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TBILISI: Ethnic Armenian Activists Convicted In Georgia

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  • TBILISI: Ethnic Armenian Activists Convicted In Georgia


    April 8 2009

    Tbilisi, 8 April: On 6-7 April 2009, Georgia's Akhaltsikhe District
    court held final hearings on the case of Vahagn Chakhalyan, a political
    activist in [Georgia's predominantly ethnic Armenian populated]
    Javakheti [region] and the leader of the Democratic Alliance One
    Javakhk [Armenian name for Javakheti] political movement, his father
    Ruben Chakhalyan and younger brother Armen Chakhalyan.

    On 6 April the prosecutor had demanded 14 years' imprisonment and
    a 18,000-lari (10,650-dollar) fine for Vahagn Chakhalyan, a three
    years' suspended sentence and a 6,000-lari (3,550-dollar) for Ruben
    Chakhalyan, and a three years of suspended sentence and a 3,000-lari
    (1,750-dollar) fine for Armen Chakhalyan. That was followed by
    defenders' speeches.

    Vahagn Chakhalyan made his defence speech on 7 April, following which
    the judge retired to her room and produced the sentence.

    In his speech, Chakhalyan described the court's actions as shameful.

    "The legal proceedings against me are nearing their end. I can describe
    them only as shameful. They are shameful because of the numerous
    odd unlawful acts, forged and fabricated 'evidence', and witnesses,
    all of whom were representatives of law enforcing structures," the
    defendant said.

    The court found Vahagn Chakhalyan guilty on all accounts, including
    accusations under Article 236.1 (purchase and possession of weapons and
    ammunition), Article 225.2 (participation in mass unrest), Article 226
    (organization of events on a massive scale violating public order),
    Article 353.2 (premeditated group resistance to the police or other
    representatives of the authorities ... by a group of people), Article
    239.2.b (hooliganism ... b) with respect to public agents or any
    other person suppressing hooliganism) of the Georgian Criminal Code,
    and sentenced the Javakheti activist to 10 years in prison without
    the right to pay any fine for a part of the term.

    Ruben Chakhalyan was found guilty under Article 236.1 (purchase and
    possession of weapons and ammunition) and Article 225.2 (participation
    in mass unrest) and fined 5,000 lari (3,000 dollars). Armen Chakhalyan
    was found guilty under Article 236.1 (purchase and possession of
    weapons and ammunition) and fined 2,000 lari (1,200 dollars).

    The Chakhalyans intend to lodge a complaint against the sentence at
    a higher court and, later, at the European Court of Human Rights.