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In 5768, Establishment Faced New Upstarts

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  • In 5768, Establishment Faced New Upstarts

    By Ben Harris

    Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle
    Thursday September 25th, 2008

    New York (JTA) -- In the weeks leading to last Rosh HaShanah, the
    Anti-Defamation League, bowing to pressure and a revolt by its New
    England board, reversed its refusal to recognize the Armenian genocide.

    Wary of offending Turkey -- a close ally of both Israel and the United
    States -- the ADL had refused to say whether the term "genocide" should
    apply to the Ottoman Turks' massacres of Armenians during World War I.

    President George Bush, center, walks with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
    Olmert, left, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in
    Annapolis, Md., on Nov. 27, 2007. Photo by Omar Rashidi/PPO BHI Images.

    But on Aug. 21, 2007, the group's national director, Abraham Foxman,
    said the "consequences" of the killings were "tantamount to genocide."

    The reversal capped a weeks-long standoff that began with a ragtag
    group of activists in Boston goading one of the most formidable
    organizations in the Jewish world.

    Though the campaign began to lose steam as 5768 progressed, it set
    a tone that continued throughout much of the Jewish year: upstart
    activists and new groups challenging the Jewish establishment on a
    widening range of issues.

    â~@¢ In Washington, a new Jewish organization, J Street, challenged
    the capital's pro-Israel alliance led by the hegemonic American Israel
    Public Affairs Committee.

    â~@¢ A federal immigration raid in Iowa at the country's largest kosher
    meatpacking plant spurred left-wing activists and liberal Orthodox
    rabbinic students into action, and boosted a new Conservative ethical
    kashrut initiative seeking to supplement the kosher certification

    â~@¢ Holocaust survivors clashed with top Jewish groups over a
    congressional resolution that would help initiate lawsuits against
    European insurers accused of defaulting on World War II-era policies.

    â~@¢ And in a presidential election season that has seen both major
    parties nominate anti-establishment figures, Democratic nominee
    Barack Obama's team faced an effort to brand him a Muslim and a
    terrorist sympathizer -- one persisting despite denunciations by
    Jewish politicos and organizations.

    "This is part of what's going on in our society, in terms of both
    24-7 news coverage -- that is no less true in terms of Jewish media
    than in general society -- and the atomization of opinion that was
    always a Jewish trait," said Jeffrey Solomon, the president of the
    Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies.

    "We joke about the community that has two Jews and three
    synagogues. That was always a private joke. But when you combine it
    with the growth of news coverage, blogs, etc., there is more attention
    being given to the various opinions that exist outside of mainstream
    organizations," he said.

    The J Street band

    J Street, a lobbying group and political action committee,
    was launched in April by some of the biggest names in the dovish
    pro-Israel community.

    The goal, according to the group's executive director, Jeremy Ben-Ami,
    is to present an alternative to the pro-Israel giants, particularly
    AIPAC, in the halls of the U.S. Congress.

    In June, the group issued its first congressional endorsements,
    supporting one Republican and six Democrats. It also urged the
    presidential candidates to wish Israel a happy 60th birthday by
    pledging to pursue a two-state solution if elected.

    J Street also has challenged the Jewish community's willingness
    to partner with evangelical Christian groups supportive of Israel,
    contending that those groups oppose Israeli concessions, seeing them
    as violations of God's will.

    In July the group, in partnership with Democracy for America, delivered
    a 40,000-signature petition to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) urging
    him not to address the annual Washington-Israel summit of Christians
    United for Israel, the Christian Zionist group founded by Texas Pastor
    John Hagee.

    Like the Armenian and Jewish activists who challenged the ADL,
    J Street plays David to AIPAC's Goliath. The new group, which has
    a four-person staff, projected its annual budget at $1.5 million,
    compared to the roughly $50 million AIPAC spends.

    Still, organizers promised to play tough. They are animated by belief
    that most U.S. lawmakers support more intensive American involvement in
    the peace process and want more done to support Palestinian moderates,
    but are afraid of the political consequences of speaking out.

    Thunder on the right

    Meanwhile, in New York, a grass-roots campaign from the other end
    of the political spectrum targeted a Barnard College anthropologist,
    Nadia Abu El-Haj, who was up for tenure.

    New Jersey spy? -- Ben-Ami Kadish, who allegedly spied for Isarel,
    leaves a federal courthouse in New York on April 22. Photo by Ben

    The campaign was led by a group of mostly Jewish Barnard alumni. It
    charged that El-Haj produced shoddy scholarship and harbored animosity
    toward Israel. Her defenders countered that her views are consistent
    with those of many Israeli archaeologists and were twisted by
    right-wing critics.

