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How A Family With Five Young Children Is Treated In Their Own Countr

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  • How A Family With Five Young Children Is Treated In Their Own Countr


    2009/04/06 | 19:00


    "I have three future soldier-boys in my family. When my sons ask
    me what a motherland means, I'll tell them that the motherland is
    the hungry life they are living, as well as the indifference and
    unwillingness of your country's officials to render us a helping hand,"
    mother of five children Gayane Rstakyan said in the interview to Hetq.

    It's already 12 year that this family lives in a rented
    apartment. According to Mrs. Gayane, they frequently turned for
    assistance to various officials, including Serge Sargsyan, when he
    was a PM, as well as to a dozen of deputies. But every time their
    letters were sent back to Armavir's Mayor's Office. The family was
    told at the Armavir's Mayor's Office that they shouldn't expect any
    assistance from them, as they have no financial sources.

    "The state doesn't support us. We don't even get any benefits. My
    husband works at ArmenTel and gets 57 thousand drams of monthly
    salary. They tell me at the Social Security Department that this sum
    is quite enough for us and we do not qualify for benefits. I wander
    who qualifies for getting benefits, if our family doesn't? When
    people learn that we don't get any allowances they get astonished
    in what kind of a country we live in. All of my five children are
    schoolchildren. Since September we owe money to the stores for the
    school uniforms. If I count that all, our debt will make about $1000,"
    Mrs. Gayane said.

    The mother of the family has turned to the Armavir Social Security
    Department for getting benefits for many times. "My husband already
    feels shame to go there again. He says it seems we are begging for
    living. It is quite hard to go to a state body, but if we lived in a
    proper country, why would we go there? They would come instead and say
    that the state wants to support us, as we are large family with five
    children. I wish they visited us just like you did. They would come,
    knock at our door and inquire how we live," Gayane Rstakyan said.

    This 7 member family doesn't even posses any property. They don't
    have even the first-necessity things and they have to use the things
    belonging to the owners of the apartment they rent.

    They explained our correspondent at the Labour and Social Security
    Ministry's Department of Social assistance that this family hadn't
    been registered in the family allowance system since the January of
    2008. According to the department's officials, they would get their
    benefits out-of-turn. They said that Mrs. Gayane should go and register
    her family in the department's lists.

    "The Ofices of Armeavir's Social Assistance Department are in the
    building of the Armavir's Local Administration(Marzpetaran). Their
    officials would never offend the citizens. Anyway, if such cases
    of non-respectful attitude occur, they should complain to Armavir's
    Local Administration," one of the department's officials advised.

    "The owners of the apartment are in Russia now and they have already
    warned us that soon they are going to return and we should leave
    the apartment. We have changed already 5 apartments in 12 years, and
    we don't know where to go. I didn't have my children especially for
    getting financial assistance from the state. But we had never been
    supported by the state. We need their assistance to at least stand
    firm on our feet. We have friends in France and they tell us that
    the state pays for each child such a sum of money that the parents
    can do without even working. In our country, on the contrary, they
    don't do a thing to support large families," Mrs. Gayane said.

    Gayane wants to have some more children. Both her and her husband
    love children so much, but they don't have that opportunity.

    "I have three boys and in several years they will join the army. I
    bring them up in difficulties, make them good people, then somebody
    who never helped us will come and take them away from us. Don't
    misunderstand me, please, I say all this with pain, but I really feel
    no obligations to my country," said offended Mrs. Gayane.

    On the day of our visit, David, 12, the elder son of the family,
    didn't have a copy book to do his homework. They had to go to one of
    the stores and ask the employee to give them a copy book on credit
    until their father gets the salary. But father's salary is completely
    spent of the day he gets that. They try to pay their old debts. On
    the next day they make new debts for buying bread and food. When the
    mother was telling about their hardship, the children had to leave
    the room feeling shame. We could hardly persuade them to at least
    be photographed.