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Intelligentsia Which Is "Stuck" In Element

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  • Intelligentsia Which Is "Stuck" In Element

    Yeghishe Metsarenc

    12:55:41 - 07/04/2009

    The Armenian intelligentsia, or the people considered to be,
    was awarded the regular complex of medals and orders on April 6,
    this time from the prime minister Tigran Sargsyan. Naturally, it was
    broadcasted by the TV.

    Naturally, during the program the intellectuals were speaking and
    expressing their gratitude for being evaluated. Of course, if one is
    evaluated, they should be grateful for it. The politeness should the
    first quality of an intellectual, and their second quality should be
    their will to present it through television.

    But it is not so pleasant when the intellectuals appear in a definite
    state and present their qualities altogether by the TV. Its result
    does not give much pleasure, because an intellectual who shows all the
    qualities stops being it and becomes an animal who struggles in order
    to preserve its existence. While, the concept of intellectual supposes
    a situation when you are engaged in preserving more global facts of
    reality rather than yourself. On the other hand, the intellectuals may
    say, that if they do not defend themselves, and as better as possible,
    how can they struggle for higher values.

    After being awarded a medal by the prime minister, the actor Azat
    Gasparyan performed his skills in front of the TV cameras. Naturally he
    was expressing his gratitude. For example, he said that their medals
    or orders make happier first of all the spectators. In other words,
    imagine the situation when Azat Gasparyan or any other actor is on
    the theatre stage and the spectators following the performance think
    "why this person is not awarded a state medal or order, when he will
    be awarded", or "why this person has been once awarded and is not being
    awarded any more, will he ever be given the second one?". And one day,
    the same spectator sees on the TV that the very actor is awarded a
    medal. "Hurraaaah, finally" will probably shout the spectator, or
    in case the state medal or order is not the first time to be given
    to the actor, the spectator watching the process of awarding, will
    shout "Hurraaaah, agaaaain". It is possible to imagine how sad and
    unhappy are the American spectators of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino,
    Merrill Strip or the father and son Duglasses as their favorites do
    not get any state medal.

    But Azat Gasparyan did not state only this, but he added that such kind
    of awards bind them in front of the journalists, for the journalists to
    pay more attention on the cultural events. If we strain every nerve,
    all the attempts to understand this thought leads us to one possible
    conclusion: the Prime Minister gives a medal to an intellectual,
    the intellectual takes the medal and gets obliged in front of the
    journalist as the journalist will pay more attention to the cultural
    events. How the journalist appears in the middle of the "finger and the
    ring" that is in the middle of the intellectual and the prime minister,
    is difficult to understand. But the intellectual is called intellectual
    right for saying incomprehensible ideas. The more the thought in
    incomprehensible the wiser impression leaves the intellectual.

    Of course, it is not obligatory for the actor to be able to say a
    few connected meaningful words out of the stage, the most important
    for them is not to confuse the scenario, and it is not necessary
    to utter any word at all, besides thanking the government. Say your
    words of gratitude and go to wait for the next one. Do not squander
    your precious qualities. Keep them for your coming evaluations;
    do not get excited for one medal.

    This will not surely be the last; moreover, they are given right for
    the silence of the intelligentsia.

    Although, not every word said is a speech, as, more often, the silence
    may be more talkative. But, there are different modes of keeping
    silence, or to keep silence or to be stuck. Our intelligentsia seems
    to be stuck when being awarded state medals and orders.