
    alsoto involve the papacy and, eventually, other powers from Western
    Europe. The Arabs also used these Sicilian bases to raid Italy and the

    The reason why the Vatican became a "city within the city" in Rome
    with fortifications was due to repeated attacks by Muslims
    (Saracens). Here are a couple of quotes from the book Rome: Art &
    Architecture, edited by Marco Bussagli: "Leo IV's major building
    project is generally considered to be the fortification of the Vatican
    area. After the devastation wrought by the Saracens in St. Peter's,
    profoundly shocking to the Christian world, it was decided to fortify
    the area around St. Peter's tomb. Leo III had already made this
    decision, but little had been done because of the theft of the
    materials set aside for the job. Leo IV, who had already undertaken
    the repair of the Aurelian walls, gates, and towers, organized the
    work in such a way that within four years he saw it complete.

    On June 27, 852 the ceremony of consecration of the walls was
    performed, in the presence of the pope and clergy, who, barefoot and
    with heads smeared with ashes, processed round the entire circuit of
    the fortifications, sprinkling them with holy water and at every gate
    calling on divine protection against the enemy that threatened the
    inhabitants. The enclosed area was to take on the status of a city in
    its own right, which was both separate and distinct from the Urbe of
    Rome, despite its proximity to it."

    "Despite defeat in 849 and 916 in the coastal cities of Naples, Gaeta,
    and Amalfi, the Saracens continued to lay waste to the countryside and
    sack the outskirts of Rome, causing the already precarious living
    conditions of the urban population to deteriorate still further. In
    the face of this continuing external threat, not only was the Vatican
    area fortified, but the churchesof San Sebastiano on the Appian Way
    Sant'Agnese on Via Nomentana, and San Lorenzo on Via Tiburtina were

    Muslims complain because they want the good, old days of jizya
    payments back.

    Here is what the Iranian ex-Muslim Ali Sina says in his recent book
    Understanding Muhammad "Megalomania, bullishness, the sense of
    entitlement and all other narcissistic traits of Muhammad are present
    in each and every Muslim, to the extent that they emulate their

    >From king to pauper, from president to janitor, Muslims consider
    themselves to be superior to the rest of humanity. They are convinced
    that one day Islam will dominate, mankind will submit to them, and
    they will be the masters of the world. This feeling of self importance
    was expressed eloquently by Dr.

    Mahatir, the outgoing Prime Minister of Malaysia during an OIC
    (Organization of Islamic Conference) summit in 2003.

    He acknowledged that the early Muslims built their 'civilization' by
    studying the works of the Greeks and other scholars before Islam and
    then boastfully added that the 'Europeans had to kneel at the feet of
    Muslim scholars in order to access their own scholastic heritage.' In
    his speech he invited the Muslims to amass 'guns and rockets, bombs
    and warplanes, tanks and warships' to subdue that non-Muslim
    detractors and again rule over them."

    Those who were hit the hardest were the Balkan populations. The
    Balkans, with its close connections to Byzantium, was a reasonably
    sophisticated region of Europe in medieval times, until the Ottomans
    Turks devastated much of the area. One of the most appalling aspects
    of this was the practice of devshirme, the collecting of boys among
    the Christian minorities who were forcibly converted to Islam and
    taught to hate their own kin.

    Dr. Andrew G. Bostom, author of the books The Legacy of Islamic
    Antisemitism and The Legacy of Jihad, quotes the work of scholar
    Vasiliki Papoulia, who highlights the continuous desperate struggle of
    the Christian populations against this forcefully imposed Ottoman levy
    "It is obvious that the population strongly resented...this measure
    [and the levy] could be carried out only by force. Those who refused
    to surrender their sons- the healthiest, the handsomest and the most
    intelligent- were on the spot put to death by hanging. Nevertheless we
    have examples of armed resistance. In 1565 a revolt took place in
    Epirus and Albania.

    The inhabitants killed the recruiting officers and the revolt was put
    down only after the sultan sent five hundred janissaries in support of
    the local sanjak-bey. We are better informed, thanks to the historic
    archivesof Yerroia, about the uprising in Naousa in 1705 where the
    inhabitants killed the Silahdar Ahmed Celebi and his assistants and
    fled to the mountains as rebels. Some of them were later arrested and
    put to death."

    The Christian subjects tried for centuries to combat this evil
    practice: "Since there was no possibility of escaping [the levy] the
    population resorted to several subterfuges. Some left their villages
    and fled to certain cities which enjoyed exemption from the child levy
    or migrated to Venetian-held territories. The result was a
    depopulation of the countryside. Others had their children marry at an
    early age...Nicephorus Angelus...states that at times the children ran
    away on their own initiative, but when they heard that the authorities
    had arrested their parents and were torturing them to death, returned
    and gave themselves up.

    La Giulletiere cites the case of a young Athenian who returned from
    hiding in order to save his father's life and then chose to die
    himself rather than abjure his faith. According to the evidence in
    Turkish sources, some parents even succeeded in abducting their
    children after they had been recruited. The most successful way of
    escaping recruitment was through bribery. That the latter was very
    widespread is evident from the large amounts of money confiscated by
    the sultan from corrupt...officials."

    Lee Harris in his book The Suicide of Reason describes how this
    practice of devshirme, the process of culling the best, brightest and
    fittest "alpha boys," targeted the non-Muslim subject populations:
    "The bodyguard of Janissaries 'had the task of protecting the
    sovereign from internal and external enemies,' writes scholar Vasiliki
    Papoulia. 'In order to fulfill this taskit was subjected to very
    rigorous and special training, the janissary education famous in
    Ottoman society.

    This training made possible the spiritual transformation of Christian
    children into ardent fighters for the glory of the sultan and their
    newly acquired Islamic faith.' Because the Christian boys had to be
    transformed into single-minded fanatics, it was not enough that they
    simply inherit their position.

    They had to be brainwashed into it, as we would say today, and this
    could be done most effectively with boys who had been completely cut
    off from all family ties. By taking the boys from their homes, and
    transporting them to virtually another world, devçirme assured that
    there would be no conflict of loyalties between family and duty to the
    empire. All loyalty would be focused on the group itself and on the

    This practice drained the strength of the Christian
    populations. Harris again: "The culling of these alpha boys had two
    effects, both of them good for the Ottoman Empire, both bad for the
    subject population. By filling the critical posts in the Ottoman
    Empire with boys who had been selected on the basis of their intrinsic
    merit, and not on their family connection, the Empire was
    automatically creating a meritocracy - if a boy was tough, courageous,
    intelligent, and fanatically loyal, he was able to work his way up the
    Ottoman hierarchy; indeed, as we have seen, he become a member of the
    ruling elite, despite having the formal title of being the sultan's

    The Ottoman Empire was both strengthening itself through acquiring
    these alpha boys, and weakening its subject population by taking their
    best and brightest. Thanks to the institution of devçirme, the more
    'fit' Christian boys who would be most likely to be the agents of
    rebellion against the Empire become the fanatical Muslim warriors who
    were used to suppress whatever troubles the less 'fit' Christian boys
    left behind were able to cause."

    Raphael Israeli in his 2008 book The Islamic Challenge in Europe
    tracks the Islamization of various European countries, from
    Switzerland to Britain, and describes the efforts to recreate the
    Ottoman Empire and use the Balkans as a launching pad for Jihad:
    "After the fall of Communism in the new regime recognized, in 1991,
    the self-declared Republic of Kosovo, and its head, Ibrahim Rugova,
    opened an office in Tirana. The disintegration of Yugoslavia by
    necessity revived the old dreams of the Greater Albania, which now
    eyed not only Kosovo, but also parts of Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, and
    Montenegro where an Albanian population had settled over the
    years. The rising of Muslim consciousness in the Balkans, after the
    Bosnian precedent=80¦now acts as a catalyst to draw together, under
    the combined banners of Greater Albania and Islam, all the Albanian
    populationsof that region.

    In 1992 joined the Conference of Islamic Countries, and it has been
    working to attract support by other Islamic countries to the Greater
    Albania plan, actually presenting itself as 'the shield of Islam' in
    the Balkans. It has been noted that while the Albanian demographic
    explosion in Kosovo, which has allowed them to predominate and demand
    secession, has not taken place in Albania itself, perhaps an
    indication, as in Palestine and Bosnia, that the 'battle of the womb'
    heralded by nationalists and Muslim fundamentalists, is not merely a
    natural growth but may be also politically motivated."

    Now that the entire Western world is under attack by Islamic Jihad, we
    would do well to listen to those who know the frontlines, such as
    Serge Trifkovic in his book Defeating Jihad.

    The wars in the Balkans all the way into the 21st century are a direct
    result of the legacy of Turkish Muslim brutality. So why does nobody
    demand that the Turks apologize in public for their massacres? They
    should pay reparations to their former subjects, starting with the
    Armenians, who suffered a Jihad less than a century ago, and
    continuing with the Serbs, the Bulgarians, the Greeks, the Croatians
    and others who have suffered hundreds of years of abuse and
    exploitation at their hands.

    We can continue with all those European countries that have suffered
    attacks and enslavement by North African Barbary pirates for more than
    a thousand years. These nations should now demand public apologies
    and substantial financial reparations from Arabs and Turks.

    If these countries lack the funds to pay, we should hold the Islamic
    world collectively responsible and demand compensation from the rich
    members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference such as Saudi
    Arabia. While we are at it, why not demand compensation to all victims
    of Jihad, from the Jews who have been expelled from the Middle East to
    the Indians, who have died in the tens of millions for a thousand
    years or more?

    September 7th, 2008