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RA Foreign Minister's Visit To Iran Starts

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  • RA Foreign Minister's Visit To Iran Starts


    Noyan Tapan
    Se p 17, 2008

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 17, NOYAN TAPAN. President of Iran Mahmoud
    Ahmadinejad received RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian who arrived
    in Tehran on an official visit on September 16. During the meeting,
    E. Nalbandian and M. Ahmadinejad exchanged thoughts about establishment
    of cooperation and stability in the region, discussed the latest
    developments in the region. In that context E. Nalbandian expressed
    gratitude for assistance to transportation of goods of vital importance
    to Armenia through the territory of Iran in the days of the crisis.

    Both sides expressed satisfaction that efficient economic cooperation,
    a large legal-contractual field have been formed between Armenia
    and Iran, many mutually beneficial programs of economic cooperation
    are fulfilled.

    Readiness to further develop cooperation was expressed.

    According to the report provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA Foreign
    Ministry Press and Information Department, before that E. Nalbandian
    met with IRI Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki.

    Issues on the agenda of bilateral relations, jointly implemented and
    envisaged programs of economic and cultural cooperation, especially in
    the sphere of energy and transport, were discussed at the meeting. The
    interlocutors reaffirmed readiness to develop bilateral relations
    based on mutual interest. Both sides also mentioned that there is
    great potential in the sphere of economic cooperation.

    The Armenian and Iranian Foreign Ministers also discussed the latest
    developments in the region and their impact on regional stability
    and security. E. Nalbandian said that Armenia has always been for
    establishment and strengthening of peace and stability in the region
    and considers that any disputable issue should be solved exclusively
    by peace, through negotiations and dialogue.

    At M. Mottaki's request the RA Foreign Minister presented the latest
    developments and prospects of Nagorno Karabakh problem settlement
    negotiations. According to E. Nalbandian, in case of manifestation
    of proper political will we can achieve the problem settlement, the
    basis of which should be the recognition and fulfillment of right
    of Nagorno Karabakh people's self-determination. He also presented
    Armenia's views on possibilities of normalization of Armenian-Turkish
    relations to his Iranian counterpart.

    Touching upon bilateral cultural relations, E. Nalbandian highly
    evaluated careful attitude to Armenian historic-cultural monuments
    by the Iranian authorities referring to inclusion of two prominent
    Armenian monuments, Saint Stepanos and Saint Tadevos Apostle churches
    in the list of UNESCO world heritage as evidence of Iran's careful
    attitude to monuments.

    During the meeting with Chairman of Iranian Majlis Ali Larijani,
    E. Nalbandian attached importance to efficient cooperation of the RA
    and IRI legislative bodies in the issue of strengthening bilateral
    relations. He expressed satisfaction with attitude to the Armenian
    community of Iran, one of manifestations of which is presence of two
    deputies from the Armenian community in the IRI Majlis.

    E. Nalbandian also met with Sayid Jalili, the Secretary of the IRI
    National Security Higher Council. During the meeting, the interlocutors
    touched upon the latest regional events and exchanged thoughts about
    problems regarding provision of security in the region. They also
    discussed the possibilities of cooperation of the two countries'
    Security Councils.

    During his stay in Tehran E. Nalbandian also visited the RA Embassy.

    In the evening of September 16 Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr
    Mottaki organized a supper in honor of Edward Nalbandian.