    Barnard announced in November that Abu El-Haj was granted tenure.

    Early in 2008, e-mails began to circulate claiming that Democratic
    presidential contender Obama is a Muslim, had attended a madrasa as
    a child in Indonesia and had been sworn into office on a Koran.

    All three claims are false, as news media and Jewish defenders
    quickly pointed out. Obama's father was a non-practicing Muslim and
    the Illinois senator embraced Christianity at Chicago's Trinity United
    Church of Christ, an association that would soon reveal a different
    set of liabilities.

    In January, leaders of several of the largest U.S. Jewish organizations
    -- among them the United Jewish Communities, the American Jewish
    Committee, the Jewish Council on Public Affairs, and the Reform and
    Orthodox congregational arms -- signed a letter refuting the rumors
    about Obama. Seven Jewish senators later signed a letter echoing the
    same theme.

    Still, the charges continued to circulate during the primaries and
    raised doubts about Obama among some Jewish voters.

    Eventually, the attack against Obama moved to more conventional
    ground, with Jewish critics focusing -- whether fairly or accurately
    was debated -- on his associates, positions and experience.

    But as recently as May, The New York Times reported that Jewish voters
    in the key swing state of Florida still thought that Obama is Muslim, a
    member of Chicago's Palestinian community and was endorsed by al-Qaida.

    In primaries in several of the states with the largest Jewish
    populations, Obama lost to his main Democratic opponent, U.S
    Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.). On her home turf, New York and New
    Jersey, and in Pennsylvania, Obama lost the Jewish vote by sizable

    But he handily won among Jews in Connecticut, 61 percent to 38 percent,
    and narrowly in California and Massachusetts despite losing those
    states overall.

    Several polls show Obama stalled at 60 percent of the Jewish vote
    in his fight against his Republican foe, U.S. Sen. John McCain
    (R-Ariz.) -- a significant drop from the 75 to 80 percent enjoyed
    by recent Democratic standard-bearers -- suggesting that the attacks
    may be taking a toll.

    Kosher kerfuffle

    Establishment organizations say they are the victims of smear campaigns
    as well -- the ADL by Armenian activists, AIPAC by its liberal critics
    and Hagee by those who portray him as a sexist and a homophobe.

    Aaron Rubashkin outside his Brooklyn butcher shop on June 3. Photo
    by Ben Harris.

    That sort of back and forth -- with both sides charging they are being
    unfairly tarred by their adversaries -- also characterized perhaps
    the biggest Jewish news story of the year: the controversy surrounding
    Agriprocessors, the largest kosher meat producer in the United States.

    In May, federal authorities conducted the largest immigration raid
    in U.S. history at the company's packing plant in Postville, Iowa,
    netting 389 illegal workers and prompting a flood of allegations
    against the company from former employees.

    A grand jury is investigating and the Iowa attorney general is
    considering criminal charges in 57 cases of alleged child labor. No
    senior managers have yet been charged.

    The company's owner, Brooklyn butcher Aaron Rubashkin, has denied
    wrongdoing. His defenders allege a witch-hunt by the United Food and
    Commercial Workers Union, abetted by liberal Jews and the news media.

    The critics say the company has a history of flouting government
    regulations and seeks to maximize profits on the backs of immigrant

    Both sides accuse the other of failing to live up to the high-minded
    ideals they espouse.

    As recriminations flew, the episode boosted the Conservative movement's
    upstart food certification, Hekhsher Tzedek, which aims to label as
    kosher food produced in an ethical and environmentally responsible

    The brainchild of a Conservative rabbi in Minnesota, Morris Allen,
    Hekhsher Tzedek released its guidelines in late July. This represents
    the first attempt by non-Orthodox Jews to influence the kosher
    food market.

    While Allen insists his certification is meant to coexist with
    existing certifications, established kosher agencies cast wary eyes
    on his efforts.

    "What does somehow trouble me a little is the fact that they are
    devoting all their efforts to kosher food companies," said Rabbi Avrom
    Pollak, the president of Star-K, a kosher certifier that works with
    more than 1,500 manufacturers. "I think it should be a much broader
    effort. All the services that we use and buy should also be subject
    to the same scrutiny."

    A group of workers walk out of Agriprocessors kosher meat plant in
    Postville, Iowa, along with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
    agents on May 12. Photo by John Gaps III/Des Moines Register.

    As the outcry over Agriprocessors' conduct grew, a coalition of
    25 Orthodox rabbis traveled to Postville to conduct their own
    inspection. They issued the company a clean bill of health.

