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Obama's Visit May Inspire The 'Change' Turkey Itself Needs

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  • Obama's Visit May Inspire The 'Change' Turkey Itself Needs

    by Ilhan Tanir

    The Daily Star
    April 3, 2009 Friday

    Early next week, President barack Obama makes his first visit to a
    Muslim-majority country within his first 100 days in office and by
    doing that he will have fulfilled another campaign promise. According
    to the news reports, many bilateral issues will be discussed, such
    as assistance for US troop withdrawal from Iraq through Turkey.

    Early next week, President barack Obama makes his first visit to a
    Muslim-majority country within his first 100 days in office and by
    doing that he will have fulfilled another campaign promise. According
    to the news reports, many bilateral issues will be discussed,
    such as assistance for US troop withdrawal from Iraq through Turkey;
    stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan; policies against Iran and Syria,
    as well as the wider Middle East peace process. At the same time, the
    Obama must have noticed by now that Turkey has been accomplishing some
    positive results by reaching out to its neighbors in recent years. New
    Turkish foreign policies such as disentangling historic conflicts with
    surrounding countries have started to bear fruit. Turkish officials now
    visit any country in the wider region and can shoulder an exhausted
    US in the region, as some US State Department officials recently
    elaborated the need for these regional strategic partnerships in
    broad-spectrum speeches at the US Institute of Peace conference in
    Washington, DC.

    In the meantime, Turkey's full EU membership ambitions have been
    somewhat disappointing. It is true that, especially after the EU
    granted official-candidate status to Turkey for full EU membership in
    2005, the Turkish administration has slowed the much-praised reform
    agenda. Turkish officials have given many reasons for this sluggishness
    though none of them are sufficient to explain this attitude. After
    all, these reforms are essential for Turkish citizens who strive to
    live better.

    The Turkish government also has been making a lot of progress
    when it comes to re-establishing its relationship with its Kurdish
    population. Only 18 years ago, the Kurdish language was prohibited
    in Turkey and Kurdish identity was mostly denied. Today, an official
    State television channel broadcasts in Kurdish.

    However, much more work needs to be accomplished in regards to other
    minorities. "The threat is growing nationalism and frustration
    with the US and Europe," a new US Assistant Secretary of State,
    Philip H. Gordon wrote as a co-author of a book on Turkey. Also,
    if the upcoming Armenian Genocide legislation passes in the House,
    this would further vent the chauvinistic flames in Turkey and could
    possibly set back much of the newly gained progress as well as newly
    improving relations with Armenia.

    Today, Turkey is trying to turn yet another important corner toward
    fostering its democracy, with facing its own recent history. The
    judicial investigation into a shadowy ultranationalist group known as
    Ergenekon is continuing. In order to prove that democracy and Islam
    can properly function hand-in-hand, the Turkish democratic escapade
    must reach its final destination as a fully democratic, secular and
    modern country. But, still a mix of ineptitude, politicization and
    disinformation has disheartened many observers who wish to see the
    trials as a step toward an accountable and democratic Turkey, not a
    day for vengeance.

    All the same, the Turkish democratic struggle is not moving forward
    linearly. First off, laws that govern Turkish political parties
    give utmost power to party leadership. This dysfunctional process
    enables party leaders to become impervious party dictators, who can
    annul local party organizations, cherry-pick the MP candidates and
    hold hostage the party members by various means to keep themselves
    "voted in" forever. For example, Deniz Baykal, a leader of the main
    opposition party, is still the strongest man in his party despite
    decades of election defeats, including one Sunday.

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister and the leader of the ruling
    Justice and Development Party, or AKP, is another example. Erdogan has
    been running a one-man show in the government as the other founding
    fathers of the AKP have been eliminated one way or another in the
    recent years, though the local elections last Sunday promised some
    hope for the future of checks and balances amid dwindling support
    for the AKP. Yet, the AKP is still the winner and whether it learned
    necessary lessons, or whether the opposition parties can resonate
    with the people remains to be seen.

    And there is the Turkish free press. In recent months there have been
    many disturbing episodes that have distressed many spectators who
    follow Turkey closely. First, Erdogan irately targeted the outspoken
    Dogan Media group urging people not to buy their newspapers. Then,
    tax inspectors decided to fine the same media outlet a huge amount,
    which unsurprisingly overlapped with the local elections. Freedom
    of speech, tolerance and harsh humor are also under fire, as Erdogan
    persists in suing writers and caricaturists as he deems that he should
    be above such criticism. This state of emotion gives another sample
    of untouchable psychology and many Turkish experts now echo Erdogan's
    authoritarian ambitions during off-the-record talks. Perhaps hearing
    about some of Turkey's shortcomings from a popular and transformational
    American president during the upcoming visit will do the trick and
    assist in preparing the groundwork, this time, for Turkey's "change."

    Ilhan Tanir frequently writes for a Turkish daily, Hurriyet Daily
    News, and works for a private consulting firm as a research director
    in Washington, DC.