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International Group Of 2400 Descendants Of The Genocide Victims Appe

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  • International Group Of 2400 Descendants Of The Genocide Victims Appe


    Noyan Tapan
    April 8, 2009

    International Group of 2400 descendants of the victims of 1915 Genocide
    in Ottoman Imperia appealed to Armenia's President Serge Sarkisian
    in open letter. It is stated, particularly:

    "By our activities we implement the Declaration of Human Rights, which
    is the basis of the world democracies, in which we live. Armenians
    from all over world have numerous rights.

    1. Right of choice: continue expecting for the public recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide by Turkey, which has not been accomplished for
    more than 90 years, or stop waiting and start exercising own rights,
    privately and with private rights.

    2. Right of choice: to obtain inherited property, that is, houses and
    lands, belonging to our ascendants or to receive the replacement of
    their value.

    3. Right of choice: to receive today the compensation in the sum
    of estate (in the form of investments, insurance, debts, etc), and
    continue waiting for the solution of the issue by public law".

    According to the letter, the purpose of the group is to create a
    large-scale judicial precedent for reciving a partial pecuniary
    compensation of inherited property. "This precedent will become a
    mechanism, which will enable any successor of Genocide: Armenians,
    Greeks, Assyrians, Ezids, start a process for obtaining the whole
    inherited property.

    Over the past several years our activities on protecting human rights
    have been focused on the Armenian nationwide humanitarian program
    "In the Memory of Successors".

    Today more than a hundred countries of the world, including Turkey,
    have joined efforts for the obligatory law of bills and circulating
    notes. This law enables to create a circulating note equal to the value
    of the decedent's estate. Court examines the validity of presented
    papers and the fact of notes being in financial circulation. The
    Decision of the court is obligatory for the countries subjected to
    the application of the law.

    An Heir will receive the sum equal to the circulating note from the
    financial market without being aware, who would buy his note. The
    ultimate purchaser of the note will be definitely Turkey's Treasury,
    since the circulating note will be part of ultimate transaction
    between Turkey and its partners.

    Today all 2400 descendants and participants of the "In the memory
    of Successors" program, who voluntarily have purchased circulating
    notes and put them in circulation, are aware, that the decision of
    the court, besides economical, has also political implications.

    Thus, they make a request to the head of the Armenian State for
    presenting his attitude to activities of the participants of "In
    the memory of successors" initiative. Currently, "before suing to a
    law-court, admit the fact of financial circulation of notes of 2400
    true heirs", stated in the letter.