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NKR: To Get Actively Engaged In Agriculture

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  • NKR: To Get Actively Engaged In Agriculture


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    April 03, 2009

    Today, the regular outgoing session chaired by the Prime Minister
    Ara Haroutyunyan has taken place in Berdzor. Kashatagh regional
    administration head's account on the activity of 2008 and the general
    socio-economic state of the region was considered at it.

    In the account the problems of resettlement were particularly
    touched upon. According to the data announced by Kamo Martirosyan,
    head of the regional administration, about eight thousand people
    live in Kashatagh at present. Last year 47 families (462 persons)
    were resettled here. According to the presentation of the reporter
    insufficient social and living conditions, difficulties connected
    with the construction of houses, electrical energy and water supply,
    road construction, building of educational and cultural centres
    are among the main reasons hindering in the resettlement of the
    region and contributing to the emigration of the population. A
    commission aimed at attaining the real depiction of the demographic
    and socio-economic state of the region was created in the regional
    administration. It visits all the communities, examines the state
    and collects accurate information, which must serve as a basis for
    the development and implementation of substantiated programmes aimed
    at settlement of the accumulated problems. As the speaker assured,
    first of all it is necessary to adopt a strategic programme of the
    region's development aimed at improving the resettlement process and to
    implement the annual arrangements proceeding from it. In the account
    the agricultural problems were thoroughly touched upon. It was once
    more recorded that agriculture is the main direction of Kashatagh
    region's economic development, for organization of which there are
    favourable preconditions, among them rich natural resources, increasing
    rates of agricultural production, initial market formation. There are
    development tendencies for the production of grain and forage plants,
    vine growing, gardening, cattle breeding and beekeeping. Being
    settled in valleys the major part of the region's villages has a
    great opportunity for growing melons and gourds. The experience of
    the previous years showed that in case of proper cultivation 350-400
    centners of melons and gourds can be reaped. Cattle breeding as well
    assures a wide perspective. Rapid rates of livestock growth have been
    recorded here since the beginning of the resettlement process.

    Last year 70 mln drams interest-free credit was rendered to the region
    (to 31 communities) by the NKR Village and Agriculture Assistance
    Fund for purchasing autumn sowing seeds, due to which 9500 hectares
    sowing were carried out.

    In the account it was noted that in 2008 a number of shortcomings had
    taken place in the sphere of agriculture: a part of the population
    had not got use of state programmes because of unawareness, in some
    communities fallowing was carried not in time and it was of low
    quality. Lack of sufficient quantity of agricultural techniques,
    unsatisfactory state of irrigation canals, reeded lands, and famine
    of agronomists had hampered the progress of the sphere as well. For
    filling the shortage of agricultural techniques up import of machines
    in the region on leasing order is being started and is still going
    on. In 2009 the Government plans to repair 16 water conduits of the
    region, works on cleaning lands from reeds are conducted as well,
    appropriate measures are taken to provide communities with qualified
    veterinary surgeons and agronomists.

    Another sphere of prior importance for Kashatagh region is

    Though during the accounting period dozens of new units were put into
    operation and old ones were restored, the problem of construction is
    still acute enough. Construction volumes anticipated for 2008 were
    realized by 86 percent because of starting construction works with
    delay and poor equipment of construction organizations and lack of
    builders. According to the reporter, up now inhabitants consider
    that the state is obliged to repair their dwellings. Due to proper
    agitation, in some settlements repair and capital construction of
    privatized dwellings by inhabitants has started.

    In Berdzor repair works of 27 and 18 apartment buildings are going
    on. 5 residential buildings were repaired here. 10 standard design
    residential buildings for families having 6 and more children are
    under construction in the region.

    Among other issues problems of education sphere were touched upon as
    well. It was noted that the level of education in some village schools
    of the region is very poor. The reason is in shortage of qualified
    teachers and bad equipment of schools. Today not a single school is
    ready to pass to 12-year teaching.

    Touching upon other main problems reflected in the report, the Prime
    Minister A.Haroutyunyan noted that the Kashatagh region is in focus
    of the state's and authorities' special attention. This zone being
    in complicated socio-economic situation needs particular treatment
    and great investments.

    "Living here every day you render good service to our country," the
    head of the Government said to inhabitants of Kashatagh. He noted
    that complicated and numerous problems existent in the region will be
    settled gradually proper to their priority with joint efforts of the
    state and local inhabitants. Inhabitants of the region were persuaded
    to get use of the region's rich agricultural potential. A.Haroutyunyan
    announced that in this sphere the state assistance will be rendered
    in three main directions: crediting, provision with specialists,
    and creation of conditions for agricultural products' realization.

    In response to questions, concerning house construction, posed
    by community heads present at the outgoing session, the Prime
    Minister stated that citizens having an intention to construct
    or to repair dwellings the state will assist with construction
    materials. Communities may get use of this assistance and construct
    buildings for community administrations. It was noted that the state
    will construct dwellings only for socially privileged groups.

    The Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan informed that this year the state
    will allot sizable sums for construction of roads, waterways, schools,
    healthcare establishments. It is foreseen to found a mighty road
    constructing organization in the region to conduct reconstruction
    and maintenance works of sub regional road sections.

    One of the large-scale programmes in the region is construction
    of small hydro power stations in future, which will considerably
    favourable for the region's complete electrification.

    According to the Premier, the Government is making attempts to create
    conditions for realization of agricultural products at spot. It is
    only necessary to conduct agricultural activities more intensively
    to have rich harvest, the Prime Minister emphasized.