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Multiple-Vector Globalization And Permanent Chaos

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  • Multiple-Vector Globalization And Permanent Chaos

    Gagik Harutyunyan tics&nid=1732
    03 April 2009

    Though we tend to the order, one should not blame the chaos
    groundlessly; it symbolizes both threat and power at the same time

    ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
    The ongoing system changes should inevitably bring to the revaluation
    of definite ingrained perceptions. This regards, for example, to
    such a foundational notion as globalization, which started to be used
    extensively in the end of the last century and is supposed to be one
    of the main terms, which characterize the realities of world order.

    In the context of political comments the term "chaos" is used
    incomparably rarely in the mass media (more often one can meet
    "controlled chaos" expression). However, in expert literature it is
    considered to be the axial, because just notion "chaos", allows us,
    as far as possible, to understand and explain complex phenomena
    and processes.

    The aspiration to give contemporary interpretation to the
    aforementioned notions, in our opinion, is feasible and actual,
    because it can promote to the adequate perception of present changes
    and to predict, as far as possible, the later developments.

    Imperial globalization

    As is generally known, globalization has no strict scientific
    definition, but this term, as a rule, is understood to be the growth
    of the interrelation between the countries due to the integration
    processes in economic and other spheres. It is supposed that, as a
    result of globalization and taking into consideration the possibilities
    provided by contemporary communicative and information technologies,
    the common informational field will be formed, and this, in its turn,
    will bring to the uniform world perception. There is also an opinion
    that the main aim of the globalization is to reduce the chaos and
    boost the growth of the level of the order.

    Let us mention that the humanity have met local manifestations of
    globalization since the formation of the first empires. It is known
    that they are particularly the place where different ethnos, cultures
    and even civilizations are mixed. As a result of imperial policy at
    some extent integrated society, common, as far as possible, judicial
    and economic fields are formed. The USSR, recollections of which are
    still green in the mind, can be regarded as a classical example of
    such a reality. It is obvious that the primary political objective of
    "control centre" of any empire is to establish common game rules and
    social and economic uniformity, as it is the main precondition for
    the stability and viability of state system.

    The community of the informational field in the empire depends on the
    level of the development of the means of communication in the given
    period and, of course, the civilizational potential of the society
    formed in the result of integration of the imperial nation or various
    nations. The so called temporal and informational permanency of the
    empire is conditioned by that factor. For example, the notions and the
    achievements in the cultural, political, judicial and other spheres
    in the period of Hellenism and the Roman Empire are still used and
    the same cannot be said about Hunnish or Ottoman Empires.

    Globalization in unipolar world and imperial usage of "chaos"

    The globalization in our age is, to a great degree, an expression of
    "imperial" way of ruling. In unipolar system (now former unipolar
    system) the main "regulator" and "supervisor" was the USA. Possessing
    vast resources that world power dominated in all spheres, and the
    globalization, in accordance with the views of the representatives of
    American elite, was a necessary mean to world regulation and security
    ensuring. At the same time, globalization in the American age differs
    from the functions of the empires of the past by its high efficiency,
    which is conditioned by the certain revolutionary changes in the
    informational sphere.

    It is remarkable that, according to the conceptual elaborations
    of American "think tanks", the countries, which are out of the
    globalizing field, are regarded as "unaccomplished" and on that
    territories "chaotic processes" dominate. Such a situation constitutes
    a threat to the national security of the United States that is why
    the involvement of the "unaccomplished" states into the international
    community is considered to be a primary objective.

    At the same time, "chaotic" situations have a significant potential,
    which usage and directing can be profitable from the military and
    political and economic points of view for the global actor. That
    means that "chaotic" regions and societies have their special place
    and value in geopolitical processes.

    It is characteristic that such approaches had also dominated in the
    past. For example, the Greeks, the Romans and the Chinese percept
    the peoples (tribes) who live out of the borders of the "globalized"
    empire as "barbarians" and considered them to be very dangerous for
    their state. At the same time, the empire often used those "barbarians"
    on the assumption of its interests. It is significant that sometimes,
    as a result of geopolitical developments, "barbarians" obtained
    the status of the inheritors and the successors of the imperial
    civilization as it happened after the fall of the Roman (Western)
    Empire. The developments in the Byzantine Empire went in the other way;
    the Seljuk-Turks who conquered the territory of the Empire from the
    civilizational point of view could not inherit rich Byzantine culture
    (today the main inheritors of the Byzantine Empire are considered to
    be the Greeks, the Armenians and Slavonic nations). In the context of
    all the aforementioned China can be regarded as an example of a stable
    and permanent empire. Its people, if we take into consideration the
    logic of historical developments, in general, possesses its territories
    and is a permanent bearer of its own culture.

    Peculiarities of globalization in multi-polar world

    The situation within the multi-polar system, which is formed
    today, changes, because the USA loses the monopoly of the
    "regulator-supervisor" of the globalization. At the same time,
    geopolitical actors, whose perceptions of the integrated global
    space are different, have appeared. It means that new material and
    non-material resource centres have been formed, whose globalizing
    expansion pursues different aims and thus, it has different direction.

    It is characteristic that today not only major powers but also the
    international community, whose representatives very often join within
    the format of non-governmental organizations (NGO), can be the actors
    of the process of the globalization. Those organizations, using the
    informational technologies (IT), are able to implement big projects;
    thereby, they obtain the status of global actors. It is known that the
    considerable part of those NGOs is directed by the big geopolitical
    actors; but the impression is that in multi-polar system most of them
    will start to work independently.

    Let us also mention that in multi-polar world the countries,
    which could not act independently in the "overorganized" unipolar
    world. It is clear that the developed IT sphere afford them such
    an opportunity. The influence of such countries on globalization
    processes will be directly dependant on the civilizational and
    intellectual resources they possess.

    Multi-vector globalization and chaos

    In the context of the aforementioned we should underline the fact
    that if, for example, in economic and technological spheres the
    direction of the actors of globalization may coincide, then the
    vectors of civilizational and ideological expansion must have been
    different. It means that the contemporary globalization may not to
    "regulate" global community but it can promote to the lack of any
    regulation and the emerging of chaotic developments. It is also known
    that the periodicity of the events in the informational age grows and
    the speed of the events also constantly rises. All these circumstances
    should also promote to chaotic developments, because the community
    and traditional governing bodies do not succeed to react adequately
    in time on that events. It means that the current globalization also
    contains the mechanisms of the emerging of "permanent chaos". This
    factor, in our opinion, lies at the root of the current system crisis.

    "Netocracy" - the world elite of intellectuals