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Armenia Govt. Comes To Aid Of Crisis-Hit Construction Sector

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  • Armenia Govt. Comes To Aid Of Crisis-Hit Construction Sector

    Thursday, April 9, 2009

    YEREVAN (RFE/RL)--In what could be a major boost to one of the largest
    sectors of Armenia's economy, the government approved on Thursday at
    least 20 billion drams ($54 million) in credit guarantees for local
    construction firms hit hard by the economic crisis.

    "The state guarantees will enable builders to attract credit resources
    from commercial banks," Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said during a
    weekly session of his cabinet. He said the approved sum is earmarked
    for the "first phase" of the financial support, suggesting that the
    government is ready to increase it later on.

    The Armenian construction industry has expanded massively in recent
    years, generating about one quarter of the country's $12 billion
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) last year. The building boom, fuelled
    by strong demand in expensive housing and office space, has been a
    major driving force behind Armenia's double-digit economic growth.

    The sector stopped growing and began contracting with the onset of the
    global economic downturn last fall. The decline is particularly visible
    in Yerevan where work at many of the dozens of construction sites
    has ground to a halt in recent months. The risk-averse Armenian banks
    are reportedly reluctant to make new loans to construction companies.

    "Today the liquidity rate of commercial banks is extremely high,"
    Sargsyan told ministers. "They have accumulated resources, and the
    only factor that restrains them from increasing the volume of lending
    is risk assessment." The credit guarantees offered by the government
    will make them finance construction projects far more readily, he said.

    According to the prime minister, construction firms needing such
    guarantees will have to apply to a special task force coordinating
    the government's anti-crisis measures and to offer real property
    as collateral. "Presumably, preference will be given to those
    incomplete construction projects whose degree of completion is at
    least 75 percent," he said. "Obviously, the purpose of that is to
    put completed apartments up for sale as soon as possible."

    Whether those apartments will quickly find buyers in the existing
    economic conditions remains to be seen. The Central Bank of Armenia
    (CBA) announced on Thursday that it will spend 5 billion drams to set
    up next month a new mortgage lending company that will make housing
    loans cheaper and more accessible for Armenians. The CBA said the
    company's authorized capital will grow sharply by the end of this
    year as a result of similar investments expected from the Armenian
    private sector and foreign investors.

    One owner of a Yerevan-based construction firm, who asked not to be
    identified, cautiously welcomed the announcement. "It will probably
    have an indirect positive impact," he told RFE/RL.

    The businessman also said that his company is continuing its operations
    despite the crisis. "We hope to be able to sell apartments," he said.

    "We don't worry about sales," said another builder, who also spoke
    on condition of anonymity. "It's just that the economic situation is
    pushing apartment prices down."

    "Targeted" assistance to struggling Armenian businesses is one of the
    elements of the government's strategy of reducing the fallout from the
    global recession. Sargsyan announced recently that the anti-crisis
    task force has already allocated 25 billion drams ($68 million) in
    financial aid to 18 firms. Most of that aid is understood to have
    taken the form of equity investment.

    The government also disbursed in February a $10 million loan to
    Armenia's largest metallurgical enterprise mostly owned by a German
    group. The Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Plant is due to use the money
    for modernizing its facilities and boosting output in the coming years.