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Wall Hasn't Been Torn Down

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  • Wall Hasn't Been Torn Down


    05:23 pm | April 09, 2009


    74% are not satisfied with Serzh Sargsyan

    On April 9 last year Serzh Sargsyan placed his hand on the Bible and
    the Constitution and swore an oath before entering the presidency.

    "May God give me the strength to not upset my supporters. May He give
    strength to all of us to overcome the difficulties, find solutions to
    our problems, as well as strength to those who are upset, desperate
    and need hope, faith and optimism," said Serzh Sargsyan.

    He thanked all his supporters and those who had voted for his
    program. He also thanked Robert Kocharyan.

    "Some people voted for other candidates and I now turn to them. You
    have the right not to vote for me, but I do not have the right to
    not be your president. We must not separate and set barriers. We must
    share our pain and concerns and must always extend a helping hand to
    each other. If there is a wall of misconceptions, I call on all of
    us to tear down that wall," said Serzh Sargsyan.

    April 9 also marked the 40th day after the death of victims of March
    1. During Serzh Sargsyan's inauguration, relatives of the victims and
    representatives of political parties were lighting candles in honor
    of the memory of the victims, as well as protesting not only for not
    declaring that day as remembrance day, but also for not postponing
    the inauguration day.

    A year ago Serzh Sargsyan swore to do everything possible to solve
    the issues facing the country and create an environment of mutual

    What changed in the past year? "A1+" took a survey of 1,218 readers
    to weigh the first year of Serzh Sargsyan's term as president. Out
    of the 1,218 readers, 74% said that they were not satisfied with
    Serzh Sargsyan. Out of the surveyed, 6.6% considered it excellent,
    5.7% said it was good and 9.4% thought it was satisfactory. Out of
    the surveyed 4.4% were undecided.

    A year ago Serzh Sargsyan also stated:

    "Unlimited freedom may lead to the conflict of public interests and
    human rights. The government has the right to intervene in implementing
    certain fundamental rights in order to prevent possible conflicts
    and synchronize rights and interests."

    Within one year, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
    passed three resolutions that demand improvement of democratic
    institutions in Armenia, first and foremost the release of citizens
    deprived of freedom in relation to the events of March 1. According
    to the Armenian National Congress statement, there are currently 55
    political prisoners in Armenia.