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Primate Accompanied by Diocesan Clergy Visits Rev. Abp Fr. Dulgarian

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  • Primate Accompanied by Diocesan Clergy Visits Rev. Abp Fr. Dulgarian

    Primate Accompanied by Diocesan Clergy Visits Rev. Archpriest
    Fr. Vartan Dulgarian

    Published on Apr 01 2009 by Divan of the Western Diocese ed-by-diocesan-clergy-visits-rev-archpriest-fr-var tan-dulgarian/

    On Monday March 23, 2009, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian,
    Primate, accompanied by a group of Diocesan Clergy visited senior
    Diocesan Clergy Rev. Archpriest Fr. Vartan Dulgarian at his residence.

    The Primate offered prayers for the health of the senior clergy. The
    Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Dz. V. Yardemian read the letter of His Holiness
    Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholiocs of All Armenians, which
    was addressed to Rev. Archpriest Fr. Vartan Dulgarian, recognizing the
    senior clergyman for many years of devoted service to the Lord and the
    Armenian Holy Apostolic Church as well as his numerous religious
    writings and books published throughout many years.

    Rev. Archpriest Fr. Vartan Dulgarian who with the Grace of God, for
    the last few months, has endured a difficult illness at nearly one
    hundred years of age thanked the Primate and accompanying clergy for
    the visitation and offered prayers.