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On-The-Record Briefing

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  • On-The-Record Briefing

    Daniel Fried

    US Department of State
    September 24, 2008

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: The Secretary met with the EU foreign
    ministers, then - late this morning, then back here had the
    Transatlantic Lunch, which is an - I should explain, an informal lunch
    to which all - almost all of European foreign ministers are invited -
    NATO members, EU members, both. It's an informal session. She then met
    with the Quint foreign ministers, and then finished up with Foreign
    Minister - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov before going to
    meet with Armenian President Sargsian. That meeting just took place.

    A theme of the meetings today, in fact the principal theme that ran
    through all of these, was the implications of Russia's attack on
    Georgia, what the consequences are, what the West's response is. That
    issue also came up, naturally enough, with Minister Lavrov. And let
    me give you a flavor first of the European meetings, and then I can
    discuss the meeting with - between the Secretary - between Secretary
    Rice and Foreign Minister Lavrov. So don't worry, I will get to
    that. Okay? (Laughter.)

    The strong sentiment in all her meetings with the Europeans was that
    transatlantic solidarity has prevented the situation in Georgia from
    getting even worse, that it was a critical component of our efforts
    to make the situation better, and that we needed to work together
    so that Russia's attack on Georgia does not succeed in destroying
    Georgia's sovereignty, and that Russia comes to realize sooner or
    later, hopefully sooner, that this attempt to change international
    borders through force was a grave mistake.

    The discussion with the Europeans, which started at the formal
    EU session, continued over lunch was what I would call probably
    the most sustained, concentrated general discussion of Russia in
    a very long time that we have had at that level. It was marked by
    an overwhelming consensus, unbroken consensus, that our task was to
    support Georgia, including by the way supporting Georgia's efforts to
    deepen its economic and political, particularly political, reforms,
    but also to reach out and work with other countries in the region that
    may feel threatened by what Russia did, and to make clear that the
    transatlantic community is not going to accept Russia's recognition
    of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and that we are prepared to be quite
    strong in making this point to the Russians over time.

    Now, ministers - many ministers had individual and particular takes on
    this, but it was - the solidarity shown was quite striking. Several
    ministers at the beginning of the EU meeting, the U.S.-EU meeting,
    pointed out that Secretary Rice, as Secretary, had presided over a
    considerable improvement in transatlantic ties, the strong implication
    being that the coordinated - the highly coordinated U.S.-European
    response to Russia's attack on Georgia was much easier because of
    the improvement in U.S.-European ties after all the disagreements
    about Iraq.

    Now let me turn to the Secretary's meeting with Lavrov, because then
    we can get to your questions. It was a small meeting. I accompanied
    Secretary Rice, and Russian - the new Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak
    accompanied Foreign Minister Lavrov, and nobody else in the room,
    no interpreters. They discussed Georgia, and this was a - I would
    call it a polite, thorough exchange of views where the disagreements
    were quite clear. Secretary Rice's point is that - well, she said
    to him many of the things she said publicly, that the recognition of
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia was a mistake, it was quite a serious one,
    that Russia did not enjoy any significant international support. And
    this - and Russia had created grave difficulties for itself. It's not
    right of me to characterize what Foreign Minister Lavrov's response
    was, but he - I would - I think it is fair to say that he presented
    the known Russian positions. And again, this was - there was not
    shouting, table-pounding histrionics. These - the two ministers are
    professionals, they know each other well.

    But this was not the only issue that was discussed. They also discussed
    North Korea and discussed the current difficulties and challenges that
    we face, given North Korea's current behavior. And they discussed ways
    to send the right kind of messages to the North Korean Government. And
    I would call this a business-like discussion and a constructive one.

    They also discussed Iran. And I would also call this a constructive
    discussion. They discussed the fact that we both agreed it was
    premature to have a P-5+1 foreign ministers meeting right now. They
    agreed that political directors should work together, and agreed
    that there would come a time for another P-5+1 foreign ministers
    meeting. They also agreed that the two governments should be in close
    contact about the best way to signal that the P-5+1 process is intact,
    and grappling with the issue of how to proceed -- given the recent
    developments, proceed in the wake of the IAEA report. And I would
    call this a constructive discussion.

    Now it is - the new Russian political director is not in town, but
    Ambassador Kislyak, who has vast experience, his previous - Ambassador
    Kislyak's previous job was as the Russian Foreign Ministry political
    director. He has vast experience on the Iran issue. He was Nick Burns'
    counterpart briefly, my counterpart when I was doing it -- the Iran
    portfolio temporarily, and is Bill Burns' counterpart now - well,
    he would have been Bill Burns' counterpart when he was political
    director. But he is in town and I think he and Bill Burns are also
    in touch about the way ahead. So this was a good - I would call this
    a constructive discussion.

