03.04.2009 16:48 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Arpi Vardanyan: Armenian Assembly of America (AAA)
supports opening of Turkish -Armenian border and establishment of
diplomatic relations between Armenia and NKR without preconditions,
Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) Regional Director in RA and NKR,
Arpi Vardanyan told a news conference. "Turkey has to understand that
The Genocide and the NKR conflict are two different issues not to be
linked with border opening and establishment of diplomatic relations."
Arpi Vardanyan referred to the opening of Turkish -Armenian border as
an unlikely possibility. "Only 13 days are left. Many expect Barack
Obama's visit to Turkey and his address to the Armenian Community on
Apr. 24. But I can't preclude the border opening within current year,"
she stated.
Wall Street Journal, citing a diplomatic source in Brussels,
circulated information on possibility of Turkish-Armenian border
opening and establishment of diplomatic relations on Apr. 16. Neither
side provided official comments on the assertion above.
03.04.2009 16:48 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Arpi Vardanyan: Armenian Assembly of America (AAA)
supports opening of Turkish -Armenian border and establishment of
diplomatic relations between Armenia and NKR without preconditions,
Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) Regional Director in RA and NKR,
Arpi Vardanyan told a news conference. "Turkey has to understand that
The Genocide and the NKR conflict are two different issues not to be
linked with border opening and establishment of diplomatic relations."
Arpi Vardanyan referred to the opening of Turkish -Armenian border as
an unlikely possibility. "Only 13 days are left. Many expect Barack
Obama's visit to Turkey and his address to the Armenian Community on
Apr. 24. But I can't preclude the border opening within current year,"
she stated.
Wall Street Journal, citing a diplomatic source in Brussels,
circulated information on possibility of Turkish-Armenian border
opening and establishment of diplomatic relations on Apr. 16. Neither
side provided official comments on the assertion above.