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Nothing Personal: Turkey's Top Ten

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  • Nothing Personal: Turkey's Top Ten

    By Raffi K. Hovannisian

    13:43:51 - 06/04/2009

    That an Armenian repatriate, American-born into a legacy of remembrance
    inherited from a line of survivors of genocide nearly a century ago,
    feels compelled to entitle his thoughts with a focus on Turkey--
    and not Armenia-- reveals a larger problem, a gaping wound, and
    an imperative for closure long overdue on both sides of history's
    tragic divide.

    The new Armenia, independent of its longstanding statelessness
    since 1991, is my everyday life, as are the yearnings of my fellow
    citizens for their daily dignity, true democracy, the rule of law,
    and an empowering end to sham elections and the corruption, arrogance
    and unaccountability of power. Having suffered so much in the past,
    from the Ottoman Empire to the Soviet Union, today the Armenian people
    ironically are deprived in their own Republic of the very rights and
    freedoms that foreign empires had so often violently denied them.

    Armenia deserves good governance and better leadership across the
    board, and that time must come to pass.

    "Generation next" is neither victim nor subject, nor any longer an
    infidel "millet." We seek not, in obsequious supplicancy, to curry the
    favor of the world's strong and self-important, whose interests often
    trump their own principles and whose geopolitics engulf the professed
    values of liberty and justice for all. Gone are the residual resources
    for kissing up or behind.

    And so, with a clarity of conscience and a goodness of heart, I expect
    Turkey and its administration to address the multiple modern challenges
    they face and offer to this end a list of realities, not commandments,
    that will help enable a new era of regional understanding and the
    globalization of a peaceful order that countenances neither victims
    nor victimizers.

    1. Measure sevenfold, cut once: This old local adage suggests a
    neat lesson for contemporary officials. Before launching, at Davos
    or elsewhere, pedantic missiles in condemnation of the excesses
    of others, think fully about the substance and implications of
    your invectives and your standing to articulate them. This is not
    a narrow Armenian assertion; it includes all relevant dimensions,
    including Cyprus, the Kurds, the Assyrians, the Alewis, the Jewish
    and other minorities. Occupation, for its part, is the last word
    Turkish representatives should be showering in different directions
    at different international fora, lest someone require a textbook
    definition of duplicity. Maintain dignity but tread lightly, for
    history is a powerful and lasting precedent.

    2. Self-reflection: Democracies achieve domestic success, applicants
    accomplish European integration, and countries become regional drivers
    only when they have the political courage and moral fortitude to
    undergo this process. Face yourself, your own conduct, and the track
    record of state on behalf of which you speak.

    Not only the success stories and points of pride, but the whole
    deal. Be honest and brave about it; you do possess the potential to
    graduate from decades of denialism. Recent trends in civil society,
    however tentative and preliminary, attest to this.

    3. The Armenian genocide: Don't fidget for the escape hatch, take
    responsibility. There is so much evidentiary documentation in the US
    National Archives, the British Public Record Office, the Quai d'Orsay,
    and even the German military archives to disarm the various instruments
    of official denial that have been employed over the years. But this is
    only the paperwork. The most damning testimony is not in the killing
    of more than a million human souls in a manifest execution of the 20th
    century's first genocide or, in the words of the American ambassador
    reporting at the time, "race extermination."

    4. Homeland-killing: Worse than genocide, as incredible as that
    sounds, is the premeditated deprivation of a people of its ancestral
    heartland. And that's precisely what happened. In what amounted to
    the Great Armenian Dispossession, a nation living for more than four
    millennia upon its historic patrimony-- at times amid its own sovereign
    kingdoms and more frequently as a subject of occupying empires-- was
    in a matter of months brutally, literally, and completely eradicated
    from its land. Unprecedented in human history, this expropriation
    of homes and lands, churches and monasteries, schools and colleges,
    libraries and hospitals, properties and infrastructures constitutes
    to this day a murder, not only of a people, but of a civilization,
    a culture, a time-earned way of life. This is where the debate about
    calling it genocide or not becomes absurd, trivial, and tertiary. A
    homeland was exterminated by the Turkish republic's predecessor and
    under the world's watchful eye, and we're negotiating a word. Even
    that term is not enough to encompass the magnitude of the crime.

    5. Coming clean: It is the only way to move forward. This is not a
    threat, but a statement of plain, unoriginal fact. Don't be afraid
    of the price tag. What the Armenians lost is priceless. Instead
    of constantly and viscerally attempting to flee this catastrophic
    legacy through the decoy of counterarguments and commissions of
    various kinds, return to the real script. And rather than complain
    about or anticipate Armenian demands, undertake your own critical
    introspection and say what you plan to do to right the wrong, to
    atone for and to educate, to revive and restore, and to celebrate--
    yes, you, we and Hrant together-- the Armenian heritage of what is
    today eastern Turkey. Finally take the initiative that you have not
    yet launched, the one that leads to a real reconciliation based on
    the terrible truth but bolstered by a fresh call to candor.

    6. Never again: The rewards of coming to this reality check far
    outweigh its perils. What is unfortunately unique about the Holocaust
    is not the evil of the Shoah itself, but the demeanor of postwar
    Germany to face history and itself, to assume responsibility for
    the crimes of the preceding regime, to mourn and to dignify, to
    seek forgiveness and make redemption, and to incorporate this ethic
    into the public consciousness and the methodology of state. Germany,
    now a leader in the democratic world, has only gained and grown from
    its demeanor. Brandt's kneeling should not remain unique. A veritable
    leader of the new Turkey, the European one of the future, might do the
    same, not in cession but in full expression of his and his nation's
    pride and honor. My grandmother, who survived the genocide owing to
    the human heights of a blessed Turkish neighbor who sheltered little
    Khengeni of Ordu from the fate of her family, did not live to see
    that day.

