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Obama Watches Words In Turkey

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  • Obama Watches Words In Turkey

    By Steven Thomma

    Monterey County Herald
    April 7, 2009 Tuesday

    ISTANBUL, Turkey The world was simpler when Barack Obama was
    campaigning for votes.

    Candidate Obama could charge that a country, such as Turkey carried
    out a long-ago genocide, wooing votes from the descendants of more
    than a million Armenians slain by the Turks, and vowing not to back
    down from tough talk if elected.

    Now, visiting that same country as president, Obama has changed his
    words, if not his worldview.

    Courting the Muslim world and a crucial ally in a tinderbox part of
    the world, President Obama said Monday that he still held the same
    views about what the Turks did to the Armenians.

    He carefully avoided using the word genocide, however, and strove
    instead to prod the Armenians and the Turks not to mention Armenian
    supporters at home to turn away from a painful past and focus instead
    on improving relations.

    The challenge of fulfilling a campaign promise without offending his
    hosts forced Obama to navigate between U.S. politics and international
    diplomacy as he wrapped up an eight-day trip to Europe and the doorstep
    of Asia that helped punctuate his transition from candidate to world
    player, all while remaining ever the politician.

    As a presidential candidate, Obama bluntly characterized the deaths
    of Armenians here nearly a century ago as genocide. The flash point
    is the deaths of as many as 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the
    Turks starting in 1915, as World War I raged and the Ottoman Empire
    started to break apart.

    Saying the word as president, however, would chill relations and
    perhaps even cost support from Turkey, which Obama deems crucial to
    the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as his broader outreach to
    the Muslim world.

    "I have not changed views," he said when he was asked about his stance
    with Turkish President Abdullah Gul standing beside him earlier Monday
    in Ankara.

    He didn't use the word "genocide," however, nor did he repeat the
    condemnation he made as a presidential candidate while he was courting

    Speaking later to the Turkish Parliament, he sidestepped the question
    of genocide, referring to it only as "the terrible events of 1915."

    "While there has been a good deal of commentary about my views, this
    is really about how the Turkish and Armenian people deal with the
    past," he said. "We have already seen historic and courageous steps
    taken by Turkish and Armenian leaders. These contacts hold out the
    promise of a new day."

    The descendants of the Armenians, many of them in California and
    elsewhere around the United States, have long sought a formal
    recognition of what they and many historians say was a planned
    genocide. A resolution is pending in Congress.

    The Turks, however, have called the Armenians victims of a civil war,
    and reject the characterization of genocide.

    Obama's refusal to use the word genocide on his visit, as well as his
    focus on improving relations between Armenians and Turks, probably
    will make it even more difficult for sponsors to win congressional
    approval of the resolution calling the deaths a genocide.

    "The biggest issue on the U.S.-Turkish agenda ... is the
    Armenian-genocide resolution," said Bulent Aliriza, the director of
    the Turkey Project at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and
    International Studies, a national-security research center.

    The diplomatic consequences would be significant at a time the United
    States is steadily improving relations with Turkey, which blocked
    U.S. troops from transiting its territory in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    The United States is particularly keen on better relations as it seeks
    Turkey's help in winding down American involvement in Iraq and steps
    up the war in Afghanistan.

    "None of the areas of cooperation ... will materialize if (the genocide
    resolution) passes," Aliriza said. "The Turks will undoubtedly
    retaliate, and we may go into a deep freeze in the U.S.-Turkish
    relationship if it passes."


    Obama also used his visit to Turkey, a secular Muslim country, to
    reach out.

    "The United States is not at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership
    with the Muslim world is critical in rolling back a fringe ideology
    that people of all faiths reject," he told the Turkish Parliament.

    He added, however, that he seeks a better relationship with the Muslim
    world beyond fighting the al-Qaida terrorist network.

    "We will listen carefully, bridge misunderstanding and seek common
    ground," he said. "We will be respectful, even when we do not agree."

    He also planned to speak directly to people from Turkey and throughout
    the region in a televised town-hall meeting in Istanbul.