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Turkey Is Ready to Welcome Obama

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  • Turkey Is Ready to Welcome Obama

    TIME Magazine
    April 5 2009

    Turkey Is Ready to Welcome Obama
    By Pelin Turgut / Istanbul Sunday, Apr. 05, 2009

    American presidents have visited Turkey before but never this soon
    into their presidency. That's just one reason why Barack Obama's
    arrival this Sunday evening has all of Turkey aflutter. Turks see
    Obama's visit as proof of his commitment to building bridges with the
    Muslim world, as well as a reflection of the new administration's
    desire to have Turkey ' with a Muslim majority but officially secular,
    democratic and a candidate for E.U. entry ' play a much bigger role in
    the wider region.

    Before his election Obama promised to visit a Muslim country within
    his first few months as president ' and he has chosen one that had
    fraught relations with his predecessor in the White House. In 2003,
    Ankara broke with its traditional ally by refusing U.S. troops passage
    through Turkish territory to neighboring Iraq, an act of defiance from
    which ties never fully recovered. Public support for the U.S. in
    Turkey fell to historic lows as the war progressed. Washington was
    further aggravated by the Turkish government's pursuit of greater
    engagement with the Islamic world, including an energy deal with Iran
    and talks with leaders from the Palestinian militant group Hamas. (See
    pictures of Obama's travels in Europe.)

    Both Washington and Ankara seem ready to start over. Both see Turkey
    playing an important role in regional issues, from Syrian-Israeli
    peace talks to oil and gas security in the Caucasus and the withdrawal
    of U.S. troops from Iraq. "Under Bush, Ankara and Washington were
    divided on many fronts," says Sahin Alpay, politics professor at
    Bahcesehir University in Istanbul. "With Obama, they are moving closer
    together on all of these."

    It helps that Turks are already warming to the new president. One
    recent poll found that 39% of Turks said they trusted Obama; fewer
    than 10% said the same of Bush. Obama is so popular that a leading
    Turkish bank is running an ad campaign based on an Obama look-alike.

    During his stay, Obama is expected to seek Turkish support for his
    Afghanistan and Pakistan plans, a cornerstone of his foreign
    policy. Turkey currently maintains about 900 soldiers in Afghanistan
    as part of the NATO contingent there, and, as the only Muslim country
    involved, its presence is crucial to securing support on the
    ground. Obama is expected to push for an increase in Turkish forces
    and to ask for Ankara's help in facilitating a smooth withdrawal from

    Obama's influence has already been telling. On Saturday he convinced
    Turkey to drop its objections to Dane Anders Fogh Rasmussen becoming
    the next head of NATO. Turkey had threatened to veto Rasmussen because
    of his handling of a 2006 crisis over controversial Danish cartoons
    depicting the Prophet Mohammad. According to White House officials,
    Obama promised Turkey that one of Rasmussen's deputies would be a Turk
    and that Turkish commanders would be present at the alliance's

    It won't all be roses though. Dividing his time between the capital
    Ankara, where he will address Turkish MPs, and Istanbul, where he is
    to meet with religious leaders and youths, Obama is also expected to
    deliver a message urging Turkey to embrace further democratic reforms
    and to refocus on its long-term goal of joining the European
    Union. Movement towards membership of the E.U. has stalled, both
    because of European leaders' unwillingness to contemplate a future
    with Turkey, and the current government's Islamic leanings, which have
    led it to turn eastwards and greater involvement with the Middle
    East. "The United States must remain an iron clad supporter of Turkish
    membership in the E.U.," 29 Democratic and Republican Congressmen
    wrote in a letter to the president prior to his departure.

    In Ankara, Obama will also hear from opposition leaders, including the
    country's only legal Kurdish party, whom the government refuses to
    engage with to address the grievances of the large and restive Kurdish
    minority based mostly in the southeast. Kurdish lawmakers say they
    will speak to the president about ending the conflict with the
    militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which spills over into Iraq
    and is potentially destabilizing for the region, and more regional

    Another contentious point on the agenda is the continuing effort in
    the U.S. Congress to recognize the 1915 mass killings of Armenians by
    Ottoman Turkish forces as a genocide, a term Turkey rejects. While
    campaigning, Obama said he would recognize the killings as genocide
    but has given no sign that he will raise the issue while here. He may
    be helped by the fact that Ankara is quietly working to normalize
    relations with Armenia and is expected to re-open its border
    shortly. That announcement could be made during the Obama visit.

    But despite the likelihood of some disagreements, Turkish officials
    see the trip as a chance to strengthen ties with an old ally and an
    opportunity to put the past eight years behind them. "Obama is turning
    away from previous confrontational policies to dialogue," says
    Alpay. "And Turkey represents the possibility of a solution through
    dialogue on many problems which are important to him." /0,8599,1889541,00.html