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The Alliance Of Civilizations Forum: A Major Test For Turkish Diplom

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  • The Alliance Of Civilizations Forum: A Major Test For Turkish Diplom


    Jamestown Foundation he=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=34827&tx_ttnew s%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=0dc484c42b
    April 8 2009

    On April 6-7, Istanbul hosted the second United Nations Alliance
    of Civilizations (UNAOC) forum, co-chaired by Turkey and Spain
    under the auspices of the UN to foster international dialogue and
    cooperation. The forum was attended by five heads of state, 26 foreign
    ministers, 11 ministers and high-level officials from 12 international
    and regional organizations, providing an opportunity for Ankara to
    discuss bilateral relations with its neighbors and showcase Turkey's
    growing international profile (Anadolu Ajansi, April 7).

    The UNAOC began in 2004 following the Madrid bombings, as part
    of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero's aim of
    building closer links between the Western and Islamic worlds, and
    combating terrorism through dialogue rather than force. Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan supported this idea, which became a
    joint Spanish-Turkish initiative. In addition to several working
    meetings, its first forum was hosted by Spain in January 2008 and
    around 100 countries have joined the organization (;

    The second UNAOC forum reflected the high value placed on resolving
    common problems through dialogue. In their addresses, world leaders
    also emphasized the promotion of mutual respect, tolerance and
    diversity, to overcome conflict and achieve peaceful coexistence
    (, April 7). UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
    highlighted the possible conflict prevention role of the platform:
    "All too often, the United Nations must deal with fires after they
    break out. Through the UNAOC, we can stamp out the sparks before they
    catch" (Today's Zaman, April 7).

    Participants submitted their national plans and regional
    strategies for joint projects and agreed on developing programs to
    increase communication among the young and facilitate greater
    access to information technology to promote intercultural
    understanding. Additional programs will support academic research,
    organize workshops to study the challenges of doing business in a
    multicultural environment, and develop joint media educational programs
    (Cihan Haber Ajansi, April 7).

    Moreover, the UNAOC plays a major part in the foreign policy agenda
    of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and his governing Justice and
    Development Party (AKP), which has supported the initiative since
    its inception. The project has been used by the AKP to advance its
    political vision, emphasizing dialogue and consensus in conducting
    Turkey's foreign relations. This is an extension of their own
    transformation from a more doctrinaire, anti-Western Islamic movement
    to a pro-EU, moderate conservative party. Fostering international
    dialogue is regarded as vindication of the AKP's image as a movement
    which synthesizes Western and Islamic values. Most importantly,
    Turkey's leading role in this new forum is valuable for the AKP's
    leadership, offering a high profile opportunity to represent the Muslim
    world, which they view as a core mission (Radikal, November 12, 2006).

    The AKP government has recently undertaken several initiatives
    reflecting their belief that Turkey could serve as a bridge
    between East and West, and advocate the rights of the Islamic
    world. For instance, Turkey's policy during the Gaza crisis, or
    its position over appointing the new Secretary-General of NATO was
    driven by such considerations. Critics allege that Turkey might
    be drifting away from the transatlantic community and becoming
    more Middle Eastern. Nonetheless, the AKP has insisted that the
    party remains committed to the country's Western orientation, and
    these new openings within the Islamic world should be interpreted
    as complementary to Western interests in the strategically vital
    regions surrounding Turkey. The AKP also highlights its successful
    foreign policy by pointing to the praise Turkey has received from the
    international community, including the EU and the United States, for
    its contributions to global and regional peace through such projects.

    These high-level gatherings serve Turkish diplomacy in other ways. On
    the sidelines of the forum, several bilateral and multilateral talks
    took place, which enabled Turkish leaders to discuss controversial
    foreign policy issues. President Barack Obama made a brief appearance
    at the UNAOC reception on the first day, expressing U.S. backing for
    Turkey's efforts. He reiterated his support for rapprochement between
    Turkey and Armenia, urging the foreign ministers of both countries
    to finalize the normalization process. Foreign Minister Ali Babacan,
    in addition to meeting his Armenian counterpart, held separate talks
    with the Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, to discuss ways to
    resolve the Cyprus issue (Cihan Haber Ajansi, April 7).

    The forum, however, also demonstrated Ankara's current dilemma as it
    seeks to improve its relations with Armenia. Azerbaijan's President
    Ilham Aliyev declined an invitation from President Abdullah Gul to
    attend the UNAOC, preferring instead to send his daughter to represent
    the country. The Turkish media claimed that Aliyev was boycotting the
    UNAOC forum "in reaction to Turkish-Armenian reconciliation, prior
    to a breakthrough on the problem of Karabakh" (Hurriyet Daily News,
    April 6). Although Babacan denied this during his press briefing,
    arguing that Turkey and Azerbaijan were still "one nation, two states,"
    Ankara's inability to ensure higher level representation from Baku
    coupled with Aliyev's recent statements, reflect underlying divisions
    between the two countries. As Turkey builds bridges across cultures
    and normalizes relations with its neighbors, it risks damaging its
    traditionally closer relationship with Azerbaijan.