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Western Prelacy News - 04/10/2009

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  • Western Prelacy News - 04/10/2009

    April 10, 2009
    Press Release
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    on Sunday, April 12th, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will
    celebrate Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St. Mary's Church in
    By the ordinance of the Prelate, H.E. Achbishop Yeprem Tabakian will
    celebrate Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Holy Martyrs Church in
    Encino, Very Rev. Fr. Barthev Gulumian at Holy Cross Cathedral in
    Montebello, Very Rev.Fr. Muron Aznikian at the North Hollywood Parish,
    Archpriest Fr. Mesrob Tashjian will be at the Las Vegas Parish, and Rev. Fr.
    Ashod Kambourian will celebrate services at the Colorado Parish.


    On Monday, April 13th, the Prelate will preside over Easter Memorial
    Day requiem service at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills. The service begins
    at 10:00 a.m. and will take place at the Hall of Liberty.
    Services will also be offered at the Church of the Recessional at
    the Glendale Forest Lawn.


    On the morning of Friday, April 17th, the Prelate will preside over
    Easter Divine Liturgy at Ararat Home in Mission Hills. Prelacy clergy
    members will participate in the Divine Liturgy, which is celebrated each
    year on this occasion.
    Clergy members will visit the nursing facility at 10:00 a.m.,
    followed by Divine Liturgy at the Chapel which will be celebrated by Pastor
    of St. Garabed Church Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian.


    On Thursday, April 9th, Maundy Thursday services were conducted in
    commemoration of the Last Supper, the washing of the disciples' feet by
    Jesus, and His betrayal and arrest.
    In the morning, Divine Liturgy was celebrated in all Churches. In
    the afternoon, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, officiated
    over the Washing of the Feet service at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood, and
    conveyed to the faithful the message of the day's services, starting with
    the commemoration of the Last Supper during which Jesus Christ established
    the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist when He shared bread and wine with His
    disciples symbolizing His body and blood. The Washing of the Feet service,
    he continued, is a reminder of His humility, love, and service, and commands
    us to be mindful of the fact that we were all created in His image and pride
    tarnishes that image, thus he urged the faithful to be humble, to serve in
    His example, and to ready ourselves spiritually for the salvation and
    eternal life promised to us by Jesus Christ. Reminding the faithful that
    this year is dedicated to the youth, the Prelate concluded by appealing to
    parents and grandparents to cultivate in our youth awe of the Lord and
    prepare them to be our leaders of tomorrow.
    Later on in the evening, the Prelate presided over the solemn vigil
    service, commemorating the betrayal and arrest of Jesus Christ, at Holy
    Cross Cathedral in Montebello. In his address to the faithful, the Prelate
    spoke of the implications of Jesus' last few days on earth and the extent of
    His love for us as he took on our sins and died for our salvation. In this
    regards, the Prelate asked how we, as Christians, reciprocate that love and
    express our love for Him. Thus, he concluded by calling on the faithful to
    obey the Lord's commandment to love by loving one another and living our
    lives free of hate and hateful influences.


    On the evening of Tuesday, April 7th, 2009, Holy Tuesday services,
    in commemoration of the Parable of the Ten Virgins, took place in all
    Prelacy Churches.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, officiated over the
    service and conveyed his message to the faithful at St. Mary's Church in
    Glendale. Sunday School teachers and students participated in the service
    representing the ten virgins.
    The Prelate explained the meaning behind the parable and urged the
    faithful to follow in the example of the wise virgins by being resolute in
    our faith and spiritually ready at all times to receive eternal life.


    On Sunday, April 5th, 2009, Palm Sunday, H.E .Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at
    Holy Martyrs Church in Encino. Following Divine Liturgy, the Children's
    Procession took place, and subsequently the Opening of the Portals ceremony.

    Among the hundreds of faithful in attendance were Consul General of
    Armenia the Honorable Grigor Hovhannisyan, Central Executive member Mr.
    Khajag Dikijian, and Executive Council members Mr. Garo Avakian and Mr.
    Khatchig Yeretzian.
    Prior to delivering his sermon, the Prelate thanked God for the
    opportunity to celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into
    Jerusalem. He then greeted the faithful on this joyous occasion and
    specifically the Consul General, thanking him for his service and asking him
    to convey his well wishes to the leadership of Armenia and Artsakh.
    The Prelate's sermon focused on the message of Palm Sunday which is
    the spiritual blossoming and preparing to celebrate the Glorious
    Resurrection of our Lord on Easter. He stated that there were three types
    of people who greeted Jesus during His entry into Jerusalem; those who
    heard, listened, and believed in His promise of salvation, those who heard
    His message but did not abide by His message, and those who opposed Him and
    would later condemn Him to death. He urged the faithful to relive the
    atmosphere of that first Palm Sunday and affirm that we belong to the group
    who heard, listened, and believed that He is our Lord and Savior Who shed
    His blood for our salvation, to faithfully follow His commandments, invite
    Him to live in our hearts, as we proclaim "Hosanna, blessed are You Who
    comes in the name of the Lord". The Prelate continued that as pilgrims of
    this special day, we must pray to the Lord to save us from our weaknesses
    and strengthen us in our faith, we must renew ourselves and grow
    spiritually, and furthermore we must plant the seeds of faith in our
    children and youth to prepare them to be our leaders of tomorrow.
    The Prelate was then led from the altar to the church courtyard for
    the Children's Procession, where the children and faithful were lined up to
    receive his blessings.
    The Prelate and faithful returned to the hall where the Prelate
    conducted the Opening of the Portals ceremony, after which he beseeched
    Almighty God to bless the Godfather Gary Nareg Berberian and all the youth
    and lead them on His righteous path.
    The services concluded with the collective singing of the Cilician
    and Armenian anthems.