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Armenia Slides In Global Corruption Rankings

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  • Armenia Slides In Global Corruption Rankings

    By Astghik Bedevian
    25 sept 08

    The situation with government corruption in Armenia has continued
    to slowly but steadily deteriorate in the past year, according to
    the latest global survey released by a respected anti-graft watchdog
    on Tuesday.

    Every year the Berlin-based Transparency International (TI) rates
    countries of the world on a 10-point scale, with zero indicating an
    extremely high degree of corruption as perceived by entrepreneurs
    and experts.

    Armenia, along with Argentina, Moldova and four other states, ranked
    109th out of 180 nations covered by Transparency International's 2008
    Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). It was assigned a score of 2.9,
    faring slightly worse than it did in the previous CPI released one
    year ago.

    Armenia's score is based on seven corruption-related surveys conducted
    by other organizations, including the World Bank. It had already
    dropped by 0.1 point to 3.0 last year, dragging the country down to
    99th place in TI's 2007 rankings.

    By contrast, TI found a further significant drop in perceived
    corruption in neighboring Georgia, giving the latter 3.9 points and
    putting it in 67th place. Georgia was 79th in last year's CPI.

    As always, the Armenian government and its supporters will draw
    comfort from the fact that all other non-Baltic former Soviet states
    were again judged to be more corrupt than Armenia. In particular, its
    arch-foe Azerbaijan regressed to 158th place in TI's latest rankings.

    TI's Armenian affiliate, the Center for Regional Development (CRD),
    portrayed the survey as a further indication of the `systemic'
    character of bribery and other corrupt practices that have long
    plagued the country.

    `Unfortunately, there are very few areas unaffected by corruption,'
    the CRD chairwoman, Amalia Kostanian, told a news conference. `If
    corruption is systemic, you can not eradicate it in one particular

    The administration of former President Robert Kocharian pledged to
    combat corruption throughout its decade-long rule that came to an
    end last spring.

    It launched in 2003 a Western-backed anti-corruption program consisting
    of mainly legislative measures. There is little evidence that they
    have reduced the scale of graft, however.

    Kocharian's successor and longtime close associate, Serzh Sarkisian,
    admitted in July that the virtual absence of prosecutions of corrupt
    government officials has undermined public trust in the declared
    crackdowns on corruption. `People must see that we are not only
    talking but also acting,' Sarkisian said in a speech. `If we talk
    about corruption all day long and don't show persons engaged in it,
    then our actions will not only produce zero results but will further
    aggravate the situation.'

    His prime minister, Tigran Sarkisian, (no relation) has been even more
    vocal in acknowledging the seriousness of the problem. Sarkisian has
    described graft as the number one problem facing Armenia.

    Opposition politicians and other government critics dismiss the
    significance of such statements, saying that corruption is one of the
    pillars of Armenia's political system that has allowed Kocharian,
    Sarkisian and other top officials to stay in power. They also say
    that Armenian law-enforcement agencies are themselves too corrupt to
    tackle the problem in earnest.