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Russian Credit of 500 million USD will be Given Armenia on schedule

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  • Russian Credit of 500 million USD will be Given Armenia on schedule

    Russian Credit of 500 million USD will be Given Armenia on schedule

    Yerevan, April 4 Noyan Tapan. 500 million USD credit of Russia will be
    given to Armenia according to schedule. Currently, a new variant of a
    changed budget, including the amount of credit, is in the Parliament of
    the Russian Federation, told Armenia's minister of finance Tigran
    Davtian at the press-conference on April 2.I think, after the budget is
    approved and have a legal effect the agreement will be signed. The
    agreement is currently pre-signed, stressed T.Davtian. According to
    him, the agreement most probably will be signed in late April or early
    March, and the credit will be provided in June.