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Gordon Taylor: How Obama Did In Turkey

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  • Gordon Taylor: How Obama Did In Turkey

    Jan Morris

    History News Network
    April 9 2009

    One treads carefully in the Turkish presence. Turkey is no joke.

    It's a tough audience, the Turkish parliament. Say the wrong thing and
    you'll quickly discover the disadvantages of growing a mustache. The
    above photograph was taken 21 December 2008 after a Kurdish deputy
    of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) got up and told his fellow MPs
    that it was high time for Turkey to face up to the Armenian Genocide
    of 1915. As a Kurd, of course, he had his motives for this deliberate
    provocation: he knew that until the Turks confronted the truth about
    1915, they would never recognize reality about the Kurds. It was
    a gutsy move. He, his DTP party colleagues, and millions of other
    people are still waiting for something other than a fist in the face.

    On April 6, in Ankara, Barack Obama faced the same uncertainties. You
    could see it on the videos: the tiniest dent in that iron assurance
    we have come to expect of him. Perhaps it was because Michelle, his
    partner in world conquest, had left him to be with their daughters
    back home. In any case, he seemed slightly hesitant as he spoke
    to the Turkish parliament. "Who are these people?" one can almost
    hear him thinking; or, perhaps he was mesmerized by the sight of
    all those mustaches. This was not an easy crowd, nothing like those
    cheerful Europeans in Prague and London, delirious at having found a
    U.S. President who actually seemed to have a brain in his head. Most
    of Obama's Ankara speech, said reports, was greeted with silence.

    But, to begin with a generalization, it was as good a speech as one
    could expect, given the occasion. In it nuance, nonsense, diplomacy,
    and willful disregard of reality found equal expression. Someone from
    the military-industrial-diplomatic complex worked hard on this text,
    and it showed.

    First, the nonsense. Those who take a jaundiced view of Turkish
    nationalism can find plenty of it in Obama's words. He began his
    speech with the usual--a homage to Ataturk, the Republic's founder--by
    referring to the morning's signal event, the requisite wreath-laying
    at Fred's tomb. Here his restraint was admirable. At no point did
    Obama point out the absurdity of a free and quasi-democratic people,
    a NATO member and EU-aspirant, bowing and scraping before a personality
    cult that rivals that of Kim il-Sung.

    Obama then moved on to the main event: friendly persuasion and
    flattery. There were references to Turkey's democracy, a dubious
    concept, as well as to the friendship between our two peoples--which
    really is a lie, since I doubt that more than five Americans out of
    a hundred could find Turkey on a map. (Hell, they can't even find
    their own country!) Here the message was, Let's Cooperate. The two
    nations, he said, were working together for peace and prosperity,
    as was appropriate. Obama affirmed U.S. support for Turkey's EU
    candidacy. (Which he can do because he knows that France and Germany
    will have the guts to tell them No.) Cliches like Resolute Ally,
    Responsible Partner, and Bridges Over the Bosphorus were given the
    requisite airing. Two Turkish basketball players were duly noted. Obama
    praised the Turks for their progress (non-existent) on penal code
    reform, as well as for their establishment (scorned by most Kurds)
    of a TV station broadcasting in Kurdish. This is where it began to
    get interesting:

    These achievements have created new laws that must be implemented,
    and a momentum that should be sustained. For democracies cannot be
    static: they must move forward.

    In other words, We know that you've passed a few laws. But you have
    to make them work; otherwise it's just an empty form. (Which is the
    game, Turkey-watchers know, that the Turks have always played.)

    Freedom of religion and expression lead to a strong and vibrant
    civil society that only strengthens the state, which is why steps
    like reopening the Halki Seminary will send such an important signal
    inside Turkey and beyond. An enduring commitment to the rule of law
    is the only way to achieve the security that comes from justice for
    all people. Robust minority rights let societies benefit from the
    full measure of contributions from all citizens.

    Note: "a strong and vibrant civil society that only strengthens
    the state." This is the toughest sell of all, the idea that the
    freedoms Turkish officials fear so greatly could actually strengthen
    their beloved, all-important Turkish State. This is the heart of
    the matter. And the Halki Seminary? It's an interesting gambit, a
    reference to a long-closed seminary near Istanbul which the Greek
    Orthodox Patriarchate desperately needs to have reopened if it is
    going to sustain itself in its ancient home. If you really become
    a democracy, Obama is arguing, you become stronger. And upholding
    minority rights is the key.

