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President Obama's Message To Turkey: Let's Agree To Disagree About T

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  • President Obama's Message To Turkey: Let's Agree To Disagree About T

    By Michael Mensoian dent-obama%e2%80%99s-message-to-turkey-let%e2%80%9 9s-agree-to-disagree-about-the-armenian-genocide/
    April 9, 2009

    President Obama's statement at a joint news conference on April 6
    with President Abdullah Gul that "(M)y views [on the Genocide] are
    on the record and I have not changed my views" may be translated to
    mean that the United States and Turkey should agree to disagree about
    the Armenian Genocide.

    During his much-anticipated visit to Turkey by both Turks and
    Armenians, President Obama adroitly played to both sides of the
    street. For his Armenian constituents he mentioned his having views
    on the Genocide that are well known, and for his Turkish audience
    he capitulated to the need to assuage the Turkish leadership. What
    happened to his conviction that the Armenian Genocide is not only an
    historic fact, but that there was a moral imperative requiring his
    administration to recognize it?

    The Turkish leaders wisely co-opted his moral sensibilities by having
    him address the Turkish Grand National Assembly; a rare honor for
    a western dignitary. It must be granted, that it would have been
    difficult for President Obama to be forthright on such an emotional
    issue in that particular venue, but a much stronger enunciation of
    his views and a more balanced evaluation of the Turkish-Armenian
    normalization process could have been made.

    However, a cynic might wonder whether his side trip to Turkey to pay
    homage to a government that has utterly failed to honestly address
    the issue of the Armenian Genocide-an established historic fact-was
    orchestrated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President
    Obama himself, to give cover to his expected muted expression of
    support for the April 24th message to the Armenian people.

    This is not an overly critical analysis of his speech to the Turkish
    Grand National Assembly when his comments are evaluated with respect
    to the various issues relating to normalization. When he claims that
    Turkey is a critical ally and an important part of Europe, it only
    encourages the Turkish government's continued veiled threats that
    passage of any genocide resolution by the United States Congress would
    do irreparable harm to what Obama sees as a "critical" Turkey-United
    States relationship.

    In his speech in the Grand National Assembly, Obama said, "(A)t
    the end of World War I Turkey could have succumbed to the foreign
    powers that were trying to claim its territory....(b)ut Turkey chose
    a different future. You freed yourself from foreign control." Did
    "foreign control" include Armenian claims to its historic lands? How
    does he presume that this so-called success affected the legitimacy
    of the independent Armenia that was promised in the Treaty of Sevres
    and eliminated by the subsequent Treaty of Lausanne. Wasn't this the
    purpose of the Genocide unleashed by the Ottoman Turkish government:
    to clear eastern Turkey-the western provinces of historic Armenia-that
    was continued under Ataturk during the years between Sevres and
    Lausanne? Its purpose was to prevent legitimate Armenian territorial
    claims from being implemented. Are these territorial rights to be
    forgotten in the name of normalization? Evidently so.

    Perhaps the most telling of the several disturbing comments made by
    President Obama occurred when he said "(T)hat there has been a good
    deal of commentary about my views, [but] this is really about how
    the Turkish and Armenian people deal with the past. And the best way
    forward for the Turkish and Armenian people is a process that works
    through the past in a way that is honest, open and constructive." How
    anyone can believe that this comment before the Turkish National
    Grand Assembly is a step in the right direction is difficult to
    understand. Juxtapose President Gul's statement as he stood next to
    President Obama when he expressed the long-standing determination of
    the Turkish government to tie normalization to a Turkish-Armenian
    commission to study the totality of events that occurred during
    the period from 1915 through 1923. "It is not a political, but an
    historic issue. That's why we should allow historians to discuss the
    matter." Does President Obama believe exculpatory evidence exists to
    support Turkey's view that the Armenian Genocide never occurred? If
    so, how does this square with his campaign rhetoric (January 2008)
    that "(T)he Armenian genocide is not an allegation...but rather a
    widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical

    Add to this Prime Minister Erdogan's statement on the previous Friday
    in London when he maintained that "(F)or Turkey, it is impossible
    to accept a thing [the Armenian Genocide] that does not exist." How
    can Turkey's position, emphatically stated and maintained as official
    policy through decades of obfuscation and revisionism, fail to raise
    serious doubts in President Obama's mind as to the Turkish leadership's
    desire or ability to deal objectively with Armenia? If it hasn't,
    it should.

    Not having strengthened Turkey's position vis-a-vis Armenia
    sufficiently, President Obama continued: "We have already seen historic
    and courageous steps taken by Turkish and Armenian leaders. These
    contacts hold out the promise of a new day. An open border would
    return the Turkish and Armenian people to a peaceful and prosperous
    coexistence that would serve both of your nations. That is why the
    United States strongly supports the full normalization of relations
    between Turkey and Armenia."

    On what basis, one might ask, would normalization be achieved that
    would be beneficial to Armenia and its long-term interests? In an
    interview with journalists on April 6, the President is quoted as
    saying that he is not interested in the United States in any way
    tilting these negotiations." Would not recognizing the Armenian
    Genocide "tilt these negotiations" toward Armenia? If that is so, how
    does this affect Genocide recognition by his administration? Conversely
    hasn't his deference to Turkish interests tilted the negotiations
    toward Ankara?

    Praising Turkey's leadership, President Obama went on to say
    "...that...[Turkey is] ...poised to be the only country in the
    region to have normal and peaceful relations with all the South
    Caucasus nations." This comment certainly could not have pleased
    either Moscow or Tehran. He continued to say that "... to advance
    that peace, ...[Turkey] can play a constructive role in helping
    to resolve the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict, which has continued far
    too long." How is "constructive role" to be interpreted? For whose
    benefit? Azerbaijan's? How do these comments expressed before the
    Turkish National Grand Assembly affect the future of our brothers
    and sisters in Artsakh? It effectively strengthens Baku's demands
    by reinforcing the United States position that any settlement must
    maintain the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. This all but
    eliminates the likelihood of Artsakh ever achieving a free and
    independent status. Is this why their lives and homes were sacrificed?

    President Obama's performance in Turkey cannot be viewed as having
    any beneficial impact on Armenian interests; just the opposite is
    true. Unfortunately, it significantly bolstered the Turkish position
    in the ongoing process of "rapprochement." How much better it would
    have been if President Obama had been less eager to have Armenia bear
    the burden for his obsequious performance before the Turkish Grand
    National Assembly.