    Now, there's a couple more things and then questions. I'm not going
    to race out, okay? It's all right.

    Secretary Rice's speech last week made clear both the depth of our
    concern about Russian actions in Georgia, but also said, clearly and
    explicitly, that there were areas where we do want to continue to
    work with Russia. And based on the discussion today, that work seems
    to be continuing despite the very serious disagreements we have and -
    with Russia and that, frankly, Europe and the United States together
    have with Russia about Georgia.

    Let me stop here so I can answer questions. And thank you for all


    QUESTION: Dan, Sergey Lavrov just spoke at the Council of Foreign
    Relations and he was talking about how, when you talk about these
    kind of areas of cooperation, ending discussions with the G-8 was
    really hurting the security of the world, because for instance,
    the agriculture ministers were supposed to meet to talk about food
    security. He said there were all of these issues that are of grave
    importance to the world, and you can't pick and choose what you want
    to cooperate - he said, you know, give us a list of what you want
    to cooperate with and what you don't want to cooperate with. He said
    that's not - that's not really fair.

    And while you said that Russia can't have it both ways, he said that
    the United States can't have it both ways due to what he called a
    very emotional reaction to how they handled it. And yes, you have
    disagreements, but if you're going to agree to have a pragmatic
    relationship, then it should be across the board.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Well, I'm familiar both with Minister
    Lavrov's style in general and this particular - this particular logic
    train. We've heard this. This was the basis of -- the Russian Foreign
    Ministry statement yesterday made the same points. We're familiar
    with it, but the fact is Russia has, by invading Georgia and then
    recognizing the independence of these tiny breakaway areas, has created
    grave difficulties for itself that cannot be wished away. And it is
    not a difficulty with the United States; it's a difficulty with much of
    the world. It's not just Europe either, though it certainly is Europe.

    Secretary Rice's speech made clear that there are areas where we want
    to cooperate and made it clear also that we have grave concerns over
    what the Russians did. And I understand what the Russians are trying
    to do, but all I can report to you is what the meeting laid out;
    that is, they talked about North Korea, they talked about Iran in a
    constructive way, and they talked - they basically exchanged views
    of Georgia and the disagreements there are very deep and remain.

    QUESTION: Just a quick follow - just a quick follow-up if I - can I
    just do a quick follow-up, please?


    QUESTION: Europeans today, in their discussion with him - obviously,
    the whole issue of the G-8 is very important to them. What's the kind
    of long-term trajectory on it with the G-8 discussion?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: No - fair or not - a fair question, but
    I don't have an answer for you yet. I can tell you that we did not
    think it appropriate at all to have a G-8 foreign ministers now. We
    look forward to Russia adhering to the terms of the ceasefire and the
    September 8th supplemental document that the French negotiated. And
    we will see how the Russians do in terms of meeting their commitments.

    So I think that this was - I understand what Minister Lavrov has been
    saying, but the fact is this is - the Russians have created a grave
    problem for themselves, and that can't be - that can't be wished away.

    MODERATOR: Bloomberg, please.

    QUESTION: Yeah, just - I'm sorry, this is their first meeting,
    one-on-one, since the Georgia conflict, correct?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: It wasn't a one-on-one meeting because
    there were two other people there.

    QUESTION: Two others, right.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Two-on-two, what --

    QUESTION: But not in (inaudible)?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: That is correct. It is the first bilateral
    meeting they have had. They have spoken on the phone. I believe she
    called him before she made her speech last Thursday. And they spoke
    at the very beginning of the --

    QUESTION: They spoke on September 11th and they spoke --


    QUESTION: -- when she was on the plane flying back to Georgia.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Well, you have --

    QUESTION: Right, right.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Right, thank you.

    QUESTION: Okay --

    QUESTION: Well, we went through this earlier today.

    QUESTION: Yeah.

    QUESTION: So how can you move out of this - how can you move out of
    this kind of - seems like a rut that the relations have dropped into at
    this point, where the rhetoric continues to escalate or periodically
    spike and there doesn't seem to be any way forward because each side
    has staked out its territory. What --

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Well, that's why - but the premise of
    your question is, I think, not quite right, because we were - the
    two ministers were able to have productive, serious discussions about
    North Korea and Iran despite the ongoing disagreements. It is - I also
    am not sure that I accept the characterization of, you know, a rut,
    which is sort of a neutral term, relations are in a rut so we have
    to improve relations. Russia invaded another country. It tried to -
    it is trying to change international borders by force.

    That is a problem that Russia has, and it's not our responsibility to
    help Russia mitigate the consequences of such an action. It is our
    responsibility to work with Russia where we have common interests,
    but it's also our responsibility, as the Secretary said last Thursday,
    to help the Russians relook at some of their actions and reconsider
    what they've done.

    MODERATOR: If we can limit the follow-ons, please. Reuters, I think
    we have time, sir, for one or two.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Yeah, a couple more. I want to be decent
    to my colleagues.

    QUESTION: Did you get any sense from Lavrov whether the Russians are
    going to follow through on their commitments on the Russian deal? I
    mean, did he say to you, yes, by -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: I'm sorry. Which deal are you talking about?

    QUESTION: The -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: You mean the withdrawal?

    QUESTION: The withdrawal deal, yes. Did he say, yes, we'll --

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: There are - they - I have a somewhat
    higher degree of confidence that the Russians will pull out of their
    checkpoints beyond South Ossetia and Abkhazia than I do that the
    Russians will honor their ceasefire commitment to pull their troops
    out of Georgia altogether. You remember the September - the August
    8th - the August 12th ceasefire provides for all Russian and Georgian
    forces to go back to their original positions on August - and before
    August 7th. The Russians have said publicly that they're going to
    station much larger forces in South Ossetia and Abkhazia in clearly
    inconsistent with the ceasefire. And I fear that that is what the
    Russians intend to do. That would be, of course, institutionalizing
    this violation of the ceasefire and that's, of course, a problem.

    QUESTION: So, Dan, did the Secretary make the same points that she made
    in her speech to Lavrov today and - obviously a condensed version if
    she did, I don't know - and can you give us any idea about what the
    response was? We're recently hearing about Lavrov losing his temper
    on the phone with David Miliband. I'm sure you -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: I've heard that rumor, too.

    QUESTION: Yeah. And -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: I've heard that rumor, too. I can assure
    you, though --

    QUESTION: And on Iran, was there any indication that the Russians -
    that, in fact, track two, the sanctions, was the way to go?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: I have heard the story and many -
    I don't know whether it's true, but I've also heard this story
    about that conversation between Secretary Miliband and Foreign
    Minister Lavrov. But the conversation today was polite, completely
    professional. There was none of - there was none of that.

    QUESTION: Okay.

    QUESTION: No foul language?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: It was a completely professional
    conversation from beginning to end.

    QUESTION: And, well - wait, hold on a second.

    MODERATOR: I asked you to limit your follow-up.


    QUESTION: It was all - I asked it already.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Okay. So which part do you want answered

    QUESTION: The - did she make the same points in her speech that she -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: She didn't give him a condensed version
    of the speech. She made - many of the points that she made to him you
    have heard before about the problem that Russia has created for itself.

    QUESTION: And he wasn't buying that, right?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Well, I didn't actually expect him
    to. (Laughter.) And he had his own position, which we did not find -
    which our side doesn't find convincing. But that's pretty well known.

    QUESTION: And then on Iran?


    QUESTION: Sanctions.

    QUESTION: Sanctions on Iran. Whether sanctions (inaudible).

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: They discussed the way ahead and the
    two-track approach, but also the need to send Iran a very clear signal
    that the P-5+1 process is intact and that we stand - that the P-5+1
    stand by all of their work today. And I think under the circumstances,
    that would be an important signal. That's what they discussed.

    QUESTION: He said that you didn't discuss sanctions at all.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Particular next-step sanctions, I think
    that's right. They didn't discuss that, but they discussed sending
    the larger signal.

    QUESTION: And they agreed to do that?

    QUESTION: You said the Europeans are completely on the same page, but
    they are very concerned that if the P-5+1 process is going slowly, if
    it slows down, there is the risk and it would mean that the Russians
    are waiting for the next administration and it would also mean that
    it would give ground to people in Israel who favor a military strike
    on Iran. And they are very concerned about that. So what is your
    answer today?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Well, I would - you mean to the
    Europeans? I would say that we very much want the P-5+1 process to
    continue. Secretary Rice said so in her speech last week. They had a -
    Secretary Rice and Minister Lavrov had a constructive discussion about
    this. But - and I'm - and we're - obviously, that's a good thing. But
    the Iran - the problem that Iran's nuclear program represents is
    something that we have to take care of, hopefully through the P-5+1
    process. But in any event, it is a problem and we have to deal with
    it pretty seriously.

    QUESTION: But are you sure that there will be a ministerial meeting

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Am I sure? No, I'm not sure that there
    will be, but it is a good thing that the two ministers agree that
    they should have a ministerial meeting.

    QUESTION: Colum Lynch from The Washington Post. I just wanted -
    I know you talked about this a little bit earlier, but if you could
    just give us some sense of - Lavrov, you know, was essentially saying
    that he was, you know, withdrawing in reaction to the position on
    the G-8 meetings and -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: He did not say that. He did not say that
    during --

    QUESTION: He did not say that?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: He did not say that. I mean, I'm
    familiar with the argument that that was their motive, but he did
    not say that. That did not come up. The -Secretary Rice made clear
    that she agreed that it was not the right time to have a P-5+1
    ministerial. Political directors needed to do their work. And he
    agreed with that assessment.

    QUESTION: But a senior official last night said that you thought it
    was useful to have such a meeting.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: All I can tell you is what the - what
    Minister Lavrov and Secretary Rice said today. She said that she
    agreed that, in fact, it was not the right time --

    QUESTION: Last night after they said they're not coming.

    QUESTION: Well, but I mean, the Russian remark that you can't have
    it both ways, you can't ask us to, you know, participate in the
    Iranian stuff - I know, but I've got to write a story tomorrow, so
    I'm sorry. But I mean, you know, he didn't sort of indicate that there
    was no way that they were going to go ahead with high-level meetings
    on Iran if you didn't sort of change your position on cooperation?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: He did not say that; in fact, quite the
    opposite. He said that he looked - that there should be a ministerial
    meeting at the right time. I mean, I understand the logic, okay,
    of that line of argument. But in fact, that's not what happened at
    the meeting of the two ministers today.

    MODERATOR: Libby.

    QUESTION: Yeah, just on North Korea, Dan. You had said that they came
    up - they discussed ways to send the right kind of messages to North
    Korea. What - did they conclude anything? Are they - are the Russians
    going to -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: The Russians are going - I think it was -
    the best way to say is that the Russians are going to think about
    this in light of the conversation. I think that's fair.

    QUESTION: Think about what?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: The best way to send the messages.

    QUESTION: Is there any more detail you can give us on that?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Not that I can give you, no.

    QUESTION: Dan, this was --

    QUESTION: I mean, you're not very reassuring.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Well, I'm sorry. (Laughter.) But you know,
    I'm not very reassuring about what? About Iran's intentions? About -
    I mean, these are --

    QUESTION: About the continuity of the P-5+1.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: No, I - and quite the contrary. I thought
    I was quite reassuring that both leaders had a constructive discussion
    given the press articles that I read in the morning papers, which were
    understandable. I think it's quite reassuring for me to be able to
    tell you that they had a constructive discussion on the way forward
    and that Minister Lavrov agreed that there should be a ministerial
    meeting and they also agreed on ways to send the right signal that
    the P-5+1 process is intact. That actually is pretty reassuring,
    I mean, as these things go. It's not been a great month and a half
    in U.S.-Russian relations, so under the circumstances, that may be -
    that's pretty good.

    MODERATOR: I think this will have to be the last one, and be brief
    because -


    QUESTION: On North Korea, did Minister Lavrov suggest that the
    U.S. needed to show more flexibility on the verification protocol,
    that the process was more important at this point than getting a
    stringent verification regime?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Fair question. They did discuss - they
    did discuss the best tactics for moving ahead. And Lavrov - I should
    not characterize what he said, not quite right, but certainly they
    discussed some of these issues. And Lavrov said - at the end of the
    discussion of North Korea, Lavrov said he would think about sending
    the right kind of message.

    QUESTION: Are you still wrangling over the interpretation of the
    September and August options?

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: We've not wrangled at all. We think the
    French interpretation is the right one.

    QUESTION: Yeah, but the Russians don't agree.

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: Well, they can --

    QUESTION: So you'll have a basis for -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: They can talk to the French, who actually
    have a very good mastery of both the French language and the documents
    that they negotiated. We think that the French know exactly what they
    did, and we think that their version is accurate. What the Russians
    think, I can't say.

    QUESTION: Dan, did they agree on what is the best way to signal to
    the Iranians that the P-5+1 process is intact, or did they just say -
    you said -

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: No, no, they did exchange some ideas and
    they agreed that we'll be - they agreed that Bill Burns and Kislyak
    will be in touch to follow up on that discussion.

    MODERATOR: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

    QUESTION: Thank you.