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LSOFT Up The Stage Of Effective Management

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  • LSOFT Up The Stage Of Effective Management


    APRIL 7, 2009

    LSOFT Ltd has been working in the IT market since 1995. One of the main
    tendencies of actions is the developing of software product for the
    financial industry, in particular, for Banks, Credit Organizations,
    Lombard companies and for State Treasury of the Republic. The company
    also integrates and supports its products. Company Director Larisa
    Lalayan said in her interview to Noyan Tapan correspondent.

    In her words, banking software, developed by LSOFT, provides full
    automation of all banks (Credit Organizations, Lombard companies and
    the State Treasury) operations and is compatible with software of
    other developers that Armenian banks used.

    The banks for which LSOFT develops programs are big, with great number
    of branches, many of which are situated in the distant regions of
    Armenia. With the communication development, the integration of
    the program online version becomes possible. The first one among
    the company's clients was UNIBANK CJSC, where online version was
    integrated. At present the program is being integrated in VTB Bank
    (Armenia) CJSC.

    L. Lalayan said that in February 2008, on the requirement of
    the Central Bank, LSOFT Management has decided to implement a
    Quality Management System (QMS), according to the requirements
    of the international standards ISO 9001:2000. Just at that time
    raised a question to choose the company for consultations. "By the
    results of the market research, the company chooses the consulting
    firm ISO Consultant, which is recognized by the BUREAU VERITAS
    Certification. The international status and the long experience of
    the BUREAU VERITAS Certification have an influence on our decision.",
    said the director of LSOFT Ltd, Ms. Larisa Lalayan.

    The company director added that from March till October 2008, the
    company has carried out the implementation of QMS, which concluded
    with the certificate handling according to the international standards
    ISO 9001:2000. Over a period of QMS integration, the company makes
    sure that Certification Company was chosen right. The staff shows
    high professionalism and responsibility toward the work, during the
    whole period of collaboration.

    L. Lalayan emphasized that the aim of QMS integration was to raise
    the quality of the developing programs and providing services. The
    integration of management system allows regulating not only the inner
    work of the company, but also the interaction with the clients. The
    unification of the documents circulation between LSOFT and clients
    leaded to shorting of time and financial expenses at the stage of
    programs developing and online service. Forms, developed by ISO
    standards, give an opportunity to organize the processes of study,
    programming, testing and support much more efficiently. The chosen way
    of working makes from the customers a participant, not an observer
    of the whole process, plus it makes them much more responsible and
    interested in fast and qualified realization of the work.

    "The presence of certificate gives an advantage in the potential client
    opinion and is the guarantee for stable quality of work realization. I
    think our QMS is very effective as it takes into consideration the
    specificity of the company's activity, gives us one more advantage
    in the market, especially in a crisis period, when business tries
    to decrease one's expenses and not to decrease the quality of the
    product and service at the same time," Ms. Lalayan said.

    BUREAU VERITAS Head for Regional Development in Armenia Stepan Barakian
    noted that BUREAU VERITAS began implementing ISO 9001:2000 at LSOFT
    a year ago and the company has passed this way quite professionally,
    understanding the essence of the standard and the opportunities that
    the implementation opens. "The current economic atmosphere in the
    world and the experience of BUREAU VERITAS show that it is today's
    serious professionals that will get out of the crisis as stronger
    companies. LSOFT is one of them, and the economic situation requires
    that companies go deeply into the management standards and be more
    consistent and flexible in fulfillment of their requirements,"
    S. Barakian explained. He believes that the implementation of ISO
    9001:2000 standard is the first step for LSOFT. Banks are customers
    of the company so it has to deal with many other problems related in
    particular with information security of their operational systems and
    corporate networks. "If LSOFT intends to advance on the software market
    in the future as well, then, in my opinion, it should implement the new
    international standard of the information security management system
    according to ISO 27001:2005 taking in consideration another part the
    more stricter requirements of new version of quality control system
    ISO 9001:2008 that has developed on a deeper analytical basis, with a
    wider range of quality-affecting factors being taken into account. This
    standard also differs from ISO 9001:2000 by deeper validity of the
    decision-making requirements. This is a strategic issue. In 2008,
    LSOFT moved to an online documents circulation with its customers,
    but the company should continue improving the quality of its services
    because software, that is, the "heart" of banks is created by LSOFT,
    and much depends on the company. The more opportunities that company
    gives to the market, the more its efficiency will increase," the
    expert of BUREAU VERITAS said.

    As regards the development of IT for the banking system, the major
    task here is to ensure information security. S. Barakian expressed
    an opinion that information security system must be more developed
    in Armenia from infrastructures to the rules of services because the
    level of financial cyber crimes will rise.

    With regards to the issue of software security, developed by LSOFT
    Company, Ms. Lalayan said: "We have a specific approach in providing of
    information security. In bank's software putted all the requirements
    of the Central Bank concerning the system of the bank information
    security. As for the information security of the company's activity,
    we have already putted and applied a number of mechanisms for privacy
    protection and information loss prevention. The problem of protection
    is always of current importance; in addition the fast development
    of IT constantly put new multifarious tasks before the developer,
    which demands quick and effective decisions. We hope the QMS will
    help us in an improvement of our software security."

    Summing up Ms. Lalayan said: "We intend to continue collaboration
    with BUREAU VERITAS and during the current year lead the functioning
    Quality Management System to the standards 9001:2008. Later on we plan
    to implement the standard BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 (ISMS - Information
    Security Management System).
    From: Baghdasarian