    I say this as the President of a country that not too long ago made it
    hard for someone who looks like me to vote. But it is precisely that
    capacity to change that enriches our countries. Every challenge that
    we face is more easily met if we tend to our own democratic foundation.

    Note: "that enriches our countries"; using the language of inclusion to
    cajole the listeners into going along. Obama then moved on to admission
    of past American sins, like slavery, in order to slide into that most
    treacherous of quicksands, the Turkish treatment of Armenians.

    Human endeavor is by its nature imperfect. History, unresolved,
    can be a heavy weight. Each country must work through its past. And
    reckoning with the past can help us seize a better future. I know
    there are strong views in this chamber about the terrible events of
    1915. While there has been a good deal of commentary about my views,
    this is really about how the Turkish and Armenian people deal with the
    past. And the best way forward for the Turkish and Armenian people
    is a process that works through the past in a way that is honest,
    open and constructive.

    No one, I submit, is ever going to make a more diplomatic, nuanced
    statement about this subject. With this Obama and his speechwriters
    have slipped through a narrow opening indeed. If the "full and frank
    exchange of views" of diplomatic doublespeak were taken literally, a
    visitor might have said, "Grow up, people, and stop being afraid. Yes,
    the murderers of a million Armenians were your ancestors, but the
    ordinary Turks who worked to save their Armenian neighbors were also
    your ancestors, as were the army units which refused to participate,
    and the Ottoman generals and officials who refused to go along. Ataturk
    himself called it a 'shameful act.' So what is your problem?" Obama
    would never have said such a thing, but for what he did say he
    deserves credit.

    So for the Greek patriarchate and the Armenian Genocide, two touchy
    subjects, we can give Obama decent marks. He went on to make a
    statement which was, for America's tone-deaf news media, a big
    deal: "[T]he United States is not at war with Islam." And he made
    a pitch for Turkey's cooperation in Iraq and Afghanistan. But for
    Turkey's biggest problem, the Kurds, Obama was as silent as a Turk at
    Easter. True, he had declared himself in favor of "robust minority
    rights." But in a Turkey defined by the Lausanne Treaty of 1923,
    "minority" does not apply to the Kurds. Unlike Jews, Greeks, and
    Armenians, 15 million Kurds do not have official "minority" status
    in Turkey. They are full-fledged citizens, indigenous residents of
    Anatolia for thousands of years, who have a culture and language that
    has never been recognized by the Turkish Republic.

    In a short meeting with Ahmet Turk, vice-chairman of the DTP
    and the "grand old man" of Kurdish politics in Turkey, Obama
    expressed "sympathy" for the Kurds but said what he had to say,
    that violence was not a solution for the Kurdish problem. As he said
    this, Turkey's Kurdish provinces were still reeling from the latest
    outbreaks of police violence, which left two Kurds dead and a Kurdish
    female deputy of the DTP injured after being beaten by the state's
    "security forces." Despite these almost daily reports, it is still
    official U.S. policy that the PKK, which has made repeated offers
    of negotiation, is a "terrorist group"; and the Turkish government,
    which rarely sees a head that doesn't deserve beating or an F-16 that
    isn't worth buying, is a beacon for democracy in the Middle East.

    So nothing really has changed. Obama's speech made some intriguing
    gambits, and the symbolism of meeting with Kurdish MPs, a group
    that has been shunned up to now, will no doubt resonate; but without
    straight talk and an abandonment of the lavish armaments contracts
    that are the true core of Turkish-American relations, nothing ever will
    change. Like a baby in an iron womb, Turkish democracy has gestated for
    decades without hope of accouchement. Turkey's governance has always
    had one goal: to maintain the state and its power. And the pattern
    continues. For the sake of the all-important State, political parties
    have been closed, papers shut down, reporters imprisoned, YouTube
    prohibited, websites darkened, letters of the alphabet proscribed,
    and thought crimes punished. While murderers of liberals and ethnic
    minorities, caught red-handed, go unpunished, people who speak the
    simplest truths are arraigned and convicted within weeks. Inquiries
    into the most blatant thuggery drag on, without resolution, for
    years. Judges render verdicts that defy common sense, then retire to
    drink tea out of tulip-shaped glasses.

    And so it goes.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress