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Nevada Armenians Express Outrage over Azerbaijani Remembrance Day

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  • Nevada Armenians Express Outrage over Azerbaijani Remembrance Day

    Armenian National Committee - Nevada
    Las Vegas, NV 89135

    April 3, 2009

    Contact: Ara Shirinian
    Email: [email protected]

    Nevada Armenians Express Outrage in Light of Governor's Proclamation
    of Azerbaijani Remembrance Day

    - ANC of Nevada Urges Governor Gibbons to Retract Proclamation

    Las Vegas, Nevada - The ANC of Nevada has responded to a proclamation
    issued by Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons which proclaimed March 31 as
    Azerbaijani Remembrance Day. The proclamation commemorates the deaths
    of tens of thousands of Azerbaijani civilians due to the
    Armenian-Azeri conflict and the so called `March Massacres' of 1918 in
    Baku, Azerbaijan.

    The proclamation, the timing of which is highly questionable, has
    caused great consternation and substantial outrage in the Armenian
    American community in Nevada and throughout the country. Based on
    manipulative news coverage in the Azerbaijani and international press,
    it appears this proclamation has been promoted by interests wishing to
    oppose the self-determination of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    and further to distract attention from efforts to recognize the
    Armenian Genocide.

    "The Armenian-American community throughout the state of Nevada is
    shocked that Governor Gibbons was so easily misled and manipulated by
    foreign interest groups representing the governments of Azerbaijan and
    Turkey and their high priced lobbyists. We expect our Silver State
    public officials to do their homework and represent the interests of
    their constituents here in Nevada," stated ANC Nevada spokesperson
    Razmik Ablo.

    In a letter to the Governor, the ANC of Nevada expressed the
    community's outrage and disappointment over
    the proclamation's wording which refers to NKR as a part of
    Azerbaijan's `territorial integrity' when the US State Department and
    OSCE Minsk Group have made clear that the right of self-determination
    for the people of NKR is an equal priority. The letter also states
    that `this proclamation is currently being offered as human rights
    activists around the world prepare for the observation of the
    international day of commemoration of the Armenian Genocide on April
    24. As you are also aware, the Turkish government and its foreign
    agents deny the historical reality of this crime. Unfortunately,
    scores of news stories emanating from the Azerbaijani press are
    utilizing your proclamation as a subterfuge for genocide denial by
    stating that this proclamation supports the idea that Armenians
    committed genocide against Azerbaijanis at the time.'

    The historical record regarding the period in question makes it clear
    that civil war raged in the area. According to documents in the
    United States Library of Congress and publications of that era such as
    the New York Times, pro-Russian communist forces engaged in isolated
    acts of violence. These acts were not systematic and widespread, such
    as tactics implemented in the Armenian Genocide, Holocaust and Darfur.

    `As committed human rights advocates, we do not minimize the suffering
    of any people at any time - but instead call attention to the
    politically motivated nature of the proclamation... ...we feel it is
    necessary to raise awareness of the true intentions of those
    interested in securing such proclamations from the governor of our

    ANC of Nevada advocates for the social, economic, cultural, and
    political rights of the area's Armenian American community and
    promotes increased Armenian American civic participation at the
    grassroots and public policy levels.


    The full text of the proclamation is below:

    [The Great Seal of the State of Nevada]
    WHEREAS, the Republic of Azerbaijan has an area of 33,440 square
    miles, including the Karabakh region, situated in the South Caucasus
    region, southeastern Europe; and
    WHEREAS, the territorial integrity, state sovereignty and independence
    of the Republic of Azerbaijan is supported by the United States and
    its citizens; and
    WHEREAS, in March 1918, ethnic and religious tensions grew and the
    Armenian-Azeri conflict in Baku began; and
    WHEREAS, as a result of the conflict, the region suffered thousands of
    casualties in Baku, Shemakha, Guba, Shusha, including the deaths of
    tens of thousands of Azerbaijani civilians; and
    WHEREAS, every year since 1918, Azerbaijanis and many people around
    the globe, observe March 31 as a Day of Remembrance, to honor the
    victims resulting from the fighting that began in March 1918; and
    hereby proclaim March 31, 2009 as
    In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great
    Seal of the State of Nevada to be affixed at the State Capitol in
    Carson City, this 31st day of March, 2009.