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Obama seeks to lure Turkey back towards West

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  • Obama seeks to lure Turkey back towards West

    Agence France Presse, France
    April 4 2009 3:01 AM GMT

    Obama seeks to lure Turkey back towards West

    by Hande Culpan
    ANKARA, April 4 2009

    Barack Obama will make his first foray into the Muslim world next week
    when he visits Turkey, a trip analysts say is aimed at pinning down a
    long-time ally Washington fears is slipping from its grasp.

    While Turkey hopes the two-day visit will strengthen ties strained by
    the Iraq war, Obama is expected to push a bigger agenda for a country
    bordering Iran and Iraq as well as Europe and Syria.

    "There is a growing sense in Washington that the United States is
    losing Turkey," said Soner Cagaptay from the Washington Institute for
    Near East Policy.

    Cagaptay said that Washington and Ankara had been sharply at odds in
    recent years over hot-button issues such as how to deal with Iran's
    nuclear programme, the rise to power of the radical Palestinian
    movement Hamas in Gaza, and Sudan.

    Obama intends to "give Turkey... a bear hug from the West" by coming
    to Turkey immediately after attending European Union and NATO summits,
    he added.

    "Symbolically, he is telling the whole world that this is a European
    trip and that Turkey is a part of that, in a way dropping the idea of
    NATO, Europe and (Turkey's) EU accession as an anchor with which to
    tie Turkey to the West."

    While Turkey was long regarded as one of the United States' closest
    allies in the Muslim world, many observers detected a cooling of ties
    during George W. Bush's presidency.

    An overwhelming majority of Turks were opposed to the US-led invasion
    of Iraq while Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his
    Islamist-rooted government were notably critical of Bush's war on

    "I believe that President Obama must redefine terror and terrorist
    organisations in the Middle East," Erdogan said in a recent speech at
    the World Economic Forum in Davos, hinting that the new leader should
    review US policy toward Hamas and other militant groups blacklisted as
    terror outfits.

    "And based on this new definition a new American policy must be
    implemented in the Middle East," he added.

    Cengiz Aktar, a foreign relations expert from the Bahcesehir
    University in Istanbul, stressed that Turkey should not misinterpret
    Obama's visit as a sign that Washington would agree to Turkey's every
    demand or move.

    Erdogan's "Islamist-rooted government needs to change its stance"
    regarding Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir, subject to an
    international arrest warrant for alleged war crimes in Darfur, and
    Hamas whose stated aim is to destroy Israel, he said.

    Obama is scheduled to arrive in Turkey late Sunday ahead of official
    talks in Ankara on Monday, a day before flying to Istanbul where he is
    expected to visit a 17th century Ottoman mosque.

    Many have touted Turkey, the only Muslim member of NATO, as the
    possible stage for Obama's promised address to the Muslim world, but
    Cagaptay said that would not fit in with the visit's dominant theme.

    "The (US) emphasis is no more Turkey's Muslimness or Turkey being part
    of a larger Muslim World but that it is a European country that is
    part of the West that happens to be Muslim," he said.

    Opinion polls have shown that Obama is massively more popular among
    Turks than Bush although his standing could be severely tested late
    this month when he is expected to deliver a proclamation on whether to
    label Ottoman World War I-era mass killings of Armenians as

    Mensur Akgun, a foreign relations expert from Istanbul's Kultur
    University, warned that Obama's bid to foster closer cooperation would
    suffer if the president fulfills his election promise to recognise the
    1915-1917 killings as genocide -- a label Ankara rejects.

    "That would damage bilateral ties, hamper debate inside Turkey on the
    killings and hit Ankara's dialogue process with Yerevan to resolve
    their differences," he said.

    Obama's visit, Cagaptay said, provides Turkey the chance to get a
    recognition of its importance for the United States and "steal Obama's
    heart" before his proclamation on April 24 -- the 94th anniversary of
    the start of the massacres.

    "Turkey is the only NATO country that borders Iraq and Iran -- one is
    a problem that America wants to put away, the other a problem that
    America wants to tackle," he said.

    "It is a country that borders the Black Sea and the Caucasus, an area
    in which Washington is trying to figure out what to do. It is a
    central hub for US operations in Afghanistan and beyond."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress