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Obama Should Press For Rights

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  • Obama Should Press For Rights



    International; Turkey

    US visit an opening to urge respect for dissent and diversity

    President Obama should use his upcoming visit to Turkey to press the
    Turkish government on human rights and reform issues, Human Rights
    Watch said in a letter to the US president made public today.

    The organization said that subjects to be raised should include
    protecting minority rights, ending restrictions on free speech,
    addressing the lack of accountability for gross violations of human
    rights in the recent past through the current Ergenekon trial, and
    full constitutional reform.

    "Right now, at the beginning of the new administration's relationship
    with Turkey, is an important time to signal strong support for reform
    process and to urge the government to reaffirm its commitment to
    human rights and democratization," said Emma Sinclair-Webb, Turkey
    researcher at Human Rights Watch.

    Obama's visit to Turkey on April 6 and 7, 2009 comes at a critical
    moment in the country's history. After a hopeful period of progress
    under the previous Justice and Development Party (AKP) government,
    political and human rights reforms in Turkey have stalled since 2005,
    and there has been backtracking on a number of important human rights

    President Obama is scheduled to meet with the Turkish government
    in Ankara on April 6 and to attend the UN Alliance of Civilizations
    forum in Istanbul on April 7. He is expected to focus on a number of
    foreign policy concerns, and Human Rights Watch has urged him also
    to use the opportunity to focus on the pressing need for the Turkish
    government to restart human rights reforms at home in the wake of
    the government's win in the March 29 local elections.

    To read the letter from Human Rights
    Watch to President Obama, please visit: r-president-obama-advance-his-trip-turkey