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The Banality Of Ineptitude (Greece - Australia - Turkey)

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  • The Banality Of Ineptitude (Greece - Australia - Turkey)

    American Chronicle
    April 5 2009

    The Banality Of Ineptitude (Greece - Australia - Turkey)

    Australian Macedonian Advisory Council April 05, 2009 "Our strength
    lies in our intensive attacks and our barbarity¦ After all, who
    today remembers the genocide of the Armenians?" Adolf Hitler

    I defy the Liberal Senator Alan Ferguson to look Chris Mingos in the
    eye and tell him that his mother did not see the women of her village,
    one by one, through themselves into a well in a futile and tragic
    attempt to evade their slaughter by Turkish irregulars. I would like
    Ferguson to tell Chris Mingos that crimes so unspeakable that she
    could only cry when she would think of them, were not visited upon his
    mother. I would like him to look me in the face and tell me that my
    grandfather did not witness the slaughter of children at
    Akbuköy in Aydin. I dare him to look my father-in-law in the
    face and tell him that his father did not flee the Hakkari mountains
    as a result of the continuous slaughter of its native Assyrian
    population. I challenge him to tell me that my grandfather, Chris
    Mingos´ mother and the rest of the survivors of the genocide of
    the Christian peoples of Anatolia is to use his own words an attempt
    to: "try to re-write history," or that they form part of a larger
    corpus: "with the Armenians, with the Pontian Greeks and with a range
    of other people who currently are trying to put today's moral judgment
    on events that took place 100 years ago." Note how the
    genocide-denying Senator refers to the Assyrian victims as "other
    peoples." It is apparent that he is extremely well informed.

    The denial of genocide, or attempts to minimise, make light of or in
    any way trivialise incidences of racial tension and/or conflict are
    not elements that one would expect to see in mature western
    democracies. In many European countries, denial of crimes of genocide
    is seen as a punishable offence because to doubt the slaughter of
    innocent people, murdered solely because of their ethnic, religious or
    political affiliations is seen as tantamount to condoning the crime as

    Senator Ferguson did not have to commit genocide-denial in Federal
    Parliament on 18 March 2009. He was merely "moved to speak," on "the
    40th anniversary of the formal Agreement between the Government of the
    Common - wealth of Australia and the Government of the Repub -
    lic of Turkey concerning the Residence and Employ - ment of
    Turkish Citizens in Australia." His stated aim was: "to celebrate and
    commend the achievements of the Turk - ish community here in the
    Commonwealth of Australia that has been created as a result of this
    agreement in the 40 years since its implementation."

    However, he did not. Instead, he admitted that the Turkish ambassador
    visited him complaining about "a speech that was made by the
    Hon. Michael Atkinson, the Attorney-General, Minister for Justice and
    Minister for Multicultural Af - fairs in the Labor government in
    South Australia. I had not thought that I would be surprised by
    anything that the South Australian Attorney-General said in relation
    to the Turkish community, particularly as most state parliaments do
    not have a role in foreign affairs in the same way that the federal
    parliament does." This is where Ferguson makes a mistake and betrays
    his primary motivation. The Hon. Michael Atkinson´s speech had
    nothing to do with the Turkish community. In it, he made reference to:
    "The nationalist Turks led by Mustafa Kemal's forces and their
    frenzied followers began to persecute [Pontian Greeks] through
    beatings, murder, forced marches and labour, theft of their properties
    and livelihood, rape, torture and deportations." One can understand
    why the Turkish ambassador, a person who Ferguson admits to being his
    "personal friend," may be enraged. Despite Ferguson´s
    commendation of: "the Republic of Turkey's commitment to democracy, to
    the rule of law, and-particularly in the region in which it lives-to
    secularism, which is some - thing that is quite unique in that
    part of the world," the Turkish ambassador represents a country that
    until recently denied the existence of and persecuted its Kurdish
    minority, unlawfully expropriates land from Christian ecclesiastical
    foundations, bullies its smaller neighbours with spurious land and sea
    claims and threats of military intervention, invades and occupies
    other countries, and imprisons and threatens people who share
    different views about the its official version of its past and
    society. In 2005, in ´secular, democratic, rule of law
    Turkey´, a new penal code was introduced, including an Article
    301, which states:
    "A person who, being a Turk, explicitly insults the Republic or
    Turkish Grand National Assembly, shall be punishable by
    imprisonment of between six months to three years." Orhan Pamuk,
    Turkey´s Nobel Prize winning author, was retroactively
    charged with violating this law in the interview he had given
    four months earlier. In October, after the prosecution had begun,
    Pamuk reiterated his views in a speech given during an award
    ceremony in Germany: "I repeat, I said loud and clear that one
    million Armenians and 30,000 Kurds were killed in Turkey."
    AltuÄ? Taner Akçam, a leading Turkish academic who
    uses Ottoman documents to prove that the Armenian genocide took
    place, fears for his life and is often in hiding. Furthermore,
    Lebanon, Israel, Cyprus, Armenia and Georgia are all states in
    Turkey´s immediate periphery that are even more secular
    and certainly more democratic. But it is far beyond us to provide
    Ferguson with lessons in geography.