    But critics were quick to point out that Agriprocessors paid for
    their trip and they did not meet with former workers who alleged
    mistreatment. The rabbis spent three hours in the plant.

    Though the Orthodox community largely rallied to the company's defense,
    an Orthodox social justice group, Uri L'tzedek, broke ranks and called
    for a boycott of Agriprocessors products.

    The boycott was quickly called off -- too quickly, some said --
    after the company hired a compliance officer and took other measures
    to ensure its workers were treated fairly.

    Though dismissed by right-wing Orthodox figures as a fringe group
    with a tiny following, Uri L'tzedek was thrust into the public eye by
    the controversy, raising its profile in a way that will likely boost
    its potency down the road. Some critics charged it had seized on the
    Postville situation for precisely that reason.

    A right to sue

    Though most upstart-establishment battles split the community along
    religious, political or generational lines, one fight transcended
    all three.

    This was over a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would
    give Holocaust survivors the right to sue European insurance companies
    over World War II-era policies.

    The Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act is still making its way
    through congressional committees.

    Samuel Dubbin, the Florida attorney and former Department of
    Justice official pushing the bill, contends that the right to sue is
    fundamental and should not be abridged.

    He also charges that the official body created to resolve the insurance
    issue, the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims,
    or ICHEIC, was a failure, paying only a fraction of the estimated
    value of Jewish insurance policies held before the war.

    Not surprisingly, the European insurance industry has lobbied to
    defeat the bill. But Dubbin and his client, the Holocaust Survivors
    Foundation, also engaged in legislative combat with the largest Jewish
    groups and the Claims Conference, the principal Jewish organization
    for Holocaust restitution.

    Those groups claim that the flood of potential lawsuits would do little
    to help survivors and would jeopardize restitution negotiations with
    European companies and governments.

    The fight has grown increasingly acrimonious. An official of the Claims
    Conference accused Dubbin of unrealistically raising the survivors'
    expectations in the hopes of reaping millions in legal fees.

    Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.), a backer of the bill, wondered at a
    congressional hearing in February how Jewish leaders could sleep while
    preventing survivors from being compensated for defaulted policies.

    Advocates for the legislation have said the bill would benefit needy
    Holocaust survivors, many of whom may find themselves with even less
    communal support in the coming year if the faltering economy hits
    the Jewish philanthropic world as hard as some expect.

    Economic tzuris

    Economic concerns have risen to the forefront of the Jewish agenda
    as 5768 draws to a close.

    After the March collapse of Bear Stearns, a major Wall Street bank
    and a significant source of Jewish charitable financing, philanthropy
    professionals worried that a continued slide in stock and real estate
    markets could force them to cut their allocations significantly.

    At the annual gathering of the Jewish Funders Network, held in April
    in Jerusalem, philanthropists and foundation professionals expressed
    concern that a philanthropic recession was coming.

    "People are beginning to be nervous, especially in places where the
    economy is so based on banking and real estate," Richard Marker,
    an independent philanthropy adviser and a professor of philanthropy
    at New York University, told JTA then.

    "And I don't think that the Jewish community is going to be exempt,"
    Marker continued. "There is going to be tremendous pressure on both
    the philanthropists and the nonprofit world."

    At the same time, the dollar's decline hit Jewish groups operating
    overseas as well as Israeli nonprofits.

    In July, for example, the Reform movement announced that because of
    the faltering dollar, its Israel center was facing a major budget
    shortfall. The movement said it needed $500,000 to "save" its Israel
    operation, which was facing a decline of more than 30 percent in
    its budget.

    "We're going to find out who the strong and the weak were. It's an
    almost Darwinian survival of the fittest," said Jonathan Sarna, a
    professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis University. "We'll
    only find out which Jewish institutions are severely undercapitalized
    if the recession deepens."

    Though the faltering economy shadows the waning days of 5768, the
    year had some celebrations. One in particular provided a reminder that
    grassroots challenges to authority have yielded some of U.S. Jewry's
    greatest moments.

    In November, the community marked the 20th anniversary of the struggle
    for Soviet Jewry, a campaign that mobilized thousands of Jews across
    the country on a scale unequaled before or since.

    What began as a student-led effort in the 1960s blossomed into a
    worldwide movement, leading to the largest Jewish exodus in history
    and, some say, playing a role in the ultimate fall of the Soviet Union.

    According to Henry Feingold, the author of a recently published book
    on the struggle: "It was probably American Jewry's finest hour."

    --Boundary_(ID_2pKwKJin1PiSAwr/4qJmFQ )--