    7. The politics of power: Turkey's allies can help it along this
    way. Whether it's from Washington and its transatlantic partners,
    the European Union, the Muslim world or even Moscow, to which Ankara
    has most interestingly been warming up of late, the message might
    be delivered that, in the third millennium AD, the world will be
    governed by a different set of rules, that might will respect right,
    that no crime against humanity or its denial will be tolerated. The
    Obama Administration bears the burden, but has the capacity for this
    leadership of light. And it will be tested soon and again.

    8. Turkey and Armenia: These sovereign neighbors have never, in all of
    history, entered into a bilateral agreement with each other. Whether
    diplomatic, economic, political, territorial, or security-specific,
    no facet of their relationship, or the actual absence thereof, is
    regulated by a contract freely and fairly entered into between the two
    republics. It's about time. Hence, the process of official contacts
    and reciprocal visits that unraveled in the wake of a Turkey-Armenia
    soccer match in September 2008 should mind this gap and structure the
    discourse not to run away from the divides emanating from the past,
    but to bridge them through the immediate establishment of diplomatic
    relations without the positing or posturing of preconditions, the
    lifting of Turkey's unlawful border blockade, and a comprehensive
    discussion and negotiated resolution of all outstanding matters
    based on an acceptance of history and the commitment to a future
    guaranteed against it recurrence. Nor should the fact of dialogue, as
    facially laudable as it is, be pitched in an insincere justification
    to deter third-party parliaments, and particularly the US Congress,
    from adopting decisions or resolutions that simply seek to reaffirm
    the historical record. Such comportment, far from the statesmanship
    many expect, would contradict the aim and spirit of any rapprochement.

    9. The past as present: The current Armenian state covers a mere
    fraction of the vast expanse of the great historical plateau upon
    which the Armenians lived from the depths of BC until the surgical
    disgorgement of homeland and humanity that was 1915. Having managed
    for seventy years as the smallest of the republics of the USSR,
    Soviet Armenia was the sole remnant component of the patrimony in
    which the Armenians were permitted by the Soviet-Turkish accords of
    1921-- the Armenian equivalents of Molotov-Ribbentrop-- to maintain
    a collective existence under the Kremlin's jurisdiction. Even such
    obviously Armenian homesteads as Mountainous Karabagh and Nakhichevan
    were severed by Bolshevik-Kemalist complicity and placed, in exercise
    of Stalin's divide-and-conquer facility, under the suzerainty of
    Soviet Azerbaijan. Accordingly, as improbable as it seems in view of
    its ethnic kinship with Azerbaijan, modern-day Turkey also carries
    the charge to discard outdated and pursue corrective policies in
    the Caucasus.. This high duty applies not only to a qualitatively
    improved and cleansed rapport with the Republic of Armenia, but also
    in respect of new realities in the region.

    10. Mountainous Karabagh from sea to shining sea: Called Artsakh in
    Armenian, this easternmost territory of the Armenian Plateau declared
    its independence from Soviet Azerbaijan in 1991 in full compliance with
    controlling Soviet legislation, customary international law, and the
    Montevideo Convention. Against the odds of a David-and-Goliath struggle
    for liberty and identity, its people valiantly defended their hearths
    and homes first against provocations and pogroms, and then in the face
    of "Grad" rocket launchers, cluster and other indiscriminate aerial
    bombings of civilian targets, and finally in response to an all-out
    war of aggression that brought together as bedfellows the Azerbaijani
    military, Turkish advisers and through them NATO-vintage materiel,
    "mujaheddin" mercenaries, and some transitional rogue units from the
    devolving Soviet army.

    Almost miraculous in view of the tragedy of modern history, the
    Armenians of Artsakh were able to successfully defend their homeland,
    secure their frontiers from further attack, and ultimately resist the
    temptation of an excessive counter-offensive, so signing a ceasefire
    with Azerbaijan in May 1994. Unlike Nakhichevan-- where no Armenians
    remain today and where even the final vestiges of Armenian cultural
    heritage have been defaced and destroyed, as recently as December 2005,
    by an official policy of the Azerbaijani state-- Mountainous Karabagh
    held its own and most exceptionally surmounted the Stalinist legacy
    of subjugation and colonization.

    Turkey, as Azerbaijan's proxy in the wider world and as an important
    political contributor, must come to respect Karabagh's choice and
    include it in any platforms or other initiatives brought to the
    regional table.

    Of course, the diplomatic agenda continues to comprise such issues
    as the return of refugees to their places of origin, the opening
    of communications, demilitarization and peacekeeping, territorial
    adjustments and security guarantees, but none of these can or will
    happen unilaterally or in one direction only.

    Mutuality is key in every category, and the final agreement of the
    parties, together with the ensuing supervisory regime, must attach
    equally to all from the Caspian to the Black Sea. When considering,
    for instance, the secured right of voluntary return for refugees
    and their progeny, or else a reactivation of normal transportation
    avenues, the scope of these provisions and the related security
    protocols must embrace Azerbaijan, Mountainous Karabagh, Armenia,
    and Turkey. In this sense, a durable and equitable resolution of the
    Azerbaijan-Karabagh standoff is substantively derivative from the
    Turkish-Armenian relationship and the course of its development.

    On the road to inevitable self-discovery, Turkey, its future with
    Armenia, and their immediate neighborhood have come to form one of
    the planet's most sensitive and seismic tectonic plates. Neo-imperial
    interests and raw power in their pursuit can no longer control the
    shift. Integrity, equity, and a bit of humility might help to save
    the day. And our world.