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Reality Hits Obama Express

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  • Reality Hits Obama Express

    By Mike Allen tories/0409/20977.html
    April 7 2009

    President Barack Obama, after a lightning-quick start for his agenda
    on Capitol Hill, is bracing for a much slower pace and big changes
    in his proposals as early urgency and excitement give way to the more
    languid rhythms that are the norm for Congress.

    Officials are most pessimistic about his energy and global warming
    plan, with many aides doubting he will win passage of a cap-and-trade
    emissions reduction system, which is strongly opposed by business
    and Republicans.

    The White House is most optimistic for passage this year of his plans
    to overhaul the nation's financial regulations, and aides also see
    a strong chance that a gradual version of his health care overhaul
    will get through Congress this fall.

    Congressional and administration aides agree that none of his three
    biggest agenda items is likely to achieve final passage before
    this fall.

    The officials said none of this is catching them by surprise: Obama
    knew Congress has limited bandwidth, and he simply wanted to get
    the wheels of government turning on every big issue this year. A big
    part of their communication strategy will now focus on highlighting
    incremental progress on the Obama agenda, to show people Washington
    is working again.

    The White House's handicapping for three centerpiece proposals:
    Financial-services reform has "a very good chance." Health care "has
    a lot of momentum behind it." And energy "got off to a great start"
    with the introduction last week of a model bill by House Energy and
    Commerce Committee Chairman Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.).

    That's a best-case scenario. Obama aides admit they don't yet know
    the answer to one of the big questions of his first year: Can Capitol
    Hill swallow an agenda of this cost and heft, at a time when the
    country is suffering a catastrophic economic slowdown?

    "There's no question: It's a lot," said one administration
    official. "But he's made the point that you've got to at least try
    to do this -- and do as much as you can, now -- because it's all
    interrelated and all helps the economy."

    The new pace is a big change. Obama had signed twice as many bills as
    his two most recent predecessors by the time he addressed Congress for
    the first time, with progress being greased by his huge popularity, the
    large Democratic majorities and the impetus of a crushing recession.

    "I felt like we were at the hoop every day," said a top White House

    Now Congress will begin tackling his legislation with the usual glacial
    work of subcommittees and committees, trying to solve three supremely
    complex policy puzzles all at once.

    The administration's new realism is reflected in aides' assessment of
    the budgets passed by the House and Senate, which did not specifically
    embrace some Obama priorities but left room to maneuver.

    "It makes it possible to do things," a West Wing official said. "It
    doesn't mean we'll get it. But we're in the game."

    Administration officials are very anxious to continue showing progress,
    since Obama was elected to bring change. So they now plan to focus
    on incremental victories, calling attention to committee action
    on health care and energy so that the public can see the wheels of
    government turning --real change at a time when so many Americans
    are disillusioned by gridlock.

    The White House also will trumpet smaller bills like a reform of the
    government procurement process.

    Obama is likely to hold major signing ceremonies for more modest
    measures such as ones governing national service and tobacco. They're
    not the whole enchilada. But the White House views them as an
    encouraging appetizer.

    And House Democrats plan to mix in several measures to protect
    consumers, including limitations on pay-day lenders and more
    protections for credit cardholders.

    Congressional officials say the legislative grind will help "buy
    time" for the economy to recover, before the public loses patience
    with Obama.

    "You need credibility with the public that we get it, and we do:
    It's going to take some time," one official said. "Even though we
    think that the stuff we have passed and put in place is going to work,
    it's not going to work right away, and the jobs are not going to come
    back right away. That's just the reality."

    Obama officials realize that reform of the nation's regulation of
    banks and other financial institutions -- the measure most certain
    to pass -- isn't a particularly sexy accomplishment.

    But Democrats will style it as "looking out for the consumer and
    helping the little guy," one aide said. "We have to put some rules
    in the road on these financial companies and try to help the middle
    class and the consumers."

    On health care, Obama aides are cheered by the plan in the House to
    have three committees produce one bill, a more streamlined process
    than was used under President Bill Clinton in 1993, when the process
    famously flamed out.

    So here's the administration's dream timetable: By the August recess,
    House and Senate committees will have sent health care bills to
    the floor and Waxman's House committee will have reported out a
    comprehensive energy bill.

    Officials are just aiming for "substantial progress" on financial

    "I don't know if that gets off the House and Senate floor by August,"
    an aide said. "But it'll be done this year. I just don't know that
    everything can be done in those 13 [legislative work] weeks."

    One of Obama's top aides projected the coolness that his boss was
    famous for on the campaign trail.

    "I try not to get optimistic or pessimistic," the official said. "I
    just try to look at it as: Are we making progress? And I just
    continually see progress."

    After a couple of death-defying months, "no-drama Obama" tackles the
    Capitol Hill slog.