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Columbia Conf. `The Armenian Genocide and its Relevance Today'

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  • Columbia Conf. `The Armenian Genocide and its Relevance Today'


    Columbia University to hold `The Armenian Genocide and its Relevance
    Today' conference
    04.04.2009 16:31 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ New York - Andrea Kannapell of the New York Times
    will moderate a Columbia University panel on "The Armenian Genocide
    and its Relevance Today," sponsored by the Armenian Club, on April
    9. Prof. Taner Akçam, attorney Mark Geragos, and Dr. David
    Hamburg are the featured panelists at the 6 p.m. event in Davis Hall.

    Turkish-born historian and sociologist Taner Akçam holds the
    chair in Armenian Genocide studies at Clark University; he is the
    author of A Shameful Act and one of the first Turkish academics to
    openly discuss the Armenian Genocide. Renowned criminal-defense
    attorney Mark Geragos led successful federal class-action lawsuits
    against both New York Life Insurance and AXA for unpaid insurance
    benefits from the time of the Armenian Genocide.

    David Hamburg, Ph.D., president emeritus at Carnegie Corporation of
    New York, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996; he is
    the author of Preventing Genocide: Practical Steps toward Early
    Detection and Effective Action. The panelists will highlight why it
    is still important to remember and actively discuss the first genocide
    of the 20th century; how its denial has hindered subsequent attempts
    at genocide prevention; and how lessons learned from the Armenian
    Genocide can help to prevent future war crimes and crimes against