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Dutch Parliament: Armenian Genocide - Prosecution of Demirer

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  • Dutch Parliament: Armenian Genocide - Prosecution of Demirer

    Federation of Armenian Organisations in The Netherlands (FAON)
    Address: Weesperstraat 91
    2574 VS The Hague, The Netherlands
    Telephone: +31704490209
    Email: [email protected]
    Contact: M. Hakhverdian


    Written Questions on prosecution of Temel Demirer

    The Hague, 25 September 2008 - The Federation of Armenian Organisations of
    the Netherlands (FAON) was informed that Members of four factions in Dutch
    Parliament, namely the Christian Union, the CDA (Christian Democrats), the
    SGP (Political Reformed Party) and the VVD (Liberal Party) have submitted
    Written Questions to the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the permission of
    the Turkish Minister of Justice to prosecute the Turkish writer, Temel
    Demirer, because of his remarks on the Armenian Genocide the day after the
    assassination of the Armenian Turkish journalist Hrant Dink.

    Written questions by the MP¹s Voordewind (Christian Union), Ormel (Christian
    Democrats), Van der Staaij (Political Reformed Party) and Van Baalen
    (Liberal Party) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the permission to
    prosecute the Turkish writer

    The Written Questions are as follows:

    1. Have you been notified of the news that the Turkish Minister of Justice
    has granted permission to prosecute writer Temel Demirer pursuant to Article
    301 of the Turkish Penal Code because of utterances on the Armenian
    Genocide? 1)

    2. In which cases has the Minister of Justice given permission to institute
    a criminal case by invoking this Article after it had been amended under the
    EU pressure?

    3. Which conclusion do you draw from this situation also considering the
    background of the answers to the earlier written questions on the
    condemnation of a Turkish writer due to publication of a book on the
    Armenian Genocide (nr. 3045), where you asserted that you could not at the
    time evaluate the effect of the amendment of Article 301 properly? Doesn¹t
    this make clear that the amendment of Article 301 has, neither in material
    nor procedural sense, produced the intended result and that the further
    amendment of the Turkish Penal Code is necessary? If not, why?

    4. Which measures are you going to take, bilaterally as well as in EU
    connection in order to make it clear to the Turkish government that the
    continuing violation of the freedom of expression, also in view of the
    motion of Rouvoet et al. adopted by this Parliament, is unacceptable?

    1) ?Ministry of Justice gives permission for trial of writer Demirer under
    article 301¹, en ?Writer to face prosecution under 301¹,
    Today¹s Zaman, 10 september 2008

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress