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BAKU: Federation Of Turkish-Azerbaijani Circles Addresses President

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  • BAKU: Federation Of Turkish-Azerbaijani Circles Addresses President


    State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
    April 8, 2009 Wednesday

    The news on opening of the borders between Turkey and Armenia
    has disturbed the Azerbaijanis living in Turkey, too. The
    Turkish-Azerbaijani Circles Federation addressed the President of
    Turkey Abdullah Gul, State Committee on Diaspora Affairs said.

    While Turkey and Azerbaijan shared the same happiness and grief since
    the history, and Azerbaijanis reached to help their Turkish brothers
    and were killed in Chanaggala and Gelooba fights and the brave sons
    of Anadolu were buried in the same cemetery, how the borders will
    be opened?, the Address says. At the same time, the bodies of the
    courageous soldiers of Turkish Army headed by Nuru Pasha killed in the
    fights for the freedom of Baku lie in the peak point of the capital
    city of Azerbaijan.

    The Address to President Gul by Federation of Turkish-Azerbaijani
    Circles emphasizes that despite all international pressures, Azerbaijan
    who re-established its independence in 90s of past century shared its
    benefit with Turkey, obtained realization of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    (BTC) oil pipeline and Baku-TbilisiErzurum gas pipeline. And
    Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway project is under construction.

    The Address notes: The one nation, two states philosophy was first
    uttered by nationwide leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and the
    Great Leader gave this phrase an eternal life by the contributions
    to Turkic world.

    The Azerbaijani lands have ever been the target of interest and envy
    for its geographical opportunities, rich underground and on-ground
    resources and strategic position. The Armenians ever having an eye
    on the opportunities and richness of our country committed unseen
    hitherto massacres, genocides and terrorisms against Azerbaijani
    people. Tens of thousands of our compatriots lost their lives and
    murdered savagely, over one million people were ousted from their
    homelands, the Address said.

    Address to the President of Turkey by Federation of Turkish-Azerbaijani
    Circles ends: Both Turkey and Azerbaijan hold historical responsibility
    as defending their peoples. Up today Turkey has performed and will
    perform this significant responsibility. As being citizens of Turkish
    Government we do not doubt about it. Azerbaijan is not alone. And we
    have no right to lose confidence and respect of Azerbaijani people.