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Worsening Economy Increases Risk Of Default

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  • Worsening Economy Increases Risk Of Default

    By Elita Babayan

    2009-04-03 12:51:00

    An interview with Hayk Papyan, Director General of Cascade
    Investments Company, the underwriter of Cascade Credit, ARARATBANK
    and ArmRusgasprom bonds

    What financial instruments does Cascade Investments offer its clients
    and generally the financial market of Armenia today in the conditions
    of so big variety of instruments in the international financial
    market? What local instruments the foreign investors take interest in?

    We can buy or sell any registered securities in any country with
    regulated market. Cascade Investments offers its clients both shares
    and bonds. It has recently begun offering also certain classical
    hedging instruments, in particular, futures contracts, the so-called
    tradable securities. For instance, one can purchase several tons
    of products to resale them later as easily as he would buy ordinary
    shares listed at the stock exchange. This allows local producers and
    importers to reduce their financial risks depending on fluctuation
    of the prices of these products. For instance, we had clients,
    for whom we purchased and resold wheat, rice and gold in foreign
    markets. Derivative instruments are very popular now and our clients
    have taken an interest in them. We are working to create the market
    of commodity and futures contracts for such tradable assets as grain,
    sugar, butter, and oil products. This market i n Armenia is still
    in embryo, but it may have the key part in the market price making
    and risk insurance in future, including in the banking business. We
    constantly depend on the global prices. There are many novelties
    in the financial markets at present. The list of instruments is
    constantly enlarged and such variety confuses investors. The year
    2008 proved very unlucky for the shares market. Many traditional
    investors suffered inevitable short-term losses. Generally, in
    case of necessary instruments and a risk-taking opportunity, it is
    possible to gain irrespective of any trends if your market forecasts
    are generally realistic.

    This is what makes the securities market attractive.

    It has become rather effective buying stock indexes and other
    appropriately composed securities. The most popular ones are the
    so-called Mutual Funds and ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds). Securities in
    these funds are classified into groups depending on capitalization,
    sectors etc. The principles of index calculation are various. I
    think that the key advantage of is of more diversified investment,
    less risky and with more sustainable but lower profitability for
    long-term outlook. These instruments are first of all convenient
    for their size. Spending for instance 100 dollars, you are able to
    acquire 'by a small share' in several hundreds of companies. Second,
    your forecasting becomes rather easier for you. If you are sure that
    old people in Europe will spend more=2 0on their health, you can
    invest in the group of all the major providers of medical service
    in and pharmaceutics Western Europe. You are sure that fresh water
    is a rare resource across the world, you can invest in the fund of
    producers and distributors of drinking waters etc.

    Foreign investors mainly display interest in Armenian shares since
    the market is new and we are likely to become witnesses of its growth
    within the coming years. Securities listed at the stock exchange are
    more attractive, of course, since stock exchange requires regular
    reports by a company and an investor does not expect unpleasant
    surprises. Cascade Investments offers specific shares to its clients,
    particularly, the shares that will grow in price within the nearest
    future, as we think. However, buying even not a large package of
    shares, one should understand that there is risk to become a long-term
    investor against one's will. Buying such instrument is reasonable when
    the investor has the so-called long money. The current situation in
    the global market had a negative impact also on the local capital
    market. In this connection, foreign investors have some concerns
    about investing in Armenian securities. In addition, many of them
    have faced liquidity problems.

    What is the key characteristic of the Armenian market of corporate
    debt obligations? What makes local issuers be so active? Will dram
    bonds be attractive to foreign investors in condi tions of further
    devaluation expectations?

    We have a certain number of accredited issuers. The instrument -
    corporate bonds - has become more popular among investors and many
    legal entities and individuals obtain it. The major advantage of
    bonds comparing to bank deposits is their liquidity. Earlier foreign
    investors had bonds in terms of Armenian dram. Now Armenian debt
    securities are no longer attractive due to the sharp devaluation of
    the Armenian dram. However, bonds in euro and dollars are highly in
    demand by local clients. If an investor is sure that euro, dollar, yen
    or Kuwait currency will grow, it is indeed quite favorable to invest in
    terms of these currencies. Stability of national currency is of great
    importance for investors. In addition, one can gain on the securities
    with fixed income such as corporate bonds, treasury bonds. Incomes
    grow also because of changing the national currency rate. If you are
    a dollar investor and you have bought Armenian bonds for instance
    with 10% yield, the annual profitability of these bonds and change of
    the national currency of this country will ensure your profit. The
    second important problem of this instrument is the issue volume. If
    it is not large, the efficiency of investing in debt obligations is
    low. It is simply absurd for a foreign institutional investor to buy
    bonds worth less than $10,000. It is inexpedient. If the total issue
    of bonds is not significant, it20is not attractive to major investors.

    What makes local issuers passive in IPO?

    Securities are issued for various purposes. When developing a project
    that will be funded through an issue of securities, a company thinks
    the issue of corporate bonds or shares more effective. The greatest
    part of our companies is not ready to deal with a big number of

    Our corporations have no traditions of long-term planning for
    some natural reasons. Small domestic market and insignificant
    export potential limit the number of prospective projects of
    large-scale capital investments. Shares are issued mostly to fund
    such initiatives. There is practically no experience of IPO and
    few agree to launch it. This procedure implies amendments to the
    enterprise structure. If several major emerging companies in our
    country successfully launch IPO, many others will follow them. A
    similar situation was in the short history of corporate bonds market
    development. The companies that purposefully and aggressively chose
    the strategy of business development, especially in the conditions of
    stiffened competition, can achieve their goals by launching IPO. The
    first company to do it, will, undoubtedly, have success.

    Should issuers focus on securities? Isn't it easier to raise funds
    from the banking sector?

    Everything depends on what the issuer needs money for. Generally, banks
    or any other creditors rarely fund long-term, large-scale and risky
    proj ects. And it is right. Generally, the long-term, large-scale and
    risky project is more profitable. Such projects have always been funded
    by a stock capital i.e. through issue or sale of shares. A good company
    will always find an investor for the risky but profitable project.

    This phenomenon has originated already in the middle age and will
    continue in future. So we are not an exception. In the case of
    bonds, everything depends on specific issuers and their financial
    situation. Issue of corporate bonds is prior to major companies and
    banks. First, banks are not always able to issue a big credit. Second,
    in case of a bank credit unlike the issue of corporate bonds,
    a borrower deals with one creditor, whereas it is risky for an
    issuer and creditor to depend on one partner. I admit that for small
    and medium-sized enterprises the issue of bonds requires serious
    expenses unlike the bank credit. Nevertheless, everything depends
    on the status and the financial state of a company etc. There is
    no advice or recommendation for all occasions. It is important to
    understand the tasks an issuers sets and the level of the risk he is
    ready to bear painlessly. This will allow better exploit the current
    opportunities in the market.

    What is the corporate bonds market outlook in conditions of global
    economic crisis?

    Alongside with the global crisis, there are many other factors that
    may negatively affect the market of corporate bonds .. We have already
    considered the negative influence of inflation processes.

    If business environment and economy of the country, on the whole, are
    worsening, the risk of default is growing. If the global financial
    crisis affects business environment, and economy in general, the
    profitability of bonds will increase or their price will fall due to
    the instable market.

    This will, first of all, damage the owners of bonds and will hinder
    debt market development. However, I think that the crisis will not
    have such significant impact on our economy, for Armenia is not enough
    integrated in the global economy. The general situation in the domestic
    market is negative. There will be some difficulties. General worsening
    of economy may lead to worsening of the activity of isolated companies
    and the risk of default of specific issuers may grow as well.