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Ankara-Yerevan Rapprochement Strains Turkey's Relations With Azerbai

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  • Ankara-Yerevan Rapprochement Strains Turkey's Relations With Azerbai

    By: Emrullah Uslu

    Jamestown Foundation
    April 9 2009

    Rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia has been fast tracked as
    diplomats intensified their work in the past two months on possible
    ways of addressing the issue (EDM, February 10, March 27). Ankara
    and Yerevan now appear poised to find a solution to their bilateral
    problems. However, Azerbaijan's leadership is dissatisfied by
    the prospect of any rapid improvement in Turkey's relations with
    Armenia. On April 2 Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov
    said, "If the border is opened before Armenian troops withdraw from the
    occupied territories of Azerbaijan, it will run counter to Azerbaijan's
    national interests. We have conveyed this opinion to the Turkish
    leadership" (Hurriyet Daily News, April 2). Azerbaijan's President
    Ilham Aliyev played the energy card and warned: "before finding a way
    to solve the Karabakh problem, if Turkey cuts a deal with Armenia we
    could cut off the natural gas flow to Turkey" (Referans, April 2).

    Azerbaijan and Russia's Gazprom recently signed a "memorandum of
    understanding" on long term cooperation on natural gas investment
    (Referans, April 2). This development was considered as a critical
    move from Azerbaijan, since it is one of the supplier countries in
    the troubled Nabucco pipeline project. In addition, President Aliyev
    declined an invitation from President Abdullah Gul to attend the
    United Nations Alliance of Civilizations UNAOC forum in Istanbul,
    preferring instead to send his daughter to represent the country,
    conveying his discomfort over Turkish-Armenian reconciliation (EDM,
    April 8).

    Turkish opposition parties and pressure groups have also raised
    objections against the possible re-opening of the Turkish-Armenian
    border. The leaders of the opposition Republican People's Party (CHP)
    and Nationalist Action Party (MHP) have criticized the government's
    rapprochement policies (CNNTurk, April 7). Moreover, the Federation of
    Turkish-Azerbaijani Circles (FTAC) sent letters to Turkish President
    Gul and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan expressing their concern. In
    its letter to Erdogan the FTAC asserted that "no Turk would want to
    see Turkey opening its border with Armenia unless Armenia withdraws
    its troops from Azerbaijani land" (CNNTurk, April 5). In addition,
    new internet forums have been set up to help organize protests
    against the Turkish government's policy of rapprochement with Armenia
    (Zaman, April 9). Public protests, although currently small-scale,
    have also begun in the cities of Kars, Gaziantep, Igdir and Amasya
    showing popular discomfort surrounding Turkey's reconciliation policy
    (, April 9).

    While Azerbaijan and the Turkish opposition parties have objected to
    Turkey-Armenian reconciliation before resolving the Karabakh problem,
    the U.S. has encouraged Ankara to press ahead. President Barack Obama
    during his recent visit to Turkey underlined the U.S. position:

    We have already seen historic and courageous steps taken by Turkish and
    Armenian leaders. These contacts hold out the promise of a new day. An
    open border would return the Turkish and Armenian people to a peaceful
    and prosperous coexistence that would serve both of your nations. That
    is why the United States strongly supports the full normalization of
    relations between Turkey and Armenia (Today's Zaman, April 7).

    It seems the Turkish government appreciates the difficulties in
    opening the border prior to satisfying Azerbaijan's concerns. Obama
    has recognized Baku's sensitivities on the issue and directly involved
    himself in the process of explaining Washington's position. After his
    visit to Turkey, Obama held telephone conversations with Azerbaijan's
    president Aliyev about his support for Turkish-Armenian efforts to
    normalize relations (CNN Turk, April 8).

    Nonetheless, Ankara is optimistic about improving its relations with
    Yerevan, despite these objections. Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman,
    Burak Ozugergin, stated that "the developments on the talks between
    Ankara and Yerevan are promising and we are happy about that" (CNN
    Turk, April 5). As a sign of progress, Turkey's Foreign Ministry has
    now changed the conditions for reconciliation that were previously
    posted on its website. These were: 1) Armenia should officially
    recognize the existing border between Turkey and Armenia, 2) Armenia
    rescinds its claim about Armenian "genocide" and 3) Armenia must
    end its invasion of Azerbaijan's territory. In late March however,
    the Foreign Ministry altered its website (Haberturk, April 9). The
    Turkish language section contains a statement that "ill-disposed
    policies pursued by Yerevan towards its neighbors have discouraged
    Turkey to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia." However, the
    English version adds: "Armenia continues to disregard the UN Security
    Council Resolutions Numbers 822, 853, 874, and 884, disrespecting the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by occupying over 20 percent of
    Azerbaijani territory" (, April 9).

    These factors indicate that Ankara has been pursuing a carefully
    calculated foreign policy changes. Therefore, it is expected that the
    Turkey-Armenia rapprochement will be gradual in order to ensure its
    steady progress. Reportedly the border between Armenia and Turkey
    will open incrementally. According to this plan, it will be opened
    initially as a purely symbolic gesture and will only open once each
    week. In the meantime, diplomatic relations will commence with both
    parties declaring their intention to open embassies in Ankara and
    Yerevan. In addition, the plan refers to the Karabakh problem and
    requests that Armenia withdraws its troops from the five provinces
    of Karabakh it currently occupies (Sabah, April 9).