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According To Nerses Yeritsian, A1+ And Noyan Tapan Tv Companies Were

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  • According To Nerses Yeritsian, A1+ And Noyan Tapan Tv Companies Were


    Noyan Tapan
    Se p 9, 2008

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. On September 9, the RA National
    Assembly discussed the proposal of making amendment to the law
    On Television and Radio by the government, according to which, no
    tenders of TV and radio broadcasting licensing will be announced
    until July 20, 2010. The TV companies, whose licence validity term
    expires until January 2010, can pretend to prolongation of validity
    term of that licence.

    According to Nerses Yeritsian, the RA Minister of Economy presenting
    the bill, by doing so an attempt is made to create favorable conditions
    for passing to broadcasting digital system in Armenia. According to
    him, Armenia has joined the Agreement of the Union of International
    Telecommunication endorsed during the Radiocommunication Regional
    Conference held in 2006 in Geneva, according to which, 2015 has been
    fixed a deadline for passing to the digital broadcasting system. The
    solution proposed by the legislative initiative, according to the
    Minister, will permit to fluently pass from analogue to digital
    broadcasting system of radio and TV broadcasts in the territory of
    Armenia avoiding the process of temporary and needless licensing at
    the transitional stage.

    N. Yeritsian said that the validity terms of all licences given
    so far expire in 2010, and companies, the term of whose licences
    expired earlier as a result of relicensing will not gain advantage
    over companies whose licence term expired later.

    The government considers urgent adoption of the law, as the term of
    ALM TV company's licence expires on October 4.

    The Minister also said that the licence is given for seven years and
    if a short-term licensing process is held, the companies can incur
    economic losses.

    Deputy Viktor Dallakian not disputing the necessity of technical
    reequipment said that this bill has a political implication and
    is aimed at depriving the A1+ and Noyan Tapan TV companies of the
    possibility of returning on air.

    He especially mentioned the A1+ TV company, as lately the European
    Court of Human Rights has made a decision on creating a possibility
    to give air to it.

    Armen Martirosian, the head of the Zharangutiun (Heritage) faction,
    in his turn, said that all TV companies should be given equal
    possibilities for acting and whether they will be able to remain
    in the broadcasting sphere or not - let it be decided during a free

    Ernest Soghomonian, a member of the Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous
    Armenia) faction, said that government's proposal has no political
    goal. According to him, the A1+ and Noyan Tapan TV companies were in
    a very poor condition, and the political forces these TV companies
    served should have provided financial assistance to these media.

    Minister Nerses Yeritsian also expressed the same thought mentioning
    that before politicizing the issue the opposition should solve
    the problems of technical equipment of the above mentioned TV
    companies. The Minister stated that the legislative initiative proposed
    by the government has nothing in common with the issue of providing
    air to the A1+ and Noyan Tapan TV companies.

    Noyan Tapan center's commentary:

    The Noyan Tapan information center in response to the above mentioned
    speech Minister of Economy Nerses Yeritsian made on September 9 in the
    RA National Assembly states that the Noyan Tapan information-analytical
    center, as well as the Noyan Tapan TV company making part of it have
    never served any political force or party in the 17 years of their
    existence and have been guided only by the principle of providing true,
    reliable and operative information to the public. As regards the issue
    of TV company's technical equipment, in the period of tenders Noyan
    Tapan's technical equipment was not inferior to the technical equipment
    of other TV companies receiving licences in the same tenders at that
    time. The honorable Minister, apparently, is not aware of the above
    mentioned. And considering the technical financing of TV companies
    the task of these or those political forces (the honorable Minister,
    apparently, is not aware, either, that it is prohibited by the RA law)
    and dividing TV companies into "his own people" and "oppositionists"
    the Minister in fact confesses that the issue of providing a licence to
    TV companies has been solved not in conditions of a free competition,
    but as a result of the political decision of the authorities.