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NKR: State Will Not Create Factitious Working Places

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  • NKR: State Will Not Create Factitious Working Places


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    April 08, 2009

    Today, the regular outgoing session of the NKR Government
    conducted by the Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has taken place in
    Hadrout. According to the agenda the Executive listened to the Hadrout
    regional administration head's account on the activity of 2008 and the
    general socio-economic state of the region. The account was delivered
    by Valeri Gevorgyan, head of the regional administration. According to
    his presentation, in the accounting year the activity of the regional
    administration was mainly aimed at the settlement of problems in the
    spheres of agriculture, construction, dwelling area accomplishment,
    demographic state improvement, resettlement and a number of those
    of social character. Both achievements and a number of troublesome
    facts referring to these and other spheres were noted.

    According to the reporter, 2008 was a felicitous year for the land
    users of the region. Here 13588 tons of gross cereal crop was reaped,
    the average crop yield per hectare formed 23.5 centners, which is
    a higher index than that of the last year and the average index
    of cereal crop yield in the Republic. In the autumn of 2009, 2000
    hectares more land were sown under crop. The undertaken arrangements
    do not contribute to the extension of vineyards and fruit gardens.

    The regional administration records with satisfaction that the
    five-year programme on Banadzor subregion's development was drafted
    last year and affirmed by the Government in 2009. The implementation
    of this programme will secure positive changes in the agricultural
    development of the subregion's communities and in the social state
    improvement. There are expectations of good progress to be registered
    in the demographic setting of this quite sparsely populated but
    economically potential zone as well.

    In the account an anxiety towards the state registration of
    the areas rented out from the reserve lands of the region was
    expressed. Here more than 600 hectares of rented lands have not been
    registered. Collection of the land rents constitutes another problem,
    on this part considerable debts have been accumulated.

    A number of communities do not fully debit their own incomes. On this
    part, the average index of the region was equalized to approximately 93
    percent of the last year. Because of not securing the community budget
    incomes, expenses equal to 25 mln AMD were not incurred in the region.

    In 2008, comprehensive construction works on state, community and
    charity means were carried out in Hadrout region. By approximate
    calculations construction works within about 1.3 mln drams were
    implemented here. New dwelling houses were commissioned, various
    units of social significance came into operation, roads, water pipes
    and energetic system stations were restored. In the accounting year
    gasification activities were carried out in the communities of Mets
    Tagher, Togh and in the town of Hadrout. In the village of Norashen
    construction of 10 dwelling houses began. The reporter simultaneously
    noted that the quality of construction works is still far from being
    satisfactory one. Construction time limits are often delayed, works
    are under weak control.

    In 2008, some population upsurge was recorded in Hadrout. At present
    more than 12300 people live here. 261 refugee and 151 resettled
    families have been accounted. Dwelling houses were built for families
    having six under age children.

    At the outgoing session Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan expressed his
    considerations towards the general state of Hadrout and the existent
    problems. He noted the fact of the everyday poor cooperation between
    the community heads and the population as a serious omission,
    this is a phenomenon typical to other regions of the Republic as
    well. The policy through which the majority of community heads try
    to solve almost all the problems of local significance by state
    means is inadmissible. The opposite practice must come into action,-
    the Government Head stated and continued that the major part of local
    problems should be regulated through their own potential, which really
    exists and needs to be activated.

    The Prime Minister spoke of another deplorable fact as well, one might
    say that the major part of villagers is inactive. "The state will
    not create factitious working places,- A.Haroutyunyan announced,-
    villagers, first of all, must engage in agriculture and the state
    will support them greatly in this".

    The Prime Minister specially touched upon the educational problems. He
    emphasized that the improvements initiated in this and other spheres
    are directed to the general development of the country and do not
    serve to the interests of separate strata.

    According to A.Haroutyunyan, an educational system securing qualitative
    education for the young generation and never becoming a burden for
    the state must be created.

    In concern with the problems of the region the Head of the
    Government underlined that the state will focus great attention on
    the reconstruction of roads and, henceforth, this will be regarded
    a strategic problem. The control over construction works will be
    intensified, so that those who will commit a breach of order will be
    punished,- the Prime Minister emphasized.

    He spoke decisively in regard to the implemented unefficient and poor
    quality agriculture. A.Haroutyunyan referred the insufficient state
    of this sphere, first of all, to the poor quality work of community
    heads. No explanatory work is carried out with the population, the
    Executives and specialists of the agricultural sphere as well display
    carelessness. In concern with this and other problems touched upon,
    the Prime Minister assigned appropriate tasks to competent bodies.

    The activists of the region participating in the outgoing session
    directed a number of questions to the Head of the Government and
    got clarifications. Particularly, the review of the community heads'
    authorizations became a subject of discussions.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress