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Ankara Hails Progress In Talks While Concerns In Yerevan Heighten

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  • Ankara Hails Progress In Talks While Concerns In Yerevan Heighten

    By Allen Yekikan 225_4/7/2009_1
    Tuesday, April 7, 2009

    Turkey's Uncompromising Position Jeopardizes Talks, Says Nalbandian

    Turkey's Foreign Minister Ali Babacan on Tuesday hailed what he called
    progress in the ongoing talks to normalize his country's strained
    relations with Armenia. His remarks come amid growing concern in
    Yerevan that Ankara's increasingly uncompromising preconditions on
    Armenia may be guiding the negotiations in an untenable direction.

    Babacan made his comments during a press conference following the
    Alliance of Civilizations Summit in Istanbul Tuesday. A day earlier,
    he and Armenian counterpart Eduard Nalbandian met with U.S. President
    Barack Obama at a dinner reception for the summit. Obama urged them
    to complete talks aimed at restoring ties between the two neighbors.

    "We are working on a comprehensive solution and our talks are going
    well, Babacan said. "We have made significant progress so far and both
    parties have declared satisfaction over the process several times."

    But Nalbandian did not share his counterpart's optimism. In a
    written statement issued on Sunday, the Armenian Foreign Minister
    accused Turkey of jeopardizing the negotiations process by hinging
    the opening of the border on a resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, an unrelated issue according to Yerevan.

    Turkish and Western media say the two countries are close to reaching
    an agreement on a gradual establishment of diplomatic relations and
    a reopening of the Turkish-Armenian border.

    But Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday
    that this cannot happen before a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict acceptable to Azerbaijan. "As long as the Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue is not resolved, it is not possible for us to reach a healthy
    solution concerning Armenia," he told a news conference in London,
    according to Reuters.

    Nalbandian, who was due to arrive in Istanbul on Sunday night,
    canceled his flight minutes before departure over the statements. He
    later flew to Istanbul Monday.

    The Armenian Foreign Minister explained that the unresolved Karabakh
    conflict has not been on the agenda of negotiations. "I believe that
    the statements, which put forth preconditions for the normalization of
    Armenian-Turkish relations, may be regarded as an attempt to impede
    the progress reached in the negotiations," he said in reference to
    the remarks made by Erdogan.

    The remarks followed Azerbaijan's stark warnings to Turkey not to
    normalize ties with Armenia before a Karabakh settlement acceptable
    to Baku was reached. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev reportedly
    canceled his scheduled participation in the Istanbul forum in protest
    of the Armenian-Turkish talks. Aliyev on Tuesday threatened to take
    retaliatory measures if the Armenian-Turkish border was opened,
    hinting once again that Azerbaijan would cut off Turkey's gas supplies.

    Besides worries over Azerbaijan's posturing or the possibility that
    Turkey and Azerbaijan may be cornering Armenia into an untenable
    scenario with karabakh, Nalbandian also expressed serious concern
    over Ankara's efforts to use the rapprochement as an excuse to prevent
    international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    "It has been said many times, and I want to stress it again, that
    the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations can never question
    the reality of Armenian Genocide," he said.

    Official Ankara sees the warming of relations with Armenia as an
    opportunity to be leveraged in its ongoing campaign to prevent US
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. On numerous occasions over the
    course of the negotiations process, top Turkish officials, including
    the Prime Minister, President, and Foreign Minister, have all warned
    the US that any recognition of the Armenian Genocide would torpedo
    chances for reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia.

    "I know there are strong views in this chamber about the terrible
    events of 1915," President Obama said Monday in his address to
    the Turkish Parliament. "The best way forward for the Turkish and
    Armenian people is a process that works through the past in a way
    that is honest, open, and constructive."

    Obama stopped short of using the word "genocide" in his address. But
    on several occasions, both in his press conference with Gul and in
    the Turkish Parliament, he stressed that his views had not changed
    on the matter.

    "My views are on the record and I have not changed views," he said
    standing alongside Gul.

    "The President's willingness to raise his commitment to recognizing the
    Armenian Genocide, even indirectly, in his remarks before the Turkish
    Parliament represents a step in the right direction, but far short of
    the clear promise he made as a candidate that he would, as President,
    fully and unequivocally recognize this crime against humanity," Aram
    Hamparian, the executive Director of the Armenian National Committee,
    said on Monday in response to Obama's remarks in Turkey. "We expect
    that the President will, during Genocide Prevention Month this April,
    stand by his word, signaling to the world that America's commitment
    to the cause of genocide prevention will never again be held hostage
    to pressures from a foreign government."

    During his 2008 campaign for the White House, Obama referred to the
    killings of Armenians in World War One as genocide. In a January 19,
    2008 statement on the importance of relations between the U.S. and
    Armenia, Obama said, "as a senator, I strongly support passage of
    the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106 and S.Res.106), and as
    President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide."

    US legislators introduced on March 17 a resolution (H.Res.252) calling
    on the U.S. president to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide. The
    resolution, submitted by representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), George
    Radanovich (R-Calif.), Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.).

    Its introduction was praised shortly after by the Chairman of the
    Armenian National Assembly's Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs,
    Armen Rustamian. In a March 19 letter to the chairman of the US House
    Committee on Foreign Affairs, Howard Berman, Rustamian expressed
    his strong support for US affirmation of the Armenian Genocide,
    stressing that US recognition would be the greatest contributor to
    the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.

    "I am confident that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the
    United States not only would not hamper, but on the contrary will
    contribute to the prospects of a thorough dialogue between Turkey and
    Armenia," the letter read. "Any durable improvement of Armenia-Turkey
    relations must rest upon a foundation of shared respect for truth
    and justice."

    Erdogan, however, maintains that his nation will never admit to the
    "so-called genocide." Speaking to reporters in London Friday he said
    that for Turkey, it is impossible to accept a thing that does not
    exist," referring to the Armenian Genocide.

    A letter from 340 European civil society organizations, sent to the
    White House while Obama was in London Friday, stressed, however,
    that a US recognition of the genocide would "provide unprecedented
    momentum to the process of dialogue between Turkey and Armenia" and
    move the entire region toward a "durable peace," based on stability,
    justice and democracy.