Noyan Tapan
Se p 16, 2008
YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. The number of visits paid by the
population to the polyclinics of Yerevan made 1,384,214 in the first
eight months of 2008, exceeding by 7% the index of the same period of
2007. The head of the Health Care and Social Security Department of
Yerevan Municipality Armen Soghoyan said at the September 16 press
conference that in the indicated period the number of examinations
with the use of laboratory equipment grew by 29%, while the number
of those receving medicines free or at reduced prices grew by 17%.
According to him, 24,075 patients received medical services at the
clinincs under the jurisdiction of Yerevan municipality, including
14,217 patients who received services by the "state order" system,
whose number increased by 3.9% as compared with the same period of
last year.
A. Soghoyan said that studies done in 2003-2007 show that the number
of women who received obstetrical services at Shengavit and Malatia
medical centers grew by 80% and 67% respectively. In the first 8
months of this year, the Perinatology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Center and the Shengavit medical center were the medical institutions
that provided the greatest number of obstetrical services: 1,832 and
1,585 babies respectively were born at these institutions.
Noyan Tapan
Se p 16, 2008
YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. The number of visits paid by the
population to the polyclinics of Yerevan made 1,384,214 in the first
eight months of 2008, exceeding by 7% the index of the same period of
2007. The head of the Health Care and Social Security Department of
Yerevan Municipality Armen Soghoyan said at the September 16 press
conference that in the indicated period the number of examinations
with the use of laboratory equipment grew by 29%, while the number
of those receving medicines free or at reduced prices grew by 17%.
According to him, 24,075 patients received medical services at the
clinincs under the jurisdiction of Yerevan municipality, including
14,217 patients who received services by the "state order" system,
whose number increased by 3.9% as compared with the same period of
last year.
A. Soghoyan said that studies done in 2003-2007 show that the number
of women who received obstetrical services at Shengavit and Malatia
medical centers grew by 80% and 67% respectively. In the first 8
months of this year, the Perinatology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Center and the Shengavit medical center were the medical institutions
that provided the greatest number of obstetrical services: 1,832 and
1,585 babies respectively were born at these institutions.