    It is arguable that Ferguson knows nothing of this. I doubt that his
    Turkish mate would have told him, when he appears to have incited him
    to use the anniversary to take a cheap swipe on behalf of Turkey at
    genocide victim´s expense. Instead, on the 18th, he launched
    into a mellifluous, histrionic and irrelevant attempt to use
    Gallipoli, a Greek town that was ethnically cleansed by the Ottomans
    in order for it to be fortified to resist an Allied attack on
    Constantinople, "as a guest of the Turkish government," in order to
    justify his genocide denial. Ferguson in particular, expresses much
    emotion at the fact that the commander of the forces that mowed down
    the ANZAC troops, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, asked the mothers of the
    fallen Anzac soldiers to wipe away their tears as he would look after
    their son´s corpses for them. Ferguson is obviously oblivious
    to modern scholarship which posits that the genocide of the Christians
    of Anatolia was probably linked to the Gallipoli landings. Professor
    Robert Manne states: "The two events not only coincided in territory
    and in time, but there is quite a lot of evidence that the genocide
    was pushed on because of the Dardanelle campaign of the Anglo-French
    forces in which the Australians were involved. So despite the fact
    that the things happened at the same time and in the same place more
    or less, and they were even kind of connected with a causal
    link¦when the Dardanelles were first bombed by the Anglo-French in
    March 1915, that was the final moment of reckoning, and that the
    Turkish regime, which was run by two or three Young Turks were the
    dominant figures, they set upon and decided on asystematic
    extermination of the Armenians, saying that at this moment of crisis,
    where Constantinople might fall, we can't afford to have a subversive
    minority within our country."

    The causal link between the two events is further cemented when one
    considers that just twenty days after the Gallipoli landing, on 14 May
    1914, Talaat Pasha, a member of the ruling Young Turk triumvirate
    ordered the forcible evacuation of all Greek settlements on the
    Dardenelles as far as Kyssos and the re-settlement of the region with
    Muslim refugees from the Balkans: "For political reasons it is
    urgently necessary that the Greek inhabitants of the coast of Asia
    Minor are forced to abandon their villages¦ If they refuse to
    move¦ please give oral instructions to Muslim brothers how to force
    the Greeks to remove themselves ´voluntarily´ by any means possible.
    In that case, don´t forget to obtain confirmations from them
    that they are abandoning their homes of their own free will." And what
    about the thousands of Greek troops and support staff who assisted and
    nursed Australian soldiers on the island of Lemnos and elsewhere?
    Apparently their contribution is too humanitarian in nature to satisfy
    Ferguson´s idolatry of "noble" enemies.

    Ferguson in his ineptitude makes another historical blunder. He states
    that at the time of the genocide, Turkey was "fighting for its
    survival against an invasion from Greece." Rubbish. There is enough
    evidence to show that the genocide was directed against ALL the native
    Christian peoples of Anatolia and that it commenced long before Greece
    was requested to police the sanjak of Smyrna by the Allies in
    1919. Further the Greek army never set foot in Pontos. The defenceless
    Pontians were slaughtered just for interfering with the Young
    Turk´s and their successor´s conception of a uni-racial

    Ferguson must be a very brave man to so blatantly and artlessly
    exhibit his ignorance of the period in question. He is also brave for
    his frank revelation of the manner in which he views the place of
    historical events pertaining to Australian ethnic minorities. Of
    Michael Atkinson´s spirited speech he states: "It was obviously
    made in the context of being at a Greek function where it was suitable
    for him to make these remarks." The inference here appears to be
    obvious, is it legitimate and suitable for an Australian politician to
    curry favour with target ethnic minorities by pandering to their own
    view of history in order to gain their vote? Is this how Ferguson sees
    multiculturalism? And in his ridiculous, offensive and thoroughly
    sickening to victims and descendants of the victims, denial of the
    Christian genocide, is he merely adhering to what appears to be his
    own jaded view of the use of ethnic groups in his electorate? Further
    more, does his distorted and inept view of this event reflect Liberal
    Party policy?

    Playing ethnic politics is a dirty game that threatens to shatter
    social harmony quite a good deal more easily than referring to or
    interperting historical events. The fact of the matter is that in
    Australia, communities of diverse backgrounds have proven that they
    can co-exist peacefully in fruitful collaboration and ties of
    friendship because of our joint commitment to multicultural
    Australia. No cynical, irresponsible or misguided attempt to score
    points or votes off the backs of any arbitrarily chosen ethnic group
    should ever be permitted to bear the bitter fruit of discord.

    It is meet that Greek consular officials greet this clumsy attempt by
    the Turkish diplomatic corps and their misguided friends to taunt and
    humiliate genocide victims and their families with the silence of
    contempt that they deserve. We however, should not be so silent. We do
    not hate Turkey. Many thousands of members of the Greek community
    derive their descent from the geographical area covered by its
    borders. We cannot hate our place of origin though we may despise and
    deplore crimes about humanity and coarse, brutal, thoroughly stupid
    attempts to cover these up and denigration of their victims. Ferguson
    should, assuming that he wants to, be advised of the folly of exposing
    his schematic view of history and appearing to be the pawn of a
    culpable state.

    Perhaps Ferguson, whose name and nefarious deed in Parliament on the
    18th of March should never be forgotten by all those who seek justice,
    tolerance, social cohesion and re-conciliation, condemns himself with
    his own words, when he says: "¦those of us to - day find it
    very difficult to pass judgment--we should not be passing judgment
    when we do not know the full facts." To him then, these words of
    Gideon Hausner: "No one can demand that you be neutral toward the
    crime of genocide. If there is a judge in the whole world who can be
    neutral toward this crime, that judge is not fit to sit in judgment."

    By Dean Kalimniou
    